The Outlands

Chapter 10: Special Treatment

Before they left the room, Tess absorbed Mama Bear’s core.

You have absorbed a Mama Bear Core!
Slots filled: 5/5
You have gained 75 EXP in Monster Breeder!
Monster Breeder has leveled up!

New core absorbed! Scanning for abilities…
New Skill detected!
Attempting to degrade and obtain Mother’s Might…
Congratulations, you have successfully obtained Sibling’s Strength!

Sibling’s Strength:
Rarity: Rare
Type: Passive
Increases the damage of your attacks by 1% each time your allies receive damage in this battle, to a maximum of 100%. This effect ends if 10 seconds pass without you or an ally taking or dealing damage.
You’re the older sibling kids call to beat up the bullies.

Displaying core information:

Mama Bear Core:
Level: 10
Estimated Power: 30
Estimated Maximum Power if Enhanced: 60
Current Skills:
Mother’s Might
Current Attributes:
Bipedal Adaption (Minor)
Fur (Fundamental)
Keen Nose (Minor)
Kemonomimi (Bear) (Fundamental)
Sharp Claws (Moderate)
Sharp Fangs (Moderate)
Quadrupedal Adaption (Fundamental)

New Attributes discovered!
Sharp Fangs (Moderate):
Greatly sharpens the creature’s teeth, giving them fangs. Further increases piercing damage dealt by the teeth. Requires teeth.

New Skill discovered!
Mother’s Might:
Rarity: Epic
Type: Passive
Increases the damage of your attacks by 5% each time your allies receive damage in this battle, to a maximum of 500%. This effect ends if 30 seconds pass without you or an ally taking or dealing damage.
Well, my mom can beat up your mom.

“Oh, nice!” Tess exclaimed, looking at her haul, “I’ll take that. Give me another couple of minutes to shuffle around the Attributes, I got some upgrades.”

Ker smiled at her exuberance, leaning back on the wall. “Take your time, kid. We’re here for you, not me.”

A short series of combinations later, she had a few new Attributes to work with. Most notably, when she created Bipedal Adaption from the Bipedal Adaption (Minor) of the bear cores she had, she was able to combine it with Quadrupedal Adaption to make another new Attribute.

Bipedal Adaption:
Allows the user to walk on two legs.

Facultative Biped (Greater):
Allows the user to switch between two and four legs with no detriment to either mode.

Keen Nose:
Strengthens the user’s sense of smell.

Sharp Claws (Greater):
Greatly hardens and sharpens the nails of the creature’s hands and feet, turning them into claws. Greatly increases slashing damage dealt with claws. Requires hands or feet.

Sharp Fangs (Greater):
Greatly sharpens the creature’s teeth, giving them fangs. Greatly increases piercing damage dealt by the teeth. Requires teeth.

She put Facultative Biped, Keen Nose, and Sharp Fangs onto Mama Bear to store them, keeping Sharp Claws on herself and transferring Mother’s Might to fill her latest empty slot. “All done.” She said, “You ready?”

Ker pushed himself back onto his feet. “Absolutely. It shouldn’t take us more than a couple of hours, so we should be done in time to greet Ellie when she gets done with school.”

And he was right. Being able to just run straight through the floors with Ker ignoring all the monsters outright and Tess being ignored by the monsters meant that it only took around ten minutes to clear the dungeon, including the Mama Bear fight.

So, nine runs and a level for both Tess and Monster Breeder later, they were back at the Reward Crystal room, Tess already placing her hand on the crystal and claiming her prize.

You have gained the Skill Status Tennis (Epic)!

Status Tennis (Epic):
Rarity: Epic
Type: Passive
When you successfully resist a status affliction, it will bounce back at your opponent with an additional 10% affliction rate. If your opponent succeeds, it is bounced back to you with the additional 10% affliction rate. If you succeed again, it is bounced back to your opponent with a 20% increased infliction rate and so on, gaining 10% increased affliction rate each time your opponent has to attempt to resist. You may choose to apply the effects of Status Tennis to afflictions you use, starting a volley if your opponent resists. You may choose to turn off Status Tennis at any time.
Someone’s going to be the dead man at the end of this volley. Probably.

Tess let out a sigh, stretching. “Well, that was…something.” She said, “Better than the slime dungeon, that’s for sure.”

“Might well be a speed record.” Ker said, smiling. “Well, maybe not quite, there are a few people who compete for the fastest times on dungeons, but it’s almost certainly one for your level. Discounting the Mama Bear fight, anyway, you’d be disqualified for having me help, even if it is just tanking.”

“Eh, whatever.” She replied, retracting her claws and exiting the room with Ker. “Not really that important to me. Let’s just turn in our request and go say hi to everyone.”

The turn in process was basically the same as picking the request up. Graham just did some typing on his keyboard, handed them some money, and then sent them on their way.

“Man, personal receptionists are nice.” Ker said, “It usually takes at least twice as long as that, and that’s not even counting the time we would have spent waiting in line. I could get used to this.”

“It is nice.” Tess agreed, “But we still have like…twenty minutes before Ellie gets home, so what do we do until then?”

“I figured we could chat with your grandpa, and maybe the rest of The Rumors if they’re hanging about. We were going to meet up here around the time Ellie was supposed to get off, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re here already.”

“Let’s go talk with Gramps, then.” Tess said, “I don’t want to walk around looking for people right now.”

So, the two made their way to Gramps’ office, where Ker knocked politely. “Guildmaster, do you have time?”

“Come on in, not doing much of import!” Gramps replied, and the two let themselves in. “Ah, Tess, done with the dungeon for now?” He asked, setting aside some papers, “Ellie said she skipped out a little early to come check on you, so she should be here any second now. Anyway, how was the dungeon? Get anything good?”

Tess collapsed into one of the couches. “Yeah, I got a Skill called Parasitizer from the Challenge, and from the regular Rewards Crystal I got the Mythical version of Return to Sender and the Epic version of Status Tennis. Also got a bunch of cool stuff from monster cores.”

Gramps typed something into the computer he was at. “Good. I’ve made a note of that, I’ll go back and update the dungeon’s info sheet later.”

“I thought you needed more than one person’s testimony to update those?” Tess asked, frowning.

“Usually, yes. It’s that or a trustworthy source, and you count as one of those. I’ve gone through the trouble of linking your status bands to mine so I can see if there’s ever a problem, and through that I can check and see what new Skills or Classes you get. All it requires is for you to tell me where stuff came from, and if I trust you, which I do, I’ll update everything. And, since I’m the Guildmaster, I’m free to update listings as needed, no need for verification. Well, beyond a couple of trusted assistants asking me why changes are made, but they’ll understand me making sure the lists are accurate to what my grandkids got.”

“Um, sure, I guess.” Tess replied, “I’ve got a bunch of cores, do you want those now or…?”

Gramps reached down, came back up with a bag, and tossed it to Tess. “Unload them all in here. I’ll count them up later and transfer the funds to your account.” As Tess began moving everything over, he continued. “So, you decided to go for unarmed, eh? Care to explain the reasoning behind that?”

“I got this.” Ker said, “I realized that she would likely be picking up quite a few natural weapons from cores, so I hypothesized that she would be able to use unarmed Skills with natural weapons. We did some further testing and found that she could specify criteria on her luck to get information she normally wouldn’t be able to get, such as the sex of a monster or whether or not unarmed Skills would work with…” He trailed off, eyes widening.

“Oh goodness, I just realized the kind of information we could get with that. You could lay bare the world’s secrets by asking yes or no questions with monster drops. That’s…”

Everyone paused suddenly. A window had appeared in front of Tess, and from everyone’s gazes it seemed they had been given windows as well.

Oh crap he’s right. Um….Well, I’m just going to put a stop to that now. If you try and game the system too hard, I’m just going to give you random drops. I’ll allow small things like the bit you pulled with checking unarmed Skills and natural weapons, but anything that would be too disruptive is out.

Sorry about that. You’re the first one with this so I’m still working out all the kinks.

…I think I’ll have to be paying much closer attention than I thought. Consider my affection level raised, you get the rights to contact me once a day.

Provided it’s either important, or completely inconsequential. Do be sure to tell me if you find anything interesting like this again, though. If it’s not potentially world-shatteringly broken like this information thing, I’ll give you a sub-blessing that emulates the effect if I end up patching it out. Call it a bonus for finding the exploit in the first place.

Come to think of it, I’ll patch this thing out in a couple of minutes and give you that sub-blessing for it. I won’t bother interrupting you with a window, it’ll just show up on your Status later, so don’t freak out.

No one else got a window this personal. They got the standard high and mighty god speak so don’t tell them I’m so personable, kay?

do chat with me about inconsequential stuff. It’s nice to just talk with people other than the same ten or twenty I’ve been talking to ever since I was born. Don’t be a stranger ;)

“That’s a disappointment, but I suppose it’s to be expected.” Gramps said, “Still, it was a good thought.” He opened his mouth to say more, but cut off, looking to the side. “Oh, looks like Ellie’s here.”

Sure enough, a door had appeared on the wall, which opened to reveal Ellie, still in her school uniform. “Hey, grandpa, where’s Te–” She stopped, seeing Tess. She flew through the doorway, slamming the door shut behind her and hurtling towards Tess. “Teeeeessssssss!” She cried, catching the other girl in a big hug. “I was worried about you! How are you doing? Can I help with anything?”

Tess wriggled around but was unable to escape Ellie’s iron grip. “I’m fine. I’ve just been dungeon diving with Ker.”

“What new Attributes did you get?! Any cool Skills?” Ellie asked excitedly.

“Um, I’m going to need you to let go if you want to see.”

“Ehehe, right.” Ellie giggled nervously, finally letting Tess free from her embrace.

“It’s mostly stuff you can’t see, but watch this.” Tess, said, extending her claws. They were up to a full three inches of length and were of a size that clearly couldn’t be hiding in Tess’s hands, so Tess was assuming that it was some sort of extradimensional shenanigans instead of her claws truly retracting and extending.

For her part, Ellie’s eyes were practically glowing. “Did you kill some animal monster?! Please tell me you can get its ears and tail!”

Tess shrugged. “I can, but I don’t see the point. It’d maybe help my hearing, but I don’t need the tail getting in the way of things.”

Ellie grabbed Tess’s shoulders, looking directly into Tess’s eyes. “It’s about the principle of the thing! You can’t not try it out, you have to do it at least once!”

Tess, taken aback by Ellie’s sudden intensity tried desperately to find something to say but couldn’t get anything but “uhs” and “ums” out.

“Fine, fine. Tell you what, we’ll have a sparring match, if I win, you have to try it out, and if I lose, I have to do any one thing you want.”

 “I-I don’t know about that, Ellie. Now that we have stats and stuff, we’re not really on a level playing field, and if I try and use Skills to close the gap…I don’t really have a…nonlethal setting.”

“The guild keeps a Gauntlet of Challenge on hand for times like this.” Ker supplied, “People using it will enter a fight that, if it’s not interrupted by an outsider, will restore the participants to the state they were in before the fight after it’s over. If anyone would die during the fight, they just get immediately restored and taken out of the fight.”

“I’ll lend it to you if you want, but not now.” Gramps said, “The rest of The Rumors are going to be waiting.”

Ellie pointed dramatically at Tess. “Just you wait, I will make you try the animal ears, even if I have to fail a thousand times in the process. My heart will never waver!”

Tess scratched the back of her neck, embarrassed. “Yikes. If it means that much to you, I’ll try it for you when we get home.”

Ellie caught Tess up in another firm hug. “Yay! You’re the best!” She squealed, pulling her friend even closer.

“Um, are you…OK? You’re a lot more…touchy feely than usual.” Tess asked, gently pushing Ellie off.

Ellie let go, leaping backwards. “Um, oh, uh, sorry. I wasn’t thinking and was just treating you how I would treat other girls.”

Tess frowned. “Are you sure? I’ve never seen you this intimate with your friends.”

Ellie paused for half a second. “Have you ever seen me try to console them?”

“Well, no, but –”

“There you go. Let’s go meet up with The Rumors, they’re waiting.” Elli replied hurriedly, grabbing Tess’s hand and pulling her up.

Ker and Gramps shared a look that Tess couldn’t quite place the meaning of, and then Ker nodded. “She’s right, let’s go figure out what’s on the itinerary. I’m sure Alice and Jin are around here somewhere, no point in wasting time. Freelancers choose their own hours, but Ellie has school in the morning, so we’ve only got so much time.”

“Only for like…half a year.” Ellie said, “Then I think I’m going to work on freelancing full time. Uh, as long as Tess is, that is. It’s no fun if she’s not going too.”

“I haven’t decided yet.” Tess said, “It’s…not so bad right now. Better than I was expecting, but I haven’t tried anything big yet, and I haven’t even thought about making a pet. We’ll see how it is after I try those.”

Ellie squeezed Tess’s hand, which she was still holding. “Whatever you decide, I’ll support you, all the way.”

Tess blushed, looking away.


Unsure if Fortune could even hear her thoughts, Tess cast them towards her anyway. Don’t call me cute, it feels…weird. Besides, don’t you have god things to be doing? Something other than being my peanut gallery?

I can hear you loud and clear. After Ker’s little epiphany I was able to get the boss to let me swap priorities. So, being your peanut gallery is the god things I’m doing right now.

Also, wasn’t necessarily calling you cute ;). Just letting you know that I’m rooting for you.

Tess was only paying half attention to her surroundings as she was led into the hallway, focusing more on her conversation with Fortune. Sorry to disappoint, but I’m pretty sure my chances with her are at an all-time low. And what do you mean “the boss”? Aren’t gods as high up as they get? Is there a head god or something?

Yeah, something like that. We like to keep the fact that we have a hierarchy secret, so mortals don’t get any weird ideas. So, uh…please don’t tell anyone I mentioned having a boss. Just imagine the chaos if that got out! Anyway, you never know about romance until you try, right? I say go for it, you two would be adorable together! Yuri is the purest form of love!

Tess sighed and gave up on the subject. She was shocked back into reality, however, as Ellie once again squeezed her hand.

“It’ll be fine.” She soothed, “If you ever have any questions about being a girl or anything then my door’s always open. Come wake me up at 4 A.M. for all I care, you’re important to me.”

Tess turned to say something but stopped when she noticed how red Ellie’s face was. “Are you sure you’re OK? You’re all red now. Do you have a fever or something?”

Ellie let go of Tess’s hand, turning so Tess couldn’t see her face. “I-I’m fine!” She stammered, “Just getting used to the temperature again. It’s throwing me going from winter in Mael to what feels like summer here. Nothing to worry about.”

“You two, stop flirting.” Ker said, “We’re almost there.”

Ellie jumped. “I-it’s just girl talk! N-nothing flirty about it!”

Ker rolled his eyes. “Alright then.” He opened a door, leading them into a small room much like the one The Rumors took their Fatebinder’s Oath in. Now that she was slightly more focused, she was able to see that the walls were lined with a sort of couch or cushioned seating not dissimilar to the ones they had in restaurants, all around a table with a bunch of gear piled on it.

“Oh, you’re early.” Jin said, standing up. “How’re things?”

“Going smoothly.” Ker confirmed. “I went through the first two Rewards Crystals and the Challenge of Cub’s Den with Tess. How are things on your end?”

“Alice and I have mostly been theorycrafting what would be good for Tess to get. Uh, I’m afraid we haven’t been putting as much work in for you, Ellie, but that’s because we can’t really pick and choose what you get. For you it’s mostly going to be just teaching you how to fight monsters and other freelancer stuff. Oh, Ker, mind giving me the details on what Tess got while you two were out? I need to know so we can re-adjust the plan.”

While the two of them talked, Alice walked awkwardly over to Tess and Ellie. “Hey. I…said some things I shouldn’t have yesterday. I was jealous and lashed out, I wasn’t considering how you would have been feeling. Sorry.”

“It’s…fine. It wasn’t the worst thing to happen yesterday, so it wasn’t really sticking in my mind.”

Alice frowned. “Just because it wasn’t the worst doesn’t mean it wasn’t bad. How can I make it up to you?”

Tess shrugged. “I dunno. Again, it wasn’t really important to me, so I haven’t thought about it at all. If you’re really set on it, maybe just take me dungeon diving on your day off or something?”

“Yeah, I can do that. Come back on Friday and I’ll take you on a trip to some more out of the way places to get some quick Rewards Crystals, just the two of us.”

“Um, can I come too?” Ellie asked.

“Sorry, but no can do. The guildmaster’s already told us in no uncertain terms to not let you come with us on school days. We’ll both be in hot water if you do. Besides, if I’m doing this to make it up to Tess, then she deserves my undivided attention.”

“Fine.” Ellie pouted, “But let the record show that I would prefer to be going. I don’t want Tess to get way stronger than me and leave me behind.”

Alice raised an eyebrow. “That’s not happening for a long time. If she wants any shot at getting stronger than you then she’s going to have to absorb a lot of really strong cores. She’ll only ever beat you out with the number of her abilities and the strength and synergy of them. Without that, she’s got no shot at beating you. Well, provided you don’t stall at the level you are now, but seeing as how you’ll be gaining a few levels I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

“My stats aren’t going to be better than yours.” Tess said. “Ever. You’ve already got like…twice my stats. I’d have to gain like ten more levels before we’re even. Every level you get is five I have to get, if it’s just raw stats we’re talking about.”

Ellie winced. “I…forgot. Sorry.”

“It’s not like you’ll never get the Rewards Crystals I’m taking her to get,” Alice added, “Just think of it as a way to keep you two relatively even while we’re training you. Even Fortune’s blessing isn’t enough to completely narrow the difference in raw firepower between you two. It doesn’t matter what she does if she can’t hurt you at all.”

That’s real cute. She doesn’t even know what I’ve got lined up for you. Trust me, by the time I’m done with you there won’t be a single person who’ll be able to stand in your way >:)

So, it’s you deciding what’s best when I leave it to my luck to get me the “best” possible outcome? Tess asked, Ker and I were wondering about that earlier, but you didn’t answer.

Ah. Whoops. Um, don’t tell anyone else, kay? Secrets of the universe and all that. The real answer is that there’s an automated system that handles most of it. I only get involved in the important stuff. And, to tell you the truth, I didn’t do most of the work. War and Heroes really like the mental challenge of optimizing people’s toolsets, so they’ve been having a field day with you. I just follow their suggestions when you let me spin the wheel.

For what it’s worth, unarmed is the way we were planning to nudge you, so you’re on the right track. If you really want the most out of it, I’d recommend you only pick two Skills for every dungeon. We’ve made room in the plan for that, but any more will throw things off. I’ll let you know if something you pick is something we already have planned, so if that happens, I recommend picking something else. They’ve put everything in order of what would be most helpful to at that stage in your progression, so really, just leave it to them unless you really want it at that time.

So, uh, go and break the news to The Rumors. Let them know it’s Heroes and War making the plan, at least for Skills. They’ve got a bunch of Attributes they would use too, but I’m not supposed to be telling you what those are yet. Not until I officially make you my Appointed.

But that’s almost a guarantee now, it’s just a matter of time. I’m having too much fun talking with you to not. Unfortunately, the boss won’t let me do it now. She needs you to get stronger first.

…Uh, no pressure to keep freelancing or anything, though. You can still back down if you want.

Not that it’ll keep me from pestering you like I am now. I’m going to keep doing that. Anyway, I’m rambling, go tell everyone now.

“Um, guys?” Tess said hesitantly, causing everyone to stop and look at her. “So…sorta bad news, I guess. Fortune just contacted me, she said she already has this whole plan for what she is going to be giving me. Apparently, Heroes and War, who I’m assuming are other gods, have mapped it all out, so you guys don’t need to. They’ve left me two picks every dungeon, but they want me to just get what I feel like with those, so I think we should probably leave it to them.”

Jin raised an eyebrow. “I’m not going to say I know better than them, so I think you’re right.”

Alice groaned. “Well, there go a few hours of planning. Whatever, let’s just get back to dungeon crawling. You were doing Cub’s Den, right? Might as well go work on finishing that off.”

And so Jin and Alice picked up the gear that was on the table, Ellie put her gear on, and the group left for Cub’s Den.

I...think I mentioned this before, but Status Tennis is directly inspired by the "tennis" in Zelda games. For those that may be confused about the flavor text, the tennis was given the official name of "dead man's volley" in Phantom Hourglass, but it remains tennis in my heart.

Ker's epiphany was one I actually had in the middle of writing the chapter, and it completely threw off the rest of how I was planning things to go.
Not that that's a bad thing. Now I get to have Fortune more involved earlier than I was planning, and I've grown somewhat attached to her for some reason. Probably because she's just fun to write.
I was also contemplating having Ellie and Tess fight in the next chapter or two, a great duel over animal ears, but decided that wouldn't happen and so we got this instead. Next chapter you'll get to see Ellie freaking out over the ears, though, don't worry.
Also it's fun writing Ellie being so bad at concealing her attraction. I'm unsure when I want Tess to be unable to hide behind the excuse of "Ellie's straight", because I'm pretty sure the way things are going Ellie's only going to get more and more flirty.
I don't know how long it's going to be before Tess surpasses Ellie, but eventually it'll happen. Probably not for a while yet, but it all depends on how things feel when I'm writing.
Also just a PSA, but I did slightly change the way Ellie's stats raise upon levelling up. Before I had a chance for her to get a 9 instead of a 10, but I removed it. I decided that instead of there being an enforced possibility of a lower roll, the only enforced possibility would be higher. And, as Ellie's already at max, it doesn't go any higher.
It's not really important for the plot, but if you're curious here's an example/more detail: It was already sort of an edge case, but if someone was to have a perfectly even stat spread on leveling (so it would, say, always come out to be 5), they would instead have one of those chances to be one higher, so it would be all fives and a six. We've only seen people with 'even' spreads so far, but a typical spread may be something like 4/5/5/6/7, and every time that person levels up, whatever stat that spread is for would go up by one of those numbers, with an equal chance of each number being chosen. So, 20% chance for +4, +6, or +7, and a 40% chance of +5.
I mention this in an author's note a bit down the line, but I realized after writing that Fortune almost immediately broke her 'one contact a day' rule. So...yeah. More Fortune, which is always a good thing in my book.
Anyway, that's all I have to talk about, next time we'll be doing a tiny bit more dungeon diving and then we'll be heading back to the house and doing what Ellie's been wanting for forever: seeing Tess as a girl with animal ears.
And, as always, thanks for reading!

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