The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 13: Curses and second helpings, part one (NSFW) (80)

Chapter 13: Curses and second helpings

          Leinas opened her eyes, and she saw an unfamiliar ceiling. The room was slightly dark, and she was thankful for that fact. Her eyes even still took a moment to adjust to the light of the room.

          She heard shuffling from the corner of the room. There sat a woman with the head of a dog. Her mind blanked for a second. It took some time to even remember where she was supposed to be.

          Then she remembered. The utter dread she felt in those moments in front of death itself. Even now her mind and body flinched at the thought of such a being. She then wondered why she had reacted in such a way.

          She was used to life-or-death struggles. She was used to pain and fear. However, this scared her. Ainz Ooal Gown scared her to her core. She felt yet another shiver goes down her spine. Why was that? In all honesty, it wasn’t his looks that were scary, or even the way he carried himself.

          No, it was the combined factors that made her scared, that made her faint. Her mind was starting to shut down from the fear response and chemicals her brain was sending all around her body. she took a deep breath, and that’s when the dog headed woman walked up to her bed.

          “Hello Lady Leinas Rockbruise. I am Pestonya Wanko Shortcake. I was the one to heal you after you fainted from shock in front of Lord Ainz,” she could see the dog headed woman frown, “It is understandable that a mere human would faint before Lord Ainz. However, you are a knight. A rather powerful personage in the Empire. Woof”

          The dog headed woman took a slight breath for speech and to help calm herself. She then spoke once more in a much more controlled tone of voice. This seemed to suit her a lot more than before.

          “Could it be related to that pesky curse of yours that we removed while you were asleep?” she asked, “Or do you believe it could be anything else? Maybe you weren’t in the right headspace, low blood pressure or blood sugar, er woof?” she asked quickly, yet in a calm and measured tone of voice.

          Leinas didn’t know what the lasty two questions detailed, she was a warrior first and foremost. Though, her mind came to a grinding halt as soon as she heard that the curse was removed.

          Her eyes opened wide. Her mouth gaped open in shock. She was utterly flabbergasted. Her hands began to shake. She didn’t want to believe it for a second. Then her hands reached her once gorgeous face.

          Her fingers brushed across her right side. They touched smooth skin. her mind once more started to shut down. A lot was happening all at once. Her mind simply would not let any of this in.

First, one of her peers among the four imperial knights was slain. Second, she had met those death knights, powerful undead she could never match. Third, she met the soon to be undead king, Ainz Ooal Gown.

          Finally, her curse was gone. She felt her face some more. Smooth skin. as smooth as that day where she lost it. Tears began to pour down her face. She looked to the dog headed woman. Pestonya simply tilted her head to the side in slight confusion as the woman in front of her hugged her close without warning.

          As Ainz lay in his bed and looked up, he heard a click from his door. A set of footsteps was heard as he looked towards the doors. There she was, Aeskell in the guise of Peregrinus Mythrilblood. In all honesty, she had asked him if he wanted to try anything tonight, and he had responded that he wanted to try this out.

          The people of Re-Estize had taken to calling her Rin. Why, it was a shorter name. So, while she looked like this, she liked to be called that instead of the mouthful of a name.

          “Aeskell, may I ask where Albedo is?” he asked.

          Aeskell nodded her head and began to explain. It was simple really. The children needed some motherly love, so Albedo took the duty instead of the usual Aeskell in this case.

          After they had escorted the cured knight out of the tomb, the children needed some motherly love, and with Aeskell wanting to have a night with Ainz, that left Albedo to tend to the three kids.

          “Anyway, what do you want to do tonight Ainz?” Aeskell in the guise as the mob boss asked.

          She kneeled down at the edge of the bed and pulled off Ainz’s belt that held up his pants. The guild master and her husband had already put on the polymorph ring in preparation for this dance in the sheets tonight.

          The bulge that was seen made Aeskell smile a lewd smile as she then pulled his underpants away. The large shaft that greeted the woman perked up as soon as it hit the air.

          It nearly hit her nose as it rose, and she tilted her head to look at Ainz as she let a smirk take the place of her strange smile.

          “My, My, my love. You sure were pent up. Do you want some gentleness, or ruthlessness?” she asked, yet before he could answer she enveloped the tip in the side of her mouth.

          Her eyes closed and she moaned out as she began to bob her head up and down, up and down. Ainz closed his eyes and groaned out as well as he felt the pleasure rise up his now flesh cover spine.

          He let his hand rise up and comb through the sliver haired woman’s hair as she pleased him. He felt her tongue dance around the tip of his member, the pleasure slowly and surly buildering in his crotch.

          “Oh god, you’re good at this,” he moaned out as she smiled and pulled her mouth off of him, “Like really good at this.”

          She licked her lips as she unbuttoned her own shirt and shoved it in her inventory. Ainz looked at her from his position lying down on the bed. He tried to get up and take her that way, as his mind and body really wanted to do so. Yet she stopped him as she got on the bed and pushed him down.

          “Ainz, I want to be on top right now. You can pound me all you like after I’ve had my fill of being to dominant one for now,” she said with a buttery smooth voice that made his mind go numb.

          He lay back down on his back as she climbed on top of him and pulled off everything she had on. Her bra, her panties, everything came off. He could tell she wanted him right then and there, like he did her.

          She then lowered herself onto him, ass hole first instead of pussy, to avoid children, or so he assumed.

          “Oh god, fucking hell yes…” she moaned out in deep seated glee and pleasure as she began to bounce on his lap.

          Slap, slap, slap, went their meaty bodies as the night wore on. The moans and gasps were muted by a sound spell the Ainz had set up beforehand. Though, one could still feel the vibrations through the walls and floor if they tried.

          “Shit, you’re so tight,” Ainz muttered out as he nearly came, but held back.

          Aeskell smiled at that began to speak, but stopped as the first climax of the night hit her. she stopped bouncing on his seven-inch cock and simply stayed there, panting like an animal in heat.

          “Yes, that felt so nice, so good,” she said as she puled herself off of him and then switched her hole to that of the baby making variety, “I really want another child.”

Ainz panicked.

“But I just made one,” she spoke again, and Ainz calmed.

          Sliding to his side belly up, she put her knees in the air and Ainz obliged, positioning himself so he may take her when she was like this. He lined up his member with her vagina, and put it in.

          She sucked in a breath as the pleasure assaulted her lewd thoughts filled mind once more. Their meaty bodies once again began to slap against each other.

          “Hm, yes keeping going,” Aeskell moaned out, “Am I a good girl?” she asked with a higher pitched and hornier voice, “do I feel good?”

          “You feel amazing,” Ainz told her as he leaned down and kissed her lips in a deeply loving and gentle way.

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