The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 10: Birth, part three (73)

600 readers!!! woop! woop!

          Erika Ooal Gown looked around the room. The lights were currently off, and it was night. At least, that was what her new family had said while she was tucked into her new crib. It was a surreal feeling, being a baby once more. She didn’t remember being a baby in her past life, to be honest. Though, here she was conscience of her existence.

          It had been a day since she was born and she was, hopefully, done panicking. She hoped because, she didn’t know what was going to happen next. Her new father was a skeletal undead, however that worked, and her new mother seemed like she wasn’t even human.

          At least, that was what she felt like. she could feel the air and magic around the older woman, it wasn’t human. Her deepest instincts told her so. Though, she wasn’t human either, not anymore, she wasn’t.

          She looked down at her chest. There, in the middle of her own chest was a slight glow, a sickly green light emanated from herself. So, dim it was that she nearly thought it was a trick of the lack of light. But her instincts told her otherwise once more. This light was Her’s, or rather, a greater thing’s life force.

          It felt, for lack of a better term, undead. She was undead, like her new father. She could feel it, the power seep into her bones and muscles. Her mind raced faster than it should have been able too, her eyesight was better as a newborn than it was as an adult man in her past. That, in a of itself, hadn’t the faintest bearing on her sisters, or even herself.

          Yes, she was female in this life. In her last, she was male, now she was female. She sat up in bed with her absurdly strong baby muscles. She then looked down at herself and made sure to check her bits once more.

          She patted at herself with her small, yet ungodly dexterous hands. After she did so, she simply looked at her hands in the darkness of the room. Erika was still confused about how her eyesight made the room look like it was still lit with light, even with a little, dim lamp in the middle of the opposing wall being the only thing in the room.

Yep, she still had the private parts of a woman. She sighed to herself at her luck. It felt like yesterday that she was known as Erich von Rerugen, now Erika Ooal Gown. This life would probably be rather strange, when compared to her old one.

          After all, she wasn’t 100% sure that she was even on earth. She might be in a different world entirely. She wasn’t sure of that thought either. Her older brother seemed to be Germanian, but her mother seemed to be either Rus or Polish. Her father wasn’t even anything, just bones.

          Well, it wasn’t all bad. If this was what her body’s senses were like when she was just born, then how good would they be when she was an adult? Wait, if she had to age up again and go through life again, wouldn’t she need to go through puberty once more?!

          “No!” she shouted with her little baby lungs, waking up her other siblings.

          She looked on in panic at the two of them, the one that just so happened to be named Tanya, the same as that devil of a girl, looking at her with a slightly exasperated look on her face. The other sister, Wictoria, stared back with a confused glint in her eyes.

          “Wah duh ooh saw?” asked Tanya, the look on her face just begging to be compared to the devil of the Rhine’s face.

          The twin sisters looked on at the only other sister not of Aeskell, then looked at each other. Wictoria seemed exceedingly confused at all of this, while Erika had a sinking feeling in her gut. The pit in her stomach only lowered when Wictoria’s expression changed.

          Her face went from that of a fish, to that of an ecstatic schoolgirl that had just been asked out by her crush. Now, the three were all put in one, rather wide crib. This was so, they wanted to cuddle or play fight, they could. At least, that was what Erika assumed.

          The crib was about two and a half feet in width, and three in length. The walls were white, as was everything else about the thing, it was very stereotypical. It seemed to have been made by someone of lesser skill than the makers of everything else in this place.

          The reason for this explanation was to tell you dear readers, that Wictoria waddled over and hugged the poor, and somehow biggest, of the baby sisters. Tanya, in response, gushed out a lungful of air and waved her arms in defiance of her sister.

          Wictoria didn’t seem to care at all as she mumbled and bubbled in baby speak to Tanya, the reborn devil of the Rhine. Erika just placed a baby hand to her brow and sighed once more.

          “Tanya, you’re here! I missed you so much,” Wictoria gushed surprisingly well as she hugged her reborn commander.

          The other baby simply was stuffed and smothered in the arms of her right-hand woman. Erika still looked on with even more growing exasperation. Seeing as this was not going anywhere, she waddled over to the two of them, and pulled them apart.

          “Sister, please stop smothering our older sister in your hugs,” Erika said equally as well in her bubbly, baby voice.

          Wictoria looked on at her twin sister with a slight pout on her face and pointed a hand at her. Erika sighed once more at this, as did Tanya. Erika looked at her newly minted sister and shuddered at the thought of being related to her.

          “Also, Tanya, is that really you in there? Tanya Von Degurechaff?” Erika asked, adding her old name at the end.

          Tanyas nodded at this and then spoke in a more babyish voice, her frustration at that fact clearly showing as her scowl marred her pretty, baby face. Wictoria looked on at her commander with wide and happy eyes. She seemed simply ecstatic at her rebirth.

          “Yus uh am. Awso, ha ahwa you bof fspeeking nominly?” she asked with a stutter, a frustrated brow wrinkle.

          The newly minted twin sisters simply looked at each other and then at Tanya with a shrug. She rolled back and onto her own back with a grumble and a face palm. Erike then decided that she might as well introduce herself to her two other sisters.

          “Also, in case if you both didn’t guess this, I’m Erich Von Rerugen,” Erika said.

          Wictoria simply stared at her, gob smacked. While Tanya rolled back onto her legs and gave Erika a pitying smile. She was just about to speak again, but the door opened and in came her mother, Aeskell.

          When she came into the room and closed the door behind her, she frowned at the sight of all three babies up and about. She then wiped the frown off of her face and sat down on one of the chairs by the crib.

          “I thought I heard some babbling babies in this room. Are you all hungry?” she asked them, not expecting an answer.

          In all honesty, she knew that they had been talking, or at most babbling, to each other for the past couple of minutes. Though, she didn’t know that they were all fully conscience of their reality. She had just woken up like a second ago, and she was still tired somewhat.

          She then leaned down and reached into the crib to grab Erika. She pulled off her bra to expose her two mounds that honestly both Tanya and Erika couldn’t believe were real and pushed Erika to her chest.

          On instinct, the thoroughly embarrassed Erika drank from her mother and nearly fell asleep at the effort it took to digest the milk itself. Aeskell smiled at the sight of her daughter drinking the milk; and began to hum a song.

          “Er-ri-ka, bum, bum, bum. I forgot the words to this song-oh-on, bum, bum, bum, bum,” she kept humming.

          After Erika had been conked out by the input of milk into her system, Aeskell put her back, and grabbed a, now just realizing she’s tired, Wictoria. She put the girl to her other nipple and began to hum once more.

          “I got spurs, that jingle jangle jingle. Jingle jangle. As I go riding along, something, something,” she hummed another tune.

          She then put the little, asleep baby back and tucked the two under their new blankets that Demiurge had gotten them. Yes, Demiurge had gotten them the blankets with cats on them. You are allowed to be surprised now.

          She then looked down at Tanya and hummed in contemplation. Tanya looked at the older woman with a fierce look in her eyes, to which Aeskell giggled at. She then bent down once more and picked up the little, fierce newborn.

          She pushed the child up to her left breast and sighed as Tanya began to drink on reflex. She was rather happy that she drank from her, and not just Albedo. She hummed a tune again as she fed the little anathema.

          When she was down drinking, Aeskell kissed her head whispered as she tucked her in the covers. A warm feeling seeped into Tanya as she heard the words.

          “I love you all, my little ones. Till the day I die, you shall be my children,” her father’s other wife said.

          Then, the rusted silver, fell asleep.

Also, remember that I'm taking a short break from this series for a bit.

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