The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 11: Waste, and not caring, part two (75)

          Aeskell was happy. Her children were all here, be they her biological kids or spiritual ones. The plan to make a sovereign nation was finally kicking off. After the plan would start swinging into motion, then they would unveil the star fortress and bastion that Carne had become. Then, finally, she got to spend some time with all of the kids.

          What really surprised her was that her kids had managed to figure out how talking works at a couple months old each. Only Tanya had trouble with any lisp of any kind. That might be because she had the highest base stats and needed to wait for her body to catch up, or something else.

Then again, from what her skills and the atomic flame was telling her, her kids each had a level in all tiers of their racial classes. From the lowest and weakest of their racial trees, to the longest and hard fought for.

          In all honesty, she suspected that they might be some sort of reincarnations of some people from across time and space. But they were still her kids, so they still were family. It mattered little in her mind, if they were old souls, or new.

          Currently, she was sitting in her chair that had been placed in the nursery for her own. She leaned back and she held Erika up to a bottle. The babe hungrily sucking on the rubber tip. She was rather sad when her twin daughters had stopped suckling from her all together.

          Though, they had gained some form of conscious thought. They didn’t need her like that anymore. At least, that was what they seemingly thought. Wictoria still suckled from her whenever the other girls weren’t there. However, they rarely were separated from each other.

          “Ahkell, wat ib father ding?” Tanya asked her other mother.

          Aeskell looked down at the little girl. She wondered sometimes why she was the only one to ask the questions, but that was neither here nor there in the end. The other two would hear her words and understand them. It made her smile most of the time, that the largest, yet least vocally developed child talked most out of all of them.

          Aeskell let a humorous smile grace her face and her own twin children looked at her face with the same confusion as always. She wondered why they did that. Was something on her own face that made her look silly? Ah, whatever, it was fine.

          “Dada is inviting some greedy people to the tomb to see how greedy they are. After that, we will proclaim ourselves as a nation and make the world a better place,” she explained like she would to her won children, “We might end up killing everyone,” she finished her own line of thought.

          Her children knew what death was. After all, their father was the king of the undeath, the lord of the dead. They had watched the recorded fight between their father and Shalltear, who still hadn’t confessed to Ainz yet. They knew what, “killing,” someone meant.

          Aeskell hadn’t meant to show her children the recording at first. But Tanya seemed so entranced by the magic her father had used, that Aeskell wanted to show her what her father could really do. She hadn’t realized that the safest to view recording of their father was when he had fought Shalltear.

          Though, in the end they seemed more confused than anything else. They were just as confused with their own non-reactions to as Aeskell was in that moment. Whenever Wictoria and Erika became too tense, they automatically relaxed, Tanya just watched the recording in rapturous silence.

          During it, she sometimes asked for her to pause the video, then she asked questions on why her father and Aeskell did the things they did during the fight. Honestly, Aeskell was proud that her and Albedo’s children were so stoic at their age. However, it also worried her.

          Would this lack of true emotion hinder their way to interact with people? Would they be able to interact with anyone other than each other? That worried her somewhat. Some lewd part of her wanted to make sure that they didn’t have to worry about friends, she and Ainz could always make more.

          However, the other, more motherly part of her wanted to make sure they could have friends. Maybe she could have them go into the orphanage that Demiurge was thinking about? Maybe later, right now, Tanya wanted to ask her something more.

          “Can I see?” she asked with her big eyes gleaming.

          “You don’t have to beg,” Aeskell admonished, “all three of you can come, if you all want,” her children answered back with nods.

          Arche looked at the Colosseum; and gulped. This was the wrong move, to invade this place of rest and undeath.

          She didn’t know why she didn’t care as she saw them fight her new father. She felt like she should, she felt like she should convince her father and mother not to use these people for their own goals. In the end though, the idea that these people were people in her mind didn’t stick.

          It was like some ingrained detachment in her mind. Her new father had explained to them not to waste any of the prize, that was the best way to honor the dead. Though, that felt right, in her mind. Even before he said it. These people were wasting their lives through away their own lives for money.

          They weren’t wasted, though. As she watched her father block a hail of arrows from the half-elf, her mind raced. All she could think about was waste and use, the idea itself had been brought up in her own mind.

          Her father’s second wife had spoken that they would probably kill them all in front of her and her newly made sister’s, also in front of her father. He had objected, surprisingly.

Though he seemed like a caring father whenever it came to her and her sister’s, he was also ruthless to those who would wrong him. His reaction had caused a pleased smile to spread across the face of his second wife, and he seemed to buckle under her slightly sensual gaze.

          The only reason that Tanya would consider it sensual, was because of his own reaction. She then chuckled after that. As if she hadn’t caused the man that reeked of the strongest of magic to quiver under her gaze.

          That was when he explained, after getting a hold of himself, that everything uses. To the largest of insects, to the smallest of mammals. These people, that he had tricked into coming to their home, had use in information and training experience. She had agreed to his idea and ideals. Even if he wasn’t her new father, and even if she hadn’t been born into whatever magically enhanced race she was now, she would agree.

          But the feelings of why weren’t there. That was what lead to her own mind running in circles. As her own mind tuckered itself out, she closed her eyes and leaned on Aeskell’s chest. She drifted off to sleep like that, her mind to tired to hear the roar of her father’s rage.

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