The Other Side: A Second Chance

Chapter 55: Final Training

The magical bolt of energy slammed into the shield around me, and I let off a startled cry as the force sent me reeling for five or so feet. My heels dug a thick scar of dirt and mud into the earth as I gritted my teeth and focused as best as possible.

"Excellent, you did it chantless, and it withstood my attack," Alexander said with a slight smile. He firmly planted his staff into the ground, reached into his cloak, and pulled out his pipe. "You seem much more confident compared to this morning."

I panted softly as I let the shield drop. Holy shit that took it out of me. I gulped some air as a faint headache settled in.

"The amount of ether you channeled into the shield was too much." The voice said, "You could've stopped a dragon's breath with that amount. Next time, do not focus so much on stopping anything, just the attack."

Wait really? I took one last deep breath, regained my composure, and straightened up. In a sense, that is impressive.

"Yes, but doing so repeatedly will leave you fatigued. So don't do it." The voice replied bluntly.

As if having read my mind, Alexander said as he huffed his pipe, "Though I think you're putting too much effort into it this time." He took another drag before puffing out a thick smoke ring. "Trying too hard will yield strong results but leave you weakened. In a prolonged battle, this will put you at a severe disadvantage."

I sighed and let out a frustrated groan. "How do I find a balance then?" I asked.

"Meditation is a good start," Alexander said. "Keep your mind balanced and focused. I know I've said this dozens of times now, Squirt. But it's the truth." He dumped the ashes from his pipe and stuck it back into his cloak before grabbing his staff.

Glancing at the setting sun, he said, "We have about another hour left." He hummed softly and turned his attention back to me. "How are you feeling, Squirt? Do you think you can manage another few rounds against me?"

By now, I felt the slight headache ease, and I rolled my shoulders as I straightened my posture. "Come at me, Old Timer," I smirked.

Alexander smirked. "Well then, prepare yourself!" His eyes flashed a bright white, his arms stretching out towards me. I gritted my teeth, lifted my arms, and focused on the bubble I wanted to form around me.

All this happened in a flash as a torrent of radiant energy shot toward me; my heart lurched with instinctual fear as the magic crashed against my shield. The force shoved me a few feet back, yet I could sense fractures forming within the shield this time. Spectral cracks spiderwebbed around me, and suddenly, the energy faded, and my shield still held.

"Doing better!" Alexander laughed. "But, still not perfect. Get ready!"

Taking a deep breath, I resumed the stance, and we went at it again.



Alexander and I had clashed repeatedly over and over and over again. His offensive spells, of all kinds, were thrown against my bubble, from fire to ice to radiant light. I had been able to deflect all of them.

As the sun sank beneath the horizon, Enora's moons rose high above us. I dropped to my knees, my head aching from the spell fatigue. I rested back on my calves and groaned.

Coming to my side, Alexander smiled down at me as he fished out a canteen from his cloak. "This morning, you couldn't even stand your ground. Yet here you are, absorbing much of my motes and whispers." He chuckled as he took a swig from the canteen and sighed. He then wiped it off and passed it to me.

For a second, I hesitated, but I took it and sniffed it after realizing how dry my mouth was. "It's just water, Squirt." He chuckled, and I nodded and took a drink.

The feel of the cold water washing over my tongue and down my gullet caused me to hum softly as I gulped more down. For a few seconds, I drank before taking the canteen away, with a satisfying sigh, and then I wiped my mouth.

"Thank you," I said as I returned the canteen to him.

Alexander took the canteen and said, "You're welcome, Luna." He hummed. "So what changed?" He asked, and I blinked.

I glanced up at him. "What do you mean?" The old man smiled.

"You seem more confident, or well... determined, I should say," He stroked his beard as he snapped his finger with his free hand, and a spectral chair appeared behind him and sat down.

My eyes widened upon seeing the chair, and I glanced up at him, dusting off my skirt. "Uh, why wouldn't I be determined to help my family?" I rubbed my neck.

I guess I do feel a bit different. Now that I know Isa's coming along, I want to ensure she's safe, too.

Alexander chuckled. "Well, I guess that makes sense, Squirt," He nodded and chose not to pry anymore. "I must say, though, you are magnificent."

"Excuse me?" I said as I pushed myself to my feet and blushed faintly at the compliment.

As I stood, he looked at me, his small eyes soft, and I could see a broad smile beneath his beard. "Of all my years in this waking world, I've only ever seen one other person with capabilities like your own. Someone who could just," He reached up and clutched the air with his fist. "Grasp the arcane arts by its throat and learn it."

My eyes widened a bit. "Who would that be?" I asked him.

His eyes glistened as his gaze drifted up toward the forming stars above us, and he pointed. Following his finger, I saw that far above, between the moons Radiance and Andoria, was a constellation of seven stars.

"The highest point," Alexander whispered, and I turned to face him. "The Mistress of the Stars, Luna Mayfly, seventh of the legendary heroes."

My eyes widened. That's who my mother named me after.

"B-but w-wait," I stuttered, "Wasn't she alive like two thousand years ago? Even Elves don't live that long!" Alexander began cackling, and I stammered some more. "H-How old are you?"

"Too old!" The man giggled and leaned back in his spectral chair. "Too old, Squirt." He sighed and took another swig from his canteen. "I've been around far longer than most have. Only I and a few ancients are left in this world... I think there are maybe six... eight? No. Tellondra passed two decades ago... seven? Ha, how poetic. They're seven of us left." He smiled.

My eyes were as wide as saucers as I stared at the old geezer in the ghost chair. I blinked a few times, rubbed the crust from my eyes, and looked again. And I thought Mom and Dad were ancient... this guy, he can't be for real? Even if magic exists, there's no way he's this old!

"You've spoken to me, yet an old man is too much for you?" The voice in my head said.

Unlike this guy who's a living fossil before me, I've never seen you.

"You've met me. You just don't remember. Yet even then, you took it much easier."

Shut up.

"So wait," I said softly, "You were in the Twilight War?" I asked Alexander.

The old man glanced at me and then gave a slow nod. "Yes. I and the other ancients were, well, we weren't called that at the time." He chuckled.

"So you're like two thousand years old?" I was flabbergasted.

"Two thousand one hundred and thirty-two years, and ninety days to be exact," He said with a smirk. "If I make it another two hundred years, I'll finally beat the old geezer Kharon. The bastard made it to two thousand three hundred seventy-four years. He only died because he slipped on his tower stairs after leaving the washroom. Apparently, the old man forgot his wash towel." Alexander laughed.

Fuck, what a shitty way to go after living so long.

"Wow," Is all I could say for a moment. "So, what were times like back then?" I had to ask.

"Different," Alexander scoffed. "Primitive compared to now. Unlike many other ancients, I do not long to return to such a time. Back then, things were ruled by Lords and Ladies, Kings and Queens, and some places are still. Yet back then, they had much more power, as did the Concordium."

"That's the mages guild, right?" I asked, and Alexander nodded.

"Back before guns and cannons, magic was the end-all-be-all on the battlefield," Alexander explained. "Battles fought amongst men and women were done with spears and swords; usually, whoever possessed a wizard would always come out on top. The Concordium was on top of the world; kingdoms all over flocked to appease us to help in their conquests."

"And all that changed?" I asked, and Alexander chuckled.

"Well, of course," He gestured around. "You do not see mage kings or queens running the show. When the Twilight War began, the world united against the Dark Lord. Petty squabbles over small territories or grudges became moot when the Mad God declared the start of the New World Order. Lord G--The Dark Lord," Alexander corrected himself. "He began by unleashing the necrophage across the world, and his black armies sailed across the great oceans."

"What happened next?" I asked as I sat back down, now enthralled by the story.

Alexander looked at me. "Shouldn't you know this?" He asked me. "What do they teach you kids in schools?"

"Well, I was learning this, but class got canceled when the invasion began," I mumbled.

Alexander frowned. "Ah, yes... sorry." He sighed.

"What's the necrophage?" I asked. "I think Isa, my teacher, told my brother and me about it, but I can't recall."

Alexander shuddered. "A horrid archaic virus, a curse some call it. A Vampiric Plague. The Dark Lord, also known as the God of Death, is the ruler of Vampires. Some claim he was also a vampire himself. However, they were not referred to as vampires in the southern continent. Instead, they were called Oni, here," He gestured to where we sat, "We referred to them simply as The Taken. Unlike traditional vampires, Onis do not possess mental faculties; they only care about killing, draining, and spreading more of their kind. Those bitten and drained by the Oni wake up as one of them."

So, a zombie apocalypse almost did happen. That's not scary, I thought sarcastically, remembering the last time Isa told us about the Oni.

"Okay, I remember the Oni portion," I said, "I just didn't know the curse was called the necrophage."

Alexander nodded. "Because of the necrophage, the Concordium gave aid to all nations. It was during this time I met Luna Mayfly. She was such a young girl, no older than you now." He pointed to me. "And like you, she just." He snapped his fingers. "Learned everything quickly. When I took her to get a spiritest, her well was the deepest I've ever seen. She was truly a magical prodigy as if she was a descendant of Merlin's seed--uh, pardon my language." He coughed.

I snorted and shook my head. "It's okay. So what happened to her?" I asked.

Alexander's eyes shimmered, and his smile faded as he looked at the stars again. "After the Frostland March, she and the other Seven ventured to halt the Dark Lord. In their defiance, their lives were cut short. Yet because of their sacrifice, the Dark Lord and his dream of a New World Order went with them."

I frowned as well. "Oh, I"m... sorry to hear that," I said, and Alexander dismissed me with a wave.

"I don't need such pity. Such times are long and gone." Alexander continued to stare up at the stars. "I just hope that whatever lives the Current granted Luna Mayfly; they're living them to their fullest." He sighed. "Well, Squirt," He got up from his spectral chair, snapped his fingers, and it vanished. "It's getting late. You should return to the camp and get some rest. Tomorrow and the days after... I'll be honest and say they might be tough; I just hope that whatever I and Celena taught you will help. Don't throw your life away."

I gulped nervously. "I won't. Before you go, Master Alexander--" He stopped me with held hand.

"Please, Luna, call me Alex," He said with a soft smile.

I smiled in return. "Alex," I said hesitantly. "Have you seen the Dark Lord before?"

The old wizard frowned and seemed to hesitate briefly before giving me a firm nod. "Aye, long ago, back when he was referred to by his old name. A name I will not tell you."

I nodded, remembering what Isa told me about names and power. "What was he like? What did he look like? All the books Isa showed us show this evil and shadowy man. Was he really like that?"

Alex stroked his beard and waved his other hand back and forth. "Yes and no. I had never seen him back before his corruption, but I have met others who had. From what they told me at first, the Emperor of the Southern Continent looked like any other man. A human, young and handsome, not as handsome as I was." He grinned. "But just a normal nobleman. To my knowledge, no one knows exactly what drove him to power; maybe it was the dark magics he and his empire were researching, or perhaps a friend corrupted him. Bards and other... lesser scholars say he was a man who fell in love with the dead goddess, Solis." He leaned on his staff. "When I saw him, he very much resembled what the texts have shown you. Skin as pale as snow, a cloak as black as night. Yet despite his appearance, he was always soft-spoken."

"Have you spoken to him?" I asked with a nervous gulp.

Alex shook his head. "No. But alas, we have no time for stories. Go on, get some rest. I have other matters to attend to."

"Mind if I ask what?" I asked.

Alexander smirked. "Lining Celena's tea cups with pepper powder." He chuckled.



I had returned to the military encampment, knowing it'd be best to rest with Isa when morning came. Walking alone, I couldn't help but feel a bizarre mix of fear and excitement. A sense of adrenaline rushed through my veins as the thought of potentially saving my family became increasingly a reality. Yet, at the same time, the dreaded fear of what would come to get there was also becoming a reality.

How many people are going to die tomorrow? A thought that kept creeping into my mind. How many men and women I met this morning will be face down in the mud or turned to dust?

I shivered at the prospect. "None of them," I told myself, gripping my fists. "I'll save them, all of them. No one."

"Do not fool yourself," The voice said coldly. "We've discussed this already; such dreams are only meant to be broken. You are one person, Luna. You cannot save them all. This is merely the price of war."

"Shut up!" I said out loud. "Why are you always such a downer?"

"I am thinking practically." The voice replied.

As I neared the camp and soldiers standing guard, a couple that recognized me waved in my direction, and I bit my lower lip and nodded towards them.

Thinking practically is making me scared, I thought my response.

"Lying to yourself will only shatter your morale when reality strikes. It is best to accept what will happen." The voice said bluntly.

Just shut up, please. Can you at least try to be supportive?

"I've been nothing but," The voice said, "But if my silence is what you want. You shall have it."

Thank you. I sighed.

I took a deep breath and walked to Isa's tent. I noticed a faint glow piercing through the canvas as I neared it. A lantern light.

She's still awake. I smiled as I went to the tent and called, "Isa, are you awake?" At first, I didn't receive a response. Perhaps she had fallen asleep already?

"Yes," Her voice came through quietly. "Come on in."

I nodded, stepped through the tent's flap, and saw Isa sitting on her bedroll; in front of her, a disassembled rifle was on the floor. Her handgun, knife, and another assortment of supplies, and what I thought were hand grenades at first but then realized they were stones. Stones with runic markings on them I didn't recognize.

Isa wore a white, form-fitting tank top with a low collar and underwear revealing much of her tanned skin. A sight that caused my heart to skip a beat and my cheeks to burn as there was very little left to the imagination. She's your goddamn teacher and friend. You pervert! I looked away and saw that beside her, a second bedroll was laid out for me.

"Welcome back," Isa said softly as she cleaned the pieces of her gun. "I got a bedroll for you. How was your training?" She asked me.

I stepped into the tent, doing my best not to stare as I crawled onto the bedroll. "It went terrific. I was able to master the bubble spell, or well... I wouldn't say master, but I got good enough to deflect Alex's attacks."

"Alex?" Isa glanced up at me, her hair covering part of her face as she didn't seem bothered fixing it.

"Oh, uh, Master Alexander, but when we were leaving today, he said I could call him Alex." I smiled at Isa, and she gave me a slight grin and nodded slowly.

She looked at her gun and said softly, "Sounds like you made another friend."

I nodded. "Aren't you cold?" I asked as I gestured to her choice of outfit.

Isa blinked, glanced down at herself, and chuckled. "No. I'm comfortable. I didn't feel like sleeping in just my clothes again tonight."

I thought for a second and shrugged. "Makes sense. I wish I still had my pajamas."

Isa smiled. "If you want, you can shed most of your--"

I crossed my arms into an X. "Nope. I don't want to strip in front of you."

Isa snorted and laughed. "Why not? It's not like I haven't seen you in your underwear before."

"Nope. Yucky!" I shook my head in protest. "My little body is not for your eyes!"

Isa snorted and began to giggle, which soon turned into a tiny little fit as she reached up and wiped her eyes. Seeing her laughing at my little overreaction caused me to smirk, and as Isa set her small pieces down, she turned and smiled widely at me. Her one green eye that wasn't covered by her hair shined as the feline got on all fours and crawled over to me. My little heart began to race as she leaned over and pulled me into a hug, unashamedly pulling my face to her warm bosom.

"You're such a little goof," Isa said softly, her clawed fingers running through my hair as she pressed my face into her soft chest and her embrace tightened. "Don't change, Luna, don't change ever..." Isa began to tremble.

"I-Isa?" I said softly as I felt something warm and wet dripping onto my cheek. I reached up with my small arms and wrapped them around her as I looked up to see her face broken, eyes tear-filled as she held onto me.

"You'll stay with me," She said huskily. "Tomorrow n-never leave my side... we're in this together. You hear me?"


"Do you hear me, Luna?" Isa sniffed.

I gulped and nodded. "Yes. I do."

The feline woman smiled a little and wiped her tears off my cheek. "I'm sorry you have to see me like this," She said, her cheeks red with embarrassment. "I just... I just..." She bit her lip.

"I love you too," I said softly to her. "I love you just as much as I do, Father, Mother, and Varis. You're part of my family."

Isa's eyes widened, and her blush darkened; her expression softened, and deep in her chest, I could hear her motor kick in as gentle purring emanated from her. Bending down, Isa gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and whispered, "I love you too." her purring now roaring as her tail flicked pleasantly as she hugged me.

My heart fluttered, and I gave her a big grin as I hugged her tightly. After moments, Isa would break our embrace and say, "We should both get some rest; it's late."

I nodded. "I-I'll try, and Isa, I won't let anything happen to us or anyone." Isa smiled a little and nodded.

"And the same to you, Luna, my little wizard." She tussled my hair. "Good night."

I nodded. "Good night."

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