The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 529, 530

529: Ning Bi’s Wedding

The empress became so annoyed she avoided seeing anyone from Hua Jin’s family entirely.

This led Hua Jin’s mother to seek out Hua Jin’s grandmother.

Hua Jin’s grandmother loved Hua Jin more than any of her grandchildren, even more than Princese Beiya. Once she found out about everything, she insisted Ming Xi marry Hua Jin in a month’s time. To not marry would be ungrateful.

How could the future emperor of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom show such ingratitude to those around him?

The empress was harassed by her mother. Ming Xi avoided her and her husband said he was busy. At this point, the empress was sick and tired of it and had absolutely no inclination to help Hua Jin anymore.

Though the empress loved Hua Jin and wanted to help her sister and her sister’s family, the coercive way they were going about it was incredibly annoying, especially her elder sister inviting their mother out and insisting Ming Xi marry Hua Jin.

The Moon empress indulged her elder sister and her put up with her sister’s in-laws, but there was a limit to her patience. Then there was her mother. All the woman wanted was to help Hua Jin fulfill her wish, but she failed to consider the empress’s situation.

She was the empress of the Moon kingdom, but that didn’t mean she could abuse her power and arrange for Hua Jin to be the next Moon empress.

Generations and generations of Moon emperors had chosen their own spouses. It was delusion of her sister and her sister’s in-laws to think they could use gratitude to coerce Ming Xi. Her elder sister was being dishonorable and her own mother was helping her. The whole thing depressed the Moon empress.

For Hua Jin’s sake, her husband and youngest son were behaving indifferently towards her. Even her daughter and other sons were avoiding her, afraid she would do the same to them.

What was she doing all this for? The more she thought about it, the more worthless it seemed.

That night, the Moon emperor was looking at his wife from behind as she sat at her vanity table. He went over and hugged her from behind.

“Have you figured it out?” He asked softly.

The empress honestly admitted her mistake. “I’ve done you and Ming Xi wrong.”

“It is fine. You understand why now. I will scold them for you, but you can’t be soft-hearted toward them when I do,” warned the emperor.

How could she dare be soft-hearted? Wasn’t it because she was soft-hearted toward Hua Jin that she’d been tortured for so many days? The empress nodded resolutely.

“No more please. I am going to be annoyed to death by my mother and my sister and her in-laws.”

“Okay, I will take care of it.” The Moon emperor reassured his wife.

The empress snuggled in the emperor’s arms and the two cuddled like that for awhile doing things happily married couples do.

Feng Wu played so much. Sometimes Juntian would take her to the beach to catch fish and crabs, sometime Noel would take her to street vendors to eat or to the theater to watch shows, and sometimes Madam Lan would take her out shopping for new clothes and watch operas.

With such a busy, fun life, Feng Wu inevitably ate a lot of food. But even though her food intake increased, her weight did not. Noel was suspicious where she put it all.

This day in particular, Feng Wu was taking a walk in the garden with Little Bun when she had an unexpected visitor – Shui.

“Are you here for a reason?” Feng Wu clearly remembered this person hated her. Why was she here? Feng Wu blinked as she wondered.

“I came for a reason. Do you remember Ning Bi?” Shui asked abruptly.

Who? Feng Wu shook her head honestly. She searched her memory but didn’t remember a person by that name.

“You don’t remember Ning Bi? Ning Bi defended you so much when we were kids. Here, this is Ning Bi’s wedding invitation.” Shui handed Feng Wu a letter. “She asked me to give it to you. She says she hopes her wedding will be blessed by all her relatives and friends, so she’d really like it if you went.”

If Shui hadn’t agreed to Ning Bi’s request to hand deliver the invitation, she would never have had anything to do with Feng Wu again.

Feng Wu received the invitation with a blank expression. She really had no idea who Ning Bi was and still had no clue even after several hours after Shui left. Eventually it was Madam Lan who told her. Ning Bi had been friends with the original Feng Wu but she moved away to another region. She returned to the area a few months ago.

Madam Lan knew about the invitation and approved of Feng Wu attending. In observing someone else’s wedding, Madam Lan hoped it would help Feng Wu understand so she wouldn’t be confused when it came time for her own wedding.

Hearing that going to the wedding and observing would help her with her own wedding was enough to convince Feng Wu to go. She didn’t know how the people in this world got married, so going to observe would help her learn what to do when she married Ming Xi.

Ning Bi’s fiancé was her senior at school. The two had a very good relationship and both families were happy with them getting married. The wedding was scheduled to be held in another city at the groom’s hometown, so Ning Bi’s family arranged accommodations for all the guests.

Feng Wu arrived three days before the wedding and was placed in a room adjacent to Shui. Feng Wu didn’t care but Shui wanted to change rooms as soon as she found out. Unfortunately, when she went to request another room, she was told there were no more rooms left, so she had no choice but to reluctantly stay next door to Feng Wu.

Something unexpected happened to the groom as everyone waited for the wedding. Ning Bi and her fiancé were traveling in their carriage when they were hit by a land slide. Ning Bi’s fiancé protected her but he died from direct head trauma.

The wedding became a funeral and those who came changed their dress appropriately to reflect the mourning. Ning Bi’s close friends tried their best to comfort her, but it was of little use. She cried so much at the funeral that she nearly fainted. Later that night, she slit her wrist in a suicide attempt. Her parents were so shaken they didn’t dare leave her alone. They didn't want her to stay in a city filled with reminders of her dead fiancé, so they took her away and left for the capital as soon as the funeral was over.

The Feng family were overwhelmed when Feng Wu returned and told them the story. A good wedding turned into a funeral. Ning Bi’s life was too bitter.

How could a girl bear such a blow. . . ?

Madam Lan sympathized with Ning Bi very much. She asked Feng Wu to accompany her to Ning Bi’s home in her free time and had the kitchen stew some medicinal supplements for Feng Wu to bring over.

Although Ning Bi lost her fiancé, she had many friends who cared about her.

Ning Bi had always been cute since she was little. Her baby voice and cute, doll like appearance meant her cute meter was off the charts. She had good relations with everyone.

If the original Feng Wu was a child that people couldn’t stand, then Ning Bi was the child everyone adored. They loved her and only wanted good things for her. It wasn’t just because she was cute, she also had a lively personality that naturally attracted people to her.

Everyone said it was a pity such a good girl encountered such misfortune.

There were so many people who cared for her, and from time to time, people stopped by to drop off gifts and chat to keep her company.

A whole month passed while Ning Bi lived in a daze under everyone’s care.

A month later, the season was just right for climbing high and viewing things far away. Ning Bi invited seven close friends to come and play on Qui mountain just outside the city. They were all friends since they were little.

It was Feng Wu's third on Qui mountain. She had been there twice before when her brother had brought her out to play.

The scenery on Qui mountain was absolutely beautiful.

After hiking up from the foot of the mountain and reaching the summit, the group of eight were greeted with a breathtaking sight. Looking up, they saw puffy, white clouds drifting lazily on a sweet wind in an endless, blue sky that stretched on to eternity. While below them, sprawled out in all its glamour to behold, was the imperial city.

Two of the girls took out their supplies and prepared to sketch. Feng Wu took out a lot of delicious food and spread them out on a flowered picnic blanket. Then she sat down to eat.

Watching Feng Wu prepare so many things, the girls naturally assumed it was for the group. How nice. Everyone, except for the two girls painting, gathered around and began to nibble on things.

They ate all the food Feng Wu had prepared for herself. She was being robbed!

After eating and drinking so well, everyone went back down the mountain. Instead of taking the main pathway down, Ning Bi wanted to change the mood, so she led them through a small side path. Everyone went along with it since they were there to accompany her.

It began to drizzle not long after. The drizzle soon turned into heavy downpour and they rushed to take cover inside a cave.

There were a lot of dried straw and unburned firewood inside. Who knew who lived there, but whatever the case, it was convenient to have ready firewood to use. They was cold from the rain so they quickly started a fire.

Feng Wu wasn’t cold -- or even wet. She had kept the rain away with a shield made of qi. Only a couple of the other girls thought to do the same. Most had gotten wet because they forgot they could create a shield and had reflexively searched for a place to shelter instead.

The rain showed no signs of stopping. Just sitting together was boring so Ning Bi suggested they gather around and tell scary stories.

The girls both loved and hated these kinds of stories, so of course they agreed.

530: Death God’s Wishing Stone

They huddled close and took turns telling stories. There were one or two screams and much laughter throughout. Even Ning Bi, who had been frowning for a month, had a relaxed smile on her face.

The smile put everyone at ease. At least now she was in a better mood and they wouldn’t have to worry about her trying to slit her own throat when no one was looking.

The one with a good relationship with Ning Bi had been the original Feng Wu. The current Feng Wu didn’t know Ning Bi and wasn’t close to her, so she wasn’t worried. The times Feng Wu followed Madam Lan’s request to go and visit with Ning Bi, Ning Bi had ignored her; so it was impossible for a friendship to exist between them.

From an outside perspective, the story was quite different. What they saw was Feng Wu bringing stewed herbal supplements every time she visited. Then she would sit with the dazed Ning Bi quietly in silence. They thought she was a true and honest friend. Even Ning Bi’s parents talked about what a good and patient friend Feng Wu was to Ning Bi. In reality, it was just two girls gazing off into space blankly because Feng Wu didn’t know what to say and Ning Bi was still grieving.

Feng Wu didn’t even know when she became Ning Bi’s friend.

The group of girls stayed out until evening before returning home.

Less than half an hour after they left, a beautiful girl walked into the cave.

“Great! I finally found it; this is the place where the god of death left the stone.” It was Ai Lin. She had tried desperately to remember all the various opportunities from the novel.

After some thinking, she remembered there was something hidden in Qui mountain outside the imperial city of the ancient eastern countries.

The novel mentioned a girl, Ai Lin couldn't remember her name, who wasn't so much a supporting character as a passerby cannon fodder. The girl had found a black stone inside the cave. The stone itself was called Death’s Wishing Stone.

Anyone could use the stone and make a wish to resurrect someone dead. The girl in the story had used the stone to wish her fiancé back to life. To grant her wish, the god of death wanted the souls of seven people close to her. She chose seven of her friends as sacrifices to the god of death.

Once the souls were taken, the girl’s fiancé came back to life. Unfortunately, the girl did not live a happy life with her fiancé. The seven people she sacrificed weren’t ordinary girls – all of them came from good backgrounds. After some investigation, their families became suspicious of Ning Bi.

The seven families were enraged when they discovered the truth. They executed everyone in the girl’s family and her and her fiancé were eventually hunted down as well.

Zi Cheng learned about it and had planned on finding the stone for some time. She eventually did get her hands on it, so later when the hero died saving her, she was able to use it to bring him back to life.

She used seven “friends” who had reached 90% with her. She was the heroine, so she didn’t have to worry about any family members coming to avenge them. The seven people only got a few crocodile tears when they died.

Most of the chapter was spent describing how sad and helpless Zi Cheng felt at her friends dying.

Ai Lin wanted to find Death’s Wishing Stone before Zi Cheng could use it to make a wish. The novel mentioned it was around here somewhere.

Ai Lin searched all over the cave but couldn’t find it. She even removed all the straw on the ground only to be shocked to find something that shouldn’t have been there.

“Soul Sacrifice formation!”

Feng Wu had no idea about what happened in the cave; she was already snuggled comfortably under her quilt in her bed chatting with Ming Xi about her day.

When Ming Xi heard about Ning Bi, he felt quite sorry for her. He had never been in that position before, but he could imagine how painful it would be.

Though he sympathized with Ning Bi, he didn’t want Feng Wu to tire herself out over other people’s affairs.

They didn’t talk long and went to sleep after a short while because Feng Wu was tired from the day’s excursion.

Feng Wu’s life was still just as leisurely and filled with fun two days after returning from Qui mountain.

Noel continued hooking up with beautiful women and only occasionally getting chased by their exes. At this point, Feng Wu’s family were used to Noel’s proclivities.

Feng Wu had just returned with Little Bun from playing at the beach when Juntian told her something big.

One of the girls she had gone to the mountain with had died strangely. She drowned after falling into the water, but the weird thing was how she kept laughing the entire time. It was odd.

Many people went to her funeral, including Feng Wu and her mother. She and Madam Lan left after comforting the mother of the deceased and sending the dead girl off one final time.

Feng Wu didn’t know it, but it was just the beginning. Every few days another person would die – they were all girls who had gone to Qui mountain with her. In less than half a month, five of the girls were dead. The only ones left were Shui, Feng Wu and Ning Bi.

Finally, unable to bear it any longer, Shui went to see Feng Wu.

Inside Feng Wu’s room, Shui saw Little Bun for the first time. He was a beautiful child and could make a heart melt. A pity though, no matter how cute he was, Shui just didn’t have the heart to admire him.

She immediately poured herself a glass of water as soon as she sat down and drank it dry in a few gulps. Her face was very pale.

“You’re not afraid; how can you be so calm?!” Shui said angrily.

Feng Wu tilted her head. “Afraid of what?” Was there something she was supposed to be afraid of?

“An’an and the others are all dead. Don’t you feel some way about that? Don't you think they died too strangely.” Shui took a breath. “Do you remember the ghost stories we told that day, that day in the cave? The way everyone died, they died in the same way the protagonists died in the stories. All of it is the same! We’re next!”

Shui rubbed her hands and a cold sweat broke on her forehead. She couldn’t understand how such a terrible thing could happen just because of a trip to Qui mountain.

Feng Wu hadn’t thought much about it before, but upon thinking about it now, she realized. . .  it. . .  was. . .  true. She stood up abruptly and startled Shui.

“What are you doing?” Shui crossed her arms.

“Go to look for my brother.” If she had any problems, she should ask her brother. He would help.

Shui watched as Juntian’s expression turned serious after Feng Wu approached him about the situation.

“Why didn’t you say anything earlier?” Five people were already dead. Such a big thing and she was only telling him about it now?

“I hadn’t noticed.” Feng Wu was honest. She hadn’t noticed the deaths followed along with the stories. If she had, she would have gone to her brother sooner.

“What about you? Have you told your brother?” Juntian turned and asked Shui.

She shook her head. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, but her brother had been so busy recently her paternal grandfather, who was at a retreat, wouldn’t allow her to disturb him. She had wanted to tell her father, but her father had not been at home and her mother was at her maternal grandmother’s house. She had no one to talk to about it.

She was so scared that she went to Feng Wu, another fellow girl who was also likely waiting for death.

“I see. I’ll help you contact him later. Have you been to Ning Bi’s yet?”

“I went but she wasn’t home. According to her parents, she’s been missing for the past two or three days, so they are also out looking for her. I’m worried Ning Bi may. . .  have. . . ” Shui couldn’t continue and ended up crying. She couldn’t help it; everything was too scary.

If she knew what was going on, she wouldn’t be so scared, but the not knowing was terrifying to her.

“You two, come with me.” Juntian turned around and walked out the door.

The girls followed obediently behind.

“Brother Juntian, where are we going?” Shui asked.

Juntian didn’t look back but said, “To the cave you guys told your story in.”

They reached the cave on Qui mountain after a great deal of effort.

Shui felt the cave was different as soon they found it.

“That’s strange! What is that? It wasn’t there the last time we were here.” Shui swept the dry straw out of the way to reveal a black formation underneath.

If someone hadn't recently disturbed the straw, Shui would never have discovered the black formation underneath.

Juntian inspected the formation carefully. It was a strange one he’d never seen before.

The entire formation was black and just looking at it gave you chills. Such a sinister formation couldn’t be anything good.

Five of the girls with Feng Wu died in such a short period of time. Could their deaths be related to the formation?

Juntian found a piece of paper and copied down the formation. He couldn’t figure out what it was, but he was sure someone would. They would be able to crack its secret once they deciphered its meaning. Feng Wu would be safe once they did that he was sure.

He planned to leave after drawing the circle, but Ai Lin came running in just as he got up.

She dropped something behind the last time she was there and had returned to get it.

“Xiao Wu?” Ai Lin had not expected to see Feng Wu in a place like this.

“Ai Lin!” Feng Wu was also surprised.

“You know her?” Juntian asked his sister.

“Classmate, Ai Lin.”

Another classmate. Juntian thought of Noel, who was still hanging around their house. He hoped this classmate wouldn’t be as troublesome.

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