The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 535, 536

535: Dreams Are So Amazing

Grandfather Feng and Father Feng watched as a woman ran straight to where all the lightning bolts were most dense. The rain was heavy enough that they couldn’t make out who it was, but they reflexively went to stop her.

Father Feng made the first move, reaching out to clasp her on the shoulders, thinking it would be enough to force her stop. But the moment he touched her, his hand was repelled violently and he was forced to take several steps back before finding his balance.

The sight made Grandfather Feng rush forward even quicker. He tried to stop her with qi, but the force he shot at her bounced back and hit him. Fortunately, the power he put into the shot was only meant to stop someone and not kill them, so though he had to take several steps back, he was uninjured.

Madam Qui, her son and many others arrived just in time to witness Grandfather Feng being forced back and Shui leaping up as a bolt of lightning streaked down from the sky.

Ming Xi, who had been following close behind, naturally saw what happened. When it looked like no one could do anything, he threw out a defensive item to block the lightning. It was a rare item made by an old master whose every work was a world treasure. In fact, the Moon emperor, who had purchased it for Ming Xi to use as a personal protection item, was only able to buy it because he sincerely asked for it.

Though Ming Xi’s item was a rare treasure, it could not withstand the lightning indefinitely. Hairline cracks began to form after several lightning strikes. It was clear it would not last long. At this time, Madam Qui and Bai tossed their own magic weapons forward as well. Shui was protected by their weapons after Ming Xi’s item failed, so she only suffered minimal damage, but everyone knew it wasn’t a viable tactic in the long term. They couldn’t continue to throw magic weapons and items to keep her protected forever.

Shui’s death would be inevitable if they couldn’t deal with the root of the problem.

“Mom, big brother, I don’t want to die! Help me!” Shui regained her senses after being hit by a bolt of lightning. She didn’t know how she had ended up outside Feng Wu’s room and out in the courtyard. By the time she woke up, she was like this.

Shui nearly fainted from fright. She was pampered growing up and had never seen such a fierce battle before. The only thing she could think of doing was to keep asking her family for help. No one had to tell her how dangerous her situation was. She could tell!

She was afraid she would really die, and she did not want to die!

How could her mother and brother not want to save her? It was just that they didn’t know how. The normally stoic Madam Qui wiped tears off her face. There wasn’t anything she could do but watch one lightning bolt after another strike Shui.

Meanwhile, a woman dressed in green stood on top of Qui mountain smiling sweetly as she watched lightning congregate over the Feng estate. She was in a good mood.

“Soon, only one more and we will be able to reunite at last.”

Thunder and lightning continued through the night and didn’t dissipate until dawn lit the sky. It was a strange storm that dispersed as suddenly as it appeared.

The Feng family had done their best to keep Shui safe and had used more than forty magic items to keep her alive. It was a lot of items, and they were not going to eat such a loss for free. They would settle the account with the head of Qui house as soon as he returned.

Though Shui managed to survive the hellish ordeal, it was uncertain how long she would be able to stay alive.

The previous night left everyone in the Feng estate panicked. Everything about last night was strange, especially the lightning and thunder. If the servants hadn’t been warned beforehand not to leave their rooms, they would have rushed out to see the situation.

Juntian had stayed with Feng Wu in her room and had told her not to worry about what was going on outside; she only needed to worry about getting a good night’s rest.

So that night, Feng Wu slept soundly with Little Bun hugged to her chest. The sound of lightning and thunder didn’t bother her at all because she blocked her ears with qi.

When Feng Wu woke up the next morning, it wasn’t Little Bun or Juntian that she saw, but Ming Xi – the person she’d been missing the entire time!

Feng Wu blinked her eyes then rubbed them with her hands. “Dream?” Was she still asleep?

Ming Xi pulled her hand down and asked, “Would a dream hurt?” and gently pinched her cheeks. He didn’t want to hurt her, so of course he pinched her very lightly.

“It doesn’t hurt,” Feng Wu declared. “I am dreaming!”

Having come to her conclusion, Feng Wu stared dreamily at Ming Xi. She had dreamt of Ming Xi before, but this Ming Xi felt so real.

“What a real dream.” Feng Wu said after smooshing her hands all over Ming Xi’s face.

“Do you want a kiss?” Ming Xi teased.

Kiss? Feng Wu thought about Ming Xi touching her lips before and the tingling feeling she got. Did she want a kiss?

Feng Wu was hesitant for a moment, but quickly made up her mind.

“I want a kiss.” She nodded, her eyes very serious.

Ming Xi was amused. He leaned forward and brought his face closer to hers.

Feng Wu pouted her lips and smooched him on the lips. She wanted to back away right after, but Ming Xi locked his arms around her and deepened the kiss.

And thus was Feng Wu kissed until she was dizzy and she secretly thought to herself: What an amazing dream!

536: Grandfather Feng and Father Feng Come to a Decision

“Cough...” Juntian stood at the doorway awkwardly coughing to make his presence known. His face was dark and he was not in a good mood. He was unhappy his younger sister, who he had brought up with great difficulty, was being taken away by a wolf.

Juntian gritted his teeth as he spoke. “Prince Ming Xi, Grandfather Feng invites you to meet in the front hall.”

This bastard was trying to abduct his sister. It didn’t matter the guy’s status, Juntian just couldn’t put a welcoming expression on his face.

Ming Xi had released Feng Wu when he felt someone approaching, but he was not fast enough; Juntian still witnessed their kiss.

Feng Wu’s eyes were wide. She didn’t understand what was happening. Why was her brother also in her dream?

“Brother?” Feng Wu asked with eyes full of uncertainty.

Juntian walked over and squeezed Ming Xi out so he could sit down on the edge of the bed himself.

He patted Feng Wu’s head as he said, “I’ve asked Qing’er to carry Xiao Ye to Mother. You must not have slept well last night. Sleep a little longer if you’re tired. Brother will keep watch outside your door.”

Juntian, who always appeared cold and unapproachable to outsiders, was quite gentle when talking to his sister. It would have made people outside drop their jaws in shock.

Feng Wu rubbed her eyes then touched her flat belly. “Hungry.” This was not a dream.

“Big Brother already had someone prepare your favorite dishes for breakfast. Do you want it served now?” Juntian’s eyes were full of love as he touched Feng Wu’s head.

Ming Xi: Am. . .  I being ignored?

“Hm!” Feng Wu nodded. Her eyes involuntarily drifted to Ming Xi.

This made Ming Xi grin. “Eat first, I’ll come see you again later.”

“OK.” Feng Wu nodded.

Satisfied, Ming Xi left Feng Wu’s room and went to the front hall to meet with Grandfather Feng.

After watching Ming Xi leave, Feng Wu looked to her brother eagerly waiting for food.

The cute expression melted Juntian’s heart. He decided right then and there that she needed more time to grow up. He couldn’t let her marry that Ming Xi kid too soon. She was still so young.

Everyone had been exhausted, not to mention tired and hungry, from last night’s ordeal. The kitchen prepared a huge breakfast for everyone to replenish their energy. They had gathered and ate together earlier before Feng Wu woke up. It was at breakfast that Ming Xi made clear he and Feng Wu were sweethearts.

Grandfather Feng still remembered how utterly surprised he was at Ming Xi’s revelation. Even in his wildest dreams, he never imagined his granddaughter, who had never made anything of herself and was always a little foolish in the head, would attract the interest of the future emperor of the Moon kingdom.

The Ancient Silver Moon kingdom was one of the four great empires and Ming Xi’s eyes weren’t bad, so how did such a prince fall in love with his granddaughter?

Pooie! What was he thinking? His granddaughter was naturally excellent. Her bad reputation in the past was just slander from shameless people! His family’s Xiao Wu was doing very well!

Though Grandfather Feng, through some convoluted thinking, convinced himself Feng Wu was fine, he still couldn’t believe Ming Xi had fallen in love with his granddaughter, because in the end, no matter how her bad reputation came about, it was a fact that she did have a bad reputation and it wasn’t something he could change.

The Feng family wondered if this young prince, who had always kept a clean reputation, sincerely liked Feng Wu, or if it was just a passing whim him.

If he wasn’t sincere, then it wasn’t appropriate for a prince of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom to associate with Feng Wu. With Feng Wu’s temperament, they were all afraid something would happen if she went to see the royal family there. Feng Wu’s temper had improved a lot recently but Grandfather Feng was still worried.

Father Feng was also worried. He wasn’t close to Feng Wu, but she was his daughter and he had raised her since she was a little dumpling. Naturally, he didn’t want to see her suffer.

Feng Wu already gave birth to a child and even though Feng Ye’s identity was unique, no one outside the family knew it because it needed to remain a secret for now.

So in the eyes of the public, Feng Wu wasn’t worthy of someone as outstanding as Ming Xi. She would be under so much pressure if she was with him!

Considering her personality, would she be able to bear it? She was better now, but who knew if she would revert back to her old stubborn ways. Would it really be OK to let her marry into the royal family based on her current temperament? Father Feng had his doubts.

Ming Xi had gone directly to accompany Feng Wu right after breakfast, so neither of the Feng men had a chance to clearly ask him what his intentions were.

Both Grandfather Feng and Father Feng restrained themselves for as long as they could. Finally, they couldn’t hold it anymore and had Juntian invite Ming Xi to see them in the hall.

The conversation between Grandfather Feng, Father Feng and Ming Xi in the hall lasted a long time. Ultimately both Feng men agreed to give the children their blessings. It was Feng Wu’s choice and it wasn’t good to separate a happy couple.

Grandfather Feng and Father Feng accepted gifts from Ming Xi with clear hearts. They couldn’t have been more pleased.

Grandfather Feng liked wine and Ming Xi had gifted him a moonlight cup. Now this was no ordinary cup. As long as the cup was placed under the light of the moon, it would brew fine wine.

Father Feng liked famous swords. A sword master could only really use one sword in his life so having too many was useless, but despite this, he really enjoyed collecting swords.

He collected famous swords like some people collected stamps. It was fun and something he had taken to doing since he was a child.

He collected them but he didn’t let them sit and gather dust. When he met a person he felt was suitable for a specific sword, he would gift that person the sword freely. For a sword master, there was nothing worst than a sword gathering dust or a sword in unworthy hands.

The sword Ming Xi gifted was a collection item from the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom and had been handed down for many generations. No wonder Tianhang was so pleased with it.

Although the heartfelt gifts played a role in helping them decide, it was Ming Xi letting them see the sincerity in his eyes and speech that really made the men agree. It let them know he was truly sincere about Feng Wu and their hearts were at ease.

No matter what the future held, the two young love birds had already made up their minds and were firm in their conviction. As long as Feng Wu didn’t object, there was no reason to not let them try. If the people of the Ancient Silver Moon kingdom rejected Feng Wu, they would just find another proper marriage for her.

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