The Other Side: A Second Chance

Chapter 48: Igniting the Sky

I returned to my tent sometime in the middle of the night. Isa was still sound asleep. Crawling into my tent, I took a deep breath and laid down.

"You're really going to go through with this, aren't you?" The voice of the Master asked me.

I feel like I have to. I replied as I yawned. My mother and potentially the others are trapped; I can't rely solely on these soldiers to help them.

"And you really believe you have what it takes?" He asked me. "A single day's worth of training on a couple of new spells is not enough to turn someone like yourself into a battle-hardened soldier."

You trained me in like five minutes on the rejuvenation spell. I thought as I closed my eyes. Maybe I can learn how to use whatever else they give me just as fast.

"Going off of one instance of picking up on a spell doesn't mean you will master everything that is thrown your way, Luna." The voice said it sternly. "What you're doing is foolish."

Maybe I am just an idiot. An idiot who loves and wishes to help their family. What is wrong with that? I yawned softly.

"What's wrong is that you're going to get yourself killed."

And what? Put everything you worked for into jeopardy? I swear you're like an NPC looping dialogue.

"I don't know what that means, but I sense the derogatory nature." The voice mumbled. "But yes. You're putting my plans and goals at risk."

What about my goals? I sighed.

"Excuse me?"

You're fucking kidding… My goals, my wants, and my needs. I'm not some pawn, Mr. Master. I don't have to play by your rules. I rolled over and curled in on myself.

"Perhaps not, but you should. As mentioned before, the soldiers are aware of what they need to do. There is a chance they can save them without you being there."

But I want to be there.

"Why?" He said it flatly. "Why must you be there?"

Because they're my family! Haven't you had a family? A mother, a father, maybe a sibling? Or, fuck, even a wife? If you were in my position, wouldn't you want to do anything in your power to save them?

There was no response.

Hello? Are you going off to pout again?

"No." The voice replied softly. "I… miss spoke. Fine. I concede to you, Luna." He sighed. "Get some rest. The next couple of days are most likely going to be hell for you."



I awoke the next morning to Isa shaking me gently. I groaned heavily as I rolled onto my back to see her staring down at me with big eyes.

"Luna," she said, "it is time to get up. We'll be getting ready to head out soon."

I blinked the blurriness out of my eyes and looked up at her, confused for half a second, until the talk from last night with Hass resurfaced and I sighed. This was the moment I was dreading.

I shook my head and sat up as Isa leaned back and frowned. "What do you mean, no?" She huffed.

"I told you, Isa…" I say softly. "I am going to go save, Momma." I turned to look her right in the eyes. "I spoke to the Colonel last night. She paired me with a magister who'll be teaching me in a couple hours."

"Excuse me?" Isa scowled. "When did this happen?"

"Last night while you were asleep." I admitted.

Isa lunged out to grab me by the wrist, though I instinctively yanked my hand away. "What the hell are you doing?" I hissed at her.

Isa crawled over to me as I moved back towards the tent flap. "I'm not letting you throw your life away. I made a promise to your mother!"

"I don't care if you did!" I snapped at her. "I'm not going to run away and let my family die!"

Isa pounced towards me I gasped and dove back out of the tent flap. The two of us landed outside on the dirt and grass in the light of the early morning, and I went to get on my feet, yet Isa was too fast. She was already diving towards me, and just as she grabbed me, I panicked, and I thrust both hands out.

Catching on to what was about to happen, Isa lunged to grab my hands, yet it was too late. "Gust!"

A magical torrent of wind blasts forth through the small window of my index finger and thumb. Slamming Isa in her chest and gut, the serelli's eyes widened as if she had been punched, and she was lifted off the ground and tossed back at least five or so feet. She landed on her back, bounced, and flipped over herself and onto her gut.

Instant regret washed over me, and I scrambled to check on the wheezing woman as one hand gripped her stomach and the other tried to push herself off the ground. "Isa! Isa! By God, I'm so sorry; I'm so sorry I got scared!" I got down beside her as she glared at me out of the side of her eye, but after a moment, the expression softened and turned to defeat.

A look that made me wish she'd rather be angry.

Around us, other refugees came out of their tents to see what was going on as I kneeled beside Isa and reached out with my hands. She didn't stop me as I muttered the words to rejuvenation as the swirling green magic radiated from my body and into hers. Her shallow breaths soon filled out as the pain eased and she relaxed.

Yet her expression remained the same: defeated. "Why…?" She asked me softly and sniffed as she brought a hand to one eye. "Why don't you listen to me? Why must you feel like you need to go back? It is dangerous. I don't want to lose you."

"Because I want to save, Momma." I spoke. "I feel like I need to go help them. I owe it to them."

"But you don't," Isa said, her voice cracking as she allowed her emotions to pour out. "Luna, you don't need to save them. Cailynn and Slyran are—"

"They're strong, but they aren't invincible, Isa." I cut her off. "The soldiers say they saw Momma be taken, and I need to try and help her. The voice says he will help me, and the magisters here will teach me magic. Or at least as much as they can. I know it's stupid; I know it's dumb. But… I can't stand running away."

A couple of tears ran down Isa's cheek as she sat back on her knees and looked at me. "There really is no way I can convince you otherwise?"

I shook my head. "Unless Momma and the others come walking down the road right now, no." Isa stared at me blankly as the crowd around us began to disperse.

Yet amongst the group of people that began to return to their tents, Anne revealed herself as she began to come over to us, her uncle Oscar just a few paces behind her. The young red-headed elf happily skipped over to us, seemingly excited to see me, yet stopped when she saw mine and Isa's expression.

Ah shit… I sighed as I turned to face Anne. I forgot I promised to show her some magic this morning.

"Wh-what's wrong?" Anne asked. "Why does Isa look sad?

Isa sniffed and wiped her eyes as she steeled herself and sighed. "I-it's nothing." She lied. "I just had a bad memory."

I nodded, deciding to play along. "Yeah. We were just talking about stuff."

"Shouting we heard," Oscar said bluntly. "Came over with Anne."

I bit my lower lip. "A nightmare," I lied, though neither seemed convinced.

Isa took a deep breath. "Oscar, come with me." She motioned for him to follow her into the tent. "I'll tell you in here. Luna…" She glanced at me. "If you're staying, then so am I."

I blinked. Wait what? No, no. I chose to stay, not you! I wanted to say, but Anne ran up to me and took me by my left hand.

"So, you ready to show me some cool spells?" She beamed, and I turned to look at her, my eyes still wide with shock.



"I don't have long," I said to Anne as we made our way towards the military camp, though halfway through we branched off into the open field. "I have a meeting with some wizards in the camp in about an hour. So, I can show you a little bit."

Anne nodded her head excitedly. "Okay! I'm ready when you are!" She said this as she was moving over to a large boulder and sitting on it. Her big eyes watched my every move, and her expression was that of a tiny, cute smile.

I blushed faintly as I felt thrown on the spot, and I nodded. "Uh well, first spell here…" I glanced around the field; amongst the grass and shrubs, I saw plenty of rocks everywhere. "This spell I haven't used too much; it's a mote called Pebble."

"Pebble?" Anne cocked her head like a dog. "Sounds really cute!"

I smirked and said, "It does! Watch this." I parted my legs to strengthen my stance, grabbed my wand, and held both hands far out on my side. I closed my eyes and began to concentrate. This was a spell I hadn't used too often; the last time I did was when I splattered both Mother and me with mud when I tried to combine two separate spells. Taking a deep breath, I began to focus.

"Enora's whispers heed my call." I began the incantation as I held my wand out in front of me. "Stones in motion, big and small. With words of power and control unfurled, pebbles dance in the earthly swirl. Pebble!" The surge of magic bubbled in my stomach before erupting outwards as the pleasurable sensations caused me to gasp and shudder as I flicked my wand upwards. With a satisfying crack and snap, I watched as a chunk of earth, no larger than my small fist, broke from the ground covered in roots and grass and began to levitate in front of me.

Anne gasped and cheered as she clapped her hands. "So cool! Can you throw it?" She asked me.

I panted and smiled as the swirl of magical tingles continued to radiate through my body as I concentrated on the floating earthy mass. I nodded at her as my excitement became prevalent, and I looked out towards the field and flicked my wand in that direction as I imagined the dirty rock flying like a bullet in that direction!

Suddenly, the stone vibrated in place before suddenly rocketing in the direction I had gestured so fast that I gasped as I saw it strike the side of a far-off rolling hill and explode with cloudy debris!

"Holy shit!" I gasped.

It was like a mini cannonball!

Anne squealed and clapped her hands. "That was so cool! I read something like this in my books! Moonweaver once lifted a massive boulder and threw it at a castle gate!" She gestured out with wide hands as she explained.

I blushed and nodded. I hope she doesn't keep comparing me to my mother. Though I'd admit I should've been using this spell from the start, back home, the rocks were always tossed, not shot like a cannon.

"That is because you're excited. That girl, Anne, makes your emotions lose control."

I blushed deeply. Okay, no, don't go trying to play matchmaker again!

"I'm not. What I say is the truth. Magic is controlled by focus and emotions. It is why it's always best to keep your mind still and remain in control. How come you think your spells always react so powerfully whenever you cast them? Most times you're in distress, like this morning with Isa."

That was an accident. I huffed as Anne looked at me, confused.

"Indeed, it was, but you saw how the spell came out? It was because your emotions were on high." He explained.

I took a deep breath. It explains why my mother always told me meditation was important during our few practices.

"Indeed. But yes, the spell used like this could be useful. Especially with where you plan on going."

"Luna?" Anne called out to me, and I blinked and looked back at her. "Are you okay?" She asked.

I nodded. "Ye-yeah," I stuttered. "I'm okay; I just got a little lost in thought. Ready for the next one?"

Anne beamed once more and nodded her head rapidly. "Yes!"

"This one I'm going to show you is simple," I said, smiling. "I can control the wind! I've done it so much now that I don't really need to chant. As long as I say the name of the spell, it goes off!"

"Oh, what is it?" Anne asked me.

A flash came across my mind as a memory of Mother leaping off the building in Kassel gave me an idea. I smiled at Anne and said, "It's called Gust!" I jumped up in the air, pointed my wand beneath me, and shouted, "Gust!"

A surge of powerful air shot up beneath me, the wind throwing my skirt upwards as the air lifted me off the ground, about a dozen feet in the air, and I gasped.

Fuck! Instant regret: why did I do this?! I began to fall back down, though this time I closed my eyes and shouted once again right before hitting the ground. "Gust!" This time, I did my best to focus on a strong wind that would catch me rather than propel me upwards.

Just before hitting the earth, the cool gust caught me and buffeted me upwards as I began to bounce mid-air, my free hand doing its best to hold my skirt downwards as I was essentially levitating in front of Anne for a few seconds before the spell ceased and I dropped a couple of feet safely back onto my feet.

Anne's eyes were wide, and her cheeks flushed as she slowly clapped. "Y-You can fly?!"

I never really tried that till now, but I guess so. I did throw Isa and me around in the lake. My heart raced, and I smiled widely and rubbed my neck.

"I-I guess so!" I said, "I never really tried till now."

Too bad I hate heights.

Anne giggled I stood up as she came over to me. "That's so cool! Do you know any fire spells?" She asked me with a big smile.

I blinked and blushed a little as I took a deep breath and gave Anne a small nod. "I know a couple, though I'm a bit rusty on most, save for spark."

Anne's face lit up, and she practically started bouncing. "Can you show me?"

I frowned. "Uh well…" I glanced around the field of tall grass and shrubs. "Fire is dangerous; I don't want to cause an accident."

Knowing how I've been kind of overdoing it on some spells, I'd hate to cause a wildfire.

Anne pouted. "Not even a little one?" Her big green eyes turned into large, glistening saucers, and I felt my heart skip a little, and I gulped.

"I uh… okay… just a little one." I took a deep breath. I'll just aim the spell upward. It's not like I can catch the sky on fire.

Anne nodded. "That's okay! So far, you're doing amazing, Luna; I'm so jealous!" She sighed, and my blush darkened. "I wish I could do magic."

I shifted a little and said, "I-I'm sure you'd b-be great at it."

Anne gasped. "Really? Would you teach me?"

My entire face went red as a tomato, and my heart began to race. "U-Uh… maybe… I-I don't know."

Anne giggled. "It's okay. Maybe when we get to the city?"

I gulped and simply nodded. "Y-Yeah. I-I wouldn't mind hanging out."

Anne's smile widened even more. "Cool! Alright, go on. I want to see some sparks!"

Now feeling nervous and on the spot, I took my wand and aimed it upwards. Spark was probably the easiest of the spells I know aside from Gust; in fact, I was already mastering the art of casting it without chanting. Yet, for a bit of flavor and to show off, I decided to treat Anne.

"By Margon's breath, flames ignite." I began to chant as my wand's ruby tip began to glow. "From forge divine, bring forth light. Mote of fire, in darkness stark." Red runes began to form in the grass beneath me, and sparks of fire began to rise around me as Anne's eyes widened and she began to step back.

"Oh wow, oh wow!" She squealed, and my concentration faltered a bit as I looked down to see her eyes wide and glossy.

I gulped and immediately tried to focus. "A-A s-spark to guide," I stuttered.

Dammit, focus!

"in Margon's mark. Spark!" My heart fluttered as magic welled in my gut before bursting forth.

Oh, fuck, too much! Too much!

I tried to force the magic back, yet it was like a genie being let out of a lamp. I was no longer able to contain it as the usual pleasurable tingles turned into a roar of raw power that ran up my arm, funneling into my ruby wand, which glowed like a blinding, red beacon! The air above it crackled and whirled before the friction ignited into a ball of fire before rocketing upwards into the sky like a second sun. My eyes widened with horror as my body shook and trembled, as if the air had been sucked out of my lungs I dropped to my knees as I watched the fireball scream upwards, which had to be about a hundred feet before it detonated into a blinding flash of red and white light.

I shielded my eyes, and so did Anne, as we saw and felt the heat for the first few seconds before the rumbling bang hit us. I continued to shield my eyes, gasping and panting heavily as my arm slowly lowered, and I looked up to see the mist where the explosion happened slowly evaporate.

What the hell was that? That wasn't the spark spell I used for lighting campfires!

"I warned you that uncontrolled emotions, good or bad, can influence the spells. You wanted to show off to your friend, and you did. However, doing so caused you to channel far too much ether into such a spell. Essentially, changing a simple spark into a fireball."

No shit, I saw that.

Distant screams from the refugee camp came to us, and not too far off, I could hear a klaxon alarm coming from the military camp as distant soldiers mustered to their positions.

Oh fuck, I'm going to be in so much trouble.

Anne came over to me and got down beside me. "That was… awesome!" She said it with childlike glee as she looked up at the sky and back down at me.

I took a couple of deep breaths; my body felt exhausted from unintentionally going so hard on the spell. "Th-that wasn't what I intended!" I said.

"So what? That was cool!" Anne giggled and glanced back towards the refugee camp, where the cries had died down. "I think you may have scared some people, though."

I blushed deeply, though this time out of embarrassment, as I groaned.

Suddenly, the sound of fluttering cloth and a gush of wind blew over us, and I turned back to see that, landing on the ground a couple of feet away, was an older, hunched-over man wearing dark brown robes and a bowler cap. Using his gnarled wooden staff to straighten his form, I saw that his thick beard was long and white, and beneath his bushy gray brow and white bangs, his small, blue eyes flicked between the two of us.

"Are any of you Luna Ashflow?" The man asked in a low, gruff voice as the distant alarm faded.

"False alarm, stand down." A distant, booming voice of a woman shouted.

I gulped heavily as Anne pointed at me. "She is! She just cast a big spell!"

Oi, don't snitch on me!

My eyes widened with fear as I glanced at what I only assumed to be an old wizard. The man's head raised as he fixed his hat and looked down at me with his beady little eyes.

"So you're the one I'm going to have to train… So Elin wasn't exaggerating."

Who, what? I swallowed once more and nodded. "Y-Yeah… I guess. Who are you?"

The older man took a few waddling steps towards us with his staff guiding his way as he held a bony, wrinkly hand out to me. "Alexander Mihaljević, it's a pleasure to meet you, young squirt."

Anne's eyes widened, and she backed away as I looked at the man's hand and said, "Did you really just call me a squirt?" I glanced back up at him, and he cracked a smirk.

"Aye, I did. Because you're a little squirt. Now get up and do that again."

"What?" I blinked and then yelled when the staff smacked me in the leg—enough to make a little sting but nothing more. "Y'ouch!"

"You're young; I know those ears work, Squirt. I said, Get up and do what you just did again." The old geezer chuckled.

I nervously shifted back and climbed to my feet, my body still wobbling from the spell fatigue. I took a deep breath and said, "I feel so tired, though. I don't know if I can."

"Just try." The stranger named Alexander said as his beady eyes stared into me, or… through me?

On the road, I heard some voices as a group of soldiers and refugees came to see what was happening from both directions, and I could feel all eyes burrowing into me. I bit my lower lip, took a few steps back, and shakily held my wand into the air. Closing my eyes, I began to concentrate once more. I took a few deep breaths in and out, calming my mind as best I could, as the old wizard gestured for Anne to move away.

Once again, I began to chant. "By Margon's breath, flames ignite." The tip of my wand began to glow as the well within me began to surge. The fatigue I had felt began to ease as the warmth of magic began to flow within me. "From forge divine, bring forth light. Mote of fire, in darkness stark." Once again, fiery runes scorched the earth around me, and I could hear the wizard let off a satisfied hum.

"Fascinating. Your stance is a bit off, yet the energy radiating off you is immense." Hearing his words caused me to falter my speech a little, and he snipped. "Focus, Squirt. Don't listen to me. Maintain concentration."

"A spark t-to guide," I stuttered once more, and once again, the wizard tsk'd as he walked around me. I cracked one eye open to see what he was doing, though immediately he hissed and waved a hand at me.

Shit, Luna, focus; don't get nervous! Don't get nervous!

I could feel the magic within me as I neared the end of the incantation. Like before, it rose within me like a tidal wave. My body trembled as I began to sigh as the pleasurable sensation rode up my arm towards my wand.

"in Margon's mark. Spark!" I shouted at the end of the chant, and like before, the magic tore the air from my lungs as all the energy went directly into my wand, which looked like a beacon. Like before, the air crackled and screamed as it ignited into flame and shot upwards like a cannon before exploding in the sky.

I gasped and fell back onto my ass, my skirt fluffing up as I splayed back on the grass, not caring about decency just yet. Anne cheered, and the crowd on the road gasped in amazement as the wizard Alexander whistled softly to himself as he watched the explosion in the sky.

"Well…" He glanced down at me. "Fix your skirt, Squirt." He lightly smacked my side with my staff. "Not very ladylike, secondly… Elin was wrong."

"Wh-who?" I mumbled, still very confused as to what the fuck was even happening.

"The Colonel. She said you were an adept spellcaster. Though… I think you're much more than that." The old man grumbled as I sat up and adjusted my dress. "You've already passed my initiation test. Get up, come with me."

"Wh-who the hell are you?" I asked him again. "Where did you even come from?"

The old man stopped without looking at me and said, "Is that how you're going to be addressing your new master?"

"Master, what?" I blinked.

I remember Hass saying she had some magisters, but I didn't expect some old geezer.

"Master of the arts, Squirt." My eye twitched. Why does he keep calling me that?!

"The Colonel asked if I wanted a new apprentice; I don't take students often, and already you have done more than impressed me. Now come, we'll talk more about your training while we move, Squirt."

I gritted my teeth and glanced back at Anne, who was wide-eyed.

"This is like Cailynn Moonweaver's training arc!" She said it excitedly, clapping her hands.

Training arc? Fuck, when you put it like that, I guess. I just hope this guy can show me the ropes before I go to save Mother.

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