The Otaku Emperor

Chapter 47 – Viola

Emperor looked at the near distance and saw a large rock formation that seemed to be an island, but he wasn't sure.

"Look over there! There's a gap through the rock formation" Elsa said

Emperor nodded and the Panty Liner entered the gap and found that the rock formation was actually a protective barrier that protected the island within it. 

However, when they passed the rock formation, the port town that they saw and the whole island as far as the eye could see was in a serious state of disrepair. 

The residents were busy rebuilding and barely noticed when the Panty Liner stopped at the port and the crew disembarked. 

"Looks like we're in Dressrosa!" Emperor smiled as they started walking around the port town which they overheard was called Acacia. 

They looked at the Corrida Stadium in the distance and was disappointed that it was under repair and they would be unable to watch any fights. It was after all a long held tradition of holding fights there, even before Doflamingo conquered the nation, with Kyros being a undefeated warrior from over 10 years ago. 

Dressrosa was famous for their passionate woman, gambling and good food, so they decided to enter a place called "Una muchacha del baile" that was open and looked not too badly damaged and was pretty crowded. 

They found several tables to fit all of them near the stage and ordered food. 

Just then, the lights dimmed and music suddenly played. A very graceful and beautiful Flamenco dancer walked on the stage and started dancing. She was wearing a long fuchsia dress with white frills, and brings the hair in a ponytail.

Her graceful movements hypnotized the crowd and Emperor and his girls were no difference. The place which was rowdy and noisy turned completely silent, with only the flamenco guitar player playing a intimate and passionate song and the beautiful woman dancing and clapping to the music, moving and twisting her body in nearly erotic movements. 

The whole time, she was looking directly at Emperor, their eyes locked together as if she was dancing intimately only for him. 

She danced off the stage and onto the dining floor as the music ended and she ended up sitting on Emperor's lap, her face close to his and her panting lips a bare inch away from his. 

She whispered in his ear "I want you" as she got up and pulled him off to behind the stage. 

He followed her out the door without saying a thing as her long fingers and graceful hands held his tightly. 

"Is this your first time to Dressrosa?" she asked

"Yes. Where are you taking me?" Emperor asked, intrigued by this gorgeous woman

"Somewhere private" she smiled as they entered a room

She pushed him on top of the bed and stared at him with her large eyes.

Suddenly, two large whale sized teardrops appeared under her eyes and threatened to hit Emperor.

She used both fingertips and her thumbs to create goggles and started looking at Emperor

"Speak! What are you doing here? You are the Panty Pirate are you not?" she asked

"Yes I am. My name is Emperor. I am here to eat, drink, gamble and make love to lots of girls" he answered

His candor shocked Viola who could see no lies in his words or in his heart. In fact, she saw all his past exploits, fucking all those many girls. But she also saw him using Human Subordination Magic on them to make them his subordinates against their will, even though now they are seemingly willing. 

"You.... you... bastard!" she exclaimed, worried that she was next after seeing his intentions towards her.

She clobbered him with her large tear drops, but he simply smiled and pinned her down under him. 

"No! Let me go or I'll scream!" she whimpered.

Instead she felt something enter her body. It was thick, and long and it filled her up completely as she moaned uncontrollably. 

The moans continued for about an hour before they stopped. Viola rested naked on his chest in her bed.

"You really are here just to enjoy yourself and fuck around, aren't you?" she asked

"Why would I lie to you?" he asked

She realized that he didn't cast Human Subordination Magic over her and felt a little bit rejected.

"You... don't you want me?" she asked

"Of course I do Viola. But you are the Crown Princess of Dressrosa! You know that I'm from another dimension. I will leave sooner or later, so I don't want to affect this place by taking all the royals" he said.

She nodded reluctantly. She noted that he had fucked Vivi and Shirahoshi as well, and didn't take them either. But on the other hand, she recalled that he did take Nico Robin, who was a Strawhat. And she did take Elsa who was queen of her kingdom. 

Although she wasn't entirely happy with the situation, she decided to make the most of it and give him a fun tour together with the rest of his girls of Dressrosa. 

She brought them to the Corrida Colloseum, even though it was closed. The plan was to have his girls spar with each other especially his newer girls who have never showed their abilities like Monet, Baby 5 or Honey Queen. 

However, there were some people already there. Kyros was there to train with his daughter Rebecca!

Viola introduced them to the Panty Pirates and Kyros was intrigued. 

He was, after all the undefeated and most decorated warrior in the Colloseum's history. However, they have heard the crazy rumours of Emperor's strength. 

However, Emperor offered not to use his super strength nor speed, but will only use his martial skills. 

Kyros agreed and they started sparring. 

The girls cheered from the side as Emperor demonstrated his different martial arts. 

At first, he used Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist that he learned from Bang and beat Kyros pretty easily. Then he used Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist which he mastered from Bomb which similarly shocked and defeated Kyros again. Then he used Suiryu's Void Fist Style which also defeated Kyros who by now had given up. 

He bowed out, but begged Emperor to teach Rebecca some of his martial arts to increase her skills. This was a world of devil fruits, and for a girl without a devil fruit, even though she had good speed and reflexes, he could only bring her abilities so far. 

Emperor agreed and Kyros left her with Emperor happily as he started teaching her martial arts. 

Viola brought all the other girls to go shopping as Emperor trained Rebecca one on one. 



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