The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 45 – Leaving New Marineford

Vice Admiral Garp walked around the base, with Captain Koby and Lieutenant Commander Helmeppo, seeing the chaos of all the Marines scrambling around. 

"All this happening because of the Panty Pirate? No wonder he covered his face with panties" Garp laughed. 

"Where is he now?" Garp asked

"He's being interrogated by Captain Tashigi" Helmeppo answered. 

"Captain Tashigi? Good. She's a good Marine" Garp said. 

"Yes. The other Marines said that she's giving this Panty Pirate as good as they've ever head. There were groaning and moaning coming from the interrogation room for half a day already" Koby said. 

Suddenly Garp stopped laughing and looked stern as he suddenly started running to the direction of the interrogation rooms. Koby and Helmeppo looked confused and started running after him. 

Garp burst into the room, ramming his body right through the wall and his suspicions were confirmed. 

Emperor was fucking Tashigi doggie style over the interrogation table. Her glasses were broken on the floor and her clothes were in tatters. 

Garp immediately punched him, his fist covered with Armament Haki. 

Emperor stopped Garp's punch with his hand, catching the fist casually. 

"Wait a while, will you? I'm about to finish for the 20th time here" he said. 

Garp was stunned, his fist still trapped in Emperor's firm grip. Koby and Helmeppo stood behind him stunned at how strong Emperor was. 

"Impossible" Koby mumbled, stunned at how easily Emperor is handling the legendary Garp. 

Emperor grunted as he spurted his seed inside Tashigi's pussy. Her eyes were rolled up and she was already unconscious, but she moaned when she felt his warm seed filling her up again. 

Emperor pulled out his erect cock as cum spilled onto the floor in puddles from Tashigi's pussy. 

Emperor casually pulled up a chair, released Garp's fist and sat down. 

"Alright Garp, how can I help you?" Emperor smiled without a care in the world. 

"YOU... you.. Tashigi.." he pointed at Tashigi's naked body, filled with cum, and his face turned completely red in embarrassment and rage. 

Although he wasn't there, he did visit Vice Admiral Gion and Rear Admiral Hina after Emperor had his way with them. They were delirious for several days and were like drunk and horny cats for at least a week. 

He snapped out of it in 2 breaths and removed his huge trenchcoat, covering Tashigi's body with it, instructing Koby and Helmeppo to bring her to the infirmary. 

He looked at Emperor cautiously, realizing just how powerful this guy was, and took a chair and sat down opposite the naked Emperor. 

"You're so powerful, you can easily escape from here. What are you doing intentionally being captured?" Garp asked

Emperor laughed and grabbed Tashigi's torn bra from the floor and wiped his dick.

"I'm travelling the Grand Line for fun, to eat, drink, fuck and fight to my heart's content" Emperor smiled. 

"But with your strength, not many can fight you. I've read reports about your one sided fights with Kaido, with Bullet.... even I'm cautious to fight you" Garp said. 

Emperor's smile slowly became a frown. 

"Indeed. That's my problem. I can never find a strong enough opponent. I keep finishing my fights with one punch. So, I over compensate with eating, drinking and fucking. Unfortunately it is what it is" Emperor answered

Garp was stunned at Emperor's admission. 

"Well anyway, since that Tashigi is the prettiest girl around, and I don't see my other favorite Marines, Gion and Hina" Emperor said

Garp kept his temper, as he has known both of them for a long time.

"Since you're here... why don't we.... have a drink?" Garp asked.

Emperor was surprised, but he agreed.


"Bwahaha" Garp laughed together with Emperor in the Marine HQ Bar, exchanging stories with Emperor

Garp was a wealth of information as he told his old war stories, fighting the many legendary pirates and all his adventures. "Hero of the Marines" was an apt description for him. 

Emperor also didn't hold back, amazing Garp with the stories of his life over the many dimensions. 

"So.. you're not from this world... no wonder. I always wondered how can such an overpowered being suddenly appear without anyone noticing your growth. So what are your intentions in this world?" Garp asked. 

"I told you before. To eat, drink, fuck and fight. I've done that every world I've been to" Emperor admitted. 

"So you were telling the truth. So hard to believe your goals are so simple" Garp said. 

"So have you met my grandson Luffy?" Garp asked. 

"No, I've only slept with Nami and Robin" Emperor answered. 

"Oh wow. You lucky dog you" Garp said, remembering the gorgeous Nami and sexy Robin. 

"So are you after the One Piece too?" Garp asked again. 

"No... not really. If I accidentally find it, so be it. But I'm not actively looking." Emperor answered. 

"So.. your bounty.. you got it from invading Mary Geoise right? Twice I believe" Garp said. 

"Oh.. I just wanted to have a look what that place was all about. Also I busted up a few World Nobles and freed their slaves" Emperor said. 

"Yes, I hate them too. I heard you busted that bastard Sakazuki too. His face was swollen for weeks" Garp laughed.  

"Yeah. He's a real imbecile. Absolute Justice... what a moronic idea. So many innocent people will suffer" Emperor said. 

"That I agree. Kanpai!" Garp said as he gulped down his drink. 

"Well, thanks for the drinks. I think I'll be leaving now" Emperor said. 

Garp nodded and signalled the other Marines who were standing outside the bar to clear the way for Emperor. 

"But... Vice Admiral Garp! He's a criminal!" a Marine said. 

"You wouldn't be able to stop him even if all of you attacked together. I'm just saving you a beating"Garp said. 

"But... but..." the Marine stammered. 

"I'll take full responsibility for this. Maybe they'll finally fire me" Garp laughed. 

Emperor walked out naked and waved backwards at Garp. 

Garp waved back and continued drinking. 

Several minutes later, all of the crew left with Emperor, walking out calmly while chatting and laughing as they boarded their ship. 

The ship departed with the Marines looking at them disappear into the distance. 

Emperor entered his room, saying "Well, that Garp was interesting" as he sat on his bed. 

Kalifa exited her hiding place, which was Robin's giant vagina and hugged him. 

"Oh, you snuck on board?" he asked

"I wouldn't want to be left behind" Kalifa said with a smile, pushing him onto the bed and mounting his erect penis. 


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