The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 12: Sad Excuse for an Empire, part two (78)

          As Jircniv got out of his carriage, he looked to the sky and sighed. It was a rather unpleasant day to be doing this, but it needed to be done. Ainz Ooal Gown to completely wipe out his people and country if he didn’t come and apologize directly to him.

          Though, he wished that this, Ainz Ooal Gown, had asked him to come at a better time. The weather right now was rather dark, for lack of a better term. In fact, his weather forecasters had said it would be like this for the rest of the week. It was a shame too; he had wanted to take a tour of his nation and see what was going on in the week.

          He then looked to left as the old man walked up to him. Fluder Paradyne was the strongest magic-caster on the continent, and his mentor. If anything, bad were to happen, then he could teleport the emperor out of the area, and to safety.

          Jircniv had also brought a couple of maidens. A proverbial sacrifice to Ainz Ooal Gown so that he could keep a calm head, or something along those lines. They were mainly just for brownie points.

          He scowled once more at the clouds. They were really bugging him in truth. He looked down then, back to front and center when he heard the startled cries of some of his subordinates.

          There, he noticed two utterly stunning women. One had her hair in a bun at the back of her head, and she carried herself with the upmost professionalism. The other carried herself much the same way, except for the fact that she leaked out an air of slight tomboyish.

          The first woman had light white skin, like that of a doll, while the other had a slight chocolate skin tone. The first wore a uniform with metal plates covering some of the sections, like she was prepped for battle. The other wore a rather sensual ensemble.

          The both of them were kneeling on the ground in rather polite deference. However, when Jircniv switched his focus to the two of them, they rose to their full height. The first thing that came to his mind was that they were utterly stunning. Even more so than what he had first seen with them kneeling.

          “My name is Yuri Alpha,” the black-haired woman spoke, “and this is Lupisregina Beta. Lord Ainz has gifted us with the pleasure of the introduction of you to the tomb.”

          The second thing was that they moved with utter fluidity, like they had been born into their roles and had always been, what seemed to be maids. He decided to try and at least get into their good graces at that moment.

          “My, my, what a gracious host Lord Ainz Ooal Gown is. To send such beauties to greet us,” he said in his most charismatic voice he could muster.

          They simply brushed off his praise. He then frowned internally. That usually worked, it was strange that it didn’t. This Ainz Ooal Gown was dangerous, to have such loyalty in his subordinates. What kind of man was he?

          “This weather is rather dreary; wouldn’t you all agree? Here, let’s fix that,” spoke Yuri Alpha.

          She clapped her hands, and with a tilt of her head to the sky, the clouds parted to reveal the sun. Shock filled him, in that moment. Such a thing he had heard of in passing, yet he had never seen it himself.

          He turned to his Mentor, Fluder, for an explanation. All he got in reply was a rather ecstatic expression and a laugh of glee. The man himself turned to the young emperor and spoke in a giddy voice.

          “My emperor, would you like to run away now? I may be able to get the both of us away from this place. That is, if the ruler of it decrees such a thing,” he said with a rather insane smile forming on his lips, and a slight turn of his gaze to the twin maids.

          Yuri Alpha ignored this and Lupisregina beta seemingly did not care either. They simply smiled at the interaction as if such a response to such a reaction was normal. Lupisregina then gestured to the wooden building off to the side. Near the earthen walls of the tomb.

          “Let us get some refreshments. After all, you all must be tired from the ride over here, no?” she offered.

          Just as she said that the doors of the wooden building opened. On the other side were massive undead. Well, massive was an understatement. These beasts, for they could only be called that, were dark and full of power.

That was the only way that Jircniv could describe them. He then heard Fluder make a noise of glee once more as he then spoke. They way he said such things was starting to get on the emperor’s nerves.

          “My emperor, those are death knights!” he exclaimed.

          “You mean the monster you have chained beneath the castle?!” Jircniv asked in shock and slight anger.

          “Yes, young Jircniv. But to have so many!” he said while gesturing to them all, “are you sure that you don’t wish to at least flee?” he finally asked once more.

            He simply scowled in reply. This day had gone from bad to worse. He simply was being overwhelmed by power today. This Ainz Ooal Gown was truly powerful. To have so many undead creatures like this was impossible.

          Yet he did. he had money and power and women. Wha more could he want? The young maids would mean nothing to him like this. His plans were starting to fall apart right in front of his eyes.

          His Knight tensed and ran to protect him from the perceived threat. He knew that they might not even be able to do much of anything. But he was at least somewhat glad that some of his subordinates had their minds left.

          “May I flee? May I enact our agreement?” asked Leinas Rockbruise, one of his knights.

          Jircniv closed his eyes to think. He then spoke with as much power as he could muster. This was the last thing he could do before he somewhat collapsed from panic.

          “Yes, you may. But if you flee you will no longer be considered a guest and be slain just like the workers that came here before,” he intoned.

          She tensed at that, slightly panicking on the inside. That was good, at least she wouldn’t run off and get herself killed now. He needed her power more than anything right now. If she ran off, he wouldn’t have as many meat shields as he does now.

          “You have no need to panic. Lord Ainz has personally made each and everyone of these death knight and they are completely under his control. You have nothing to fear. Now please, enjoy some refreshments,” Yuri Alpha stated, and Jircniv’s mind blanked.

          ‘Created?’ he asked himself in his mind.

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