The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 2: Tommy Guns Are Fun! part two (46)

sorry for the weird bit at the end, my brain kind of melted. 

          “How was your date with Ainz?” Aeskell asked the lovestruck succubus that had used to be a virgin only the day prior.

          Now, one might ask themselves something. Or rather, they might ask the author something. Did Albedo and Ainz have sex and we didn’t see it? Yes, yes they did. No, the author won’t be writing the smut scene because he doesn’t feel like it. Maybe we might get a threesome that will introduce a small little gremlin into this world, who knows.

          “It was perfect…” moaned said succubus.

          It was rather obvious that Albedo had managed to seduce Ainz and join him in bed. After all, Ainz wasn’t talking to her. When he did talk, he seemed awfully flustered. He was probably thinking back to last night. Maybe he felt a little bad about sleeping with Tabula’s daughter.

          But Albedo needed this. She herself felt rather loved all things considered, but she needed her love to be confirmed. This was one way to do so. Ainz having no need to stop during sex was another good thing from last night. After all, for Albedo, he just kept going. She was obliviously very happy that they spent the long night together.

          “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Oh, and by the way, Ninya’s sister is going to be trained in being a cook or a chef of some kind by the head chef. Her name is Tuare by the way. I’m also pulling Sebas and the rest of the group out of the Kingdom. We don’t need them anymore as Demiurge has found an informant of some kind,” Aeskell spoke to the now mostly sobered up Succudus.

          Albedo nodded on the other side of the call and then asked something of the supreme being. It was a rather easy to answer question, but one that Aeskell hadn’t thought of.

          “My lady, what happens when people come looking for her?” she asked.

          Aeskell took a minute to answer this question. It was honestly something she didn’t think whoever, quote unquote owned her, would pay attention to. Sure, she had a high level cap for this world. But the normal people of this world couldn’t see that. At least to her knowledge.

          No, she didn’t think it would be a big deal. After all, she was one girl they had abused till the near point of death. They obviously didn’t care about her enough to actually think about her at all.

          Tuare had been broken, beaten, and abused till she was nothing but a puppet with her strings cut. That was until Sebas had found and rescued her. But, Aeskell really only cared about her due to her being Ninya’s sister, and obviously being someone that had a crush on Sebas.

          Maybe the two could get together. That was a line of thought that she liked for some odd reason. She even felt a small, yet familiar smile creep up on her face.

          “I don’t think anyone will come and try to find her. Even if they had the thought to look for her, they didn’t seem to take care of her at all. So, they probably don’t care about her,” she explained her thought process.

          Albedo nodded on the other side of the call. That thought process made at least some sense. Actually, why did eight fingers care about Tuare in Canon? Like, what value does the girl even have other than being a good cook? Never mind, that was a thought process for later.

          After some more talking about last night and what happened after Albedo finished the date, she had with Ainz; they closed the call and Aeskell was left to her own devices. She herself wanted to ask Ainz out after realizing how she felt for him. He was a rather good man that simply needed a person to confide in. she wanted to be that person.

          Maybe he would let her into that harem that Ainz seemed to be accidently cultivating? That was a thought for the ages. In all seriousness though, her life had been completely altered and she was kind of fine with it now.

          She also seemed to still like women, so that was nice. She knew how to pleasure a woman, at least, she thought she did. She did of course test herself out once. It was nothing major, but she did feel good after that alone time with herself.

          She was currently laying on the floor of the office of manor that they had bought for the sole purpose of looking like they belonged. But to her, it was simply too big. She then decided to sit up and take a walk around the city.

          She had told everyone that she was going to do it yesterday when she had simply thought about it briefly. But right now, she was actually certain that she wanted to take a walk. She got up from the floor and walked over to the door.

          The maid that was accompanying her today, opened the door for her before she got there, and she walked out to door to the hallway. Then, as if fate was real, the doorbell rang.

          There she sat, in the meeting room on the ground floor right by the door she wanted to escape out of. She really didn’t think that anyone would actually look for her. but here they were, being stupid and asking for stupid things.

          In retrospect, of course someone would try and find a missing person. After all, this was the capital of the kingdom. But, her opinion of the kingdom was that it was less than stable. The politics themselves could be solved if the king actually had any agency, but no.

          The three heirs didn’t even have any agency of their own. The only one worth looking at was Zanac. He after all, did more than simply play blackjacks and hookers. Sure, he was a bit chubby and unhealthy, but he seemed like a decent ruler in the making.

          The princess also was worthy of looking at. It was obvious she wasn’t who she played herself out to be. Aeskell had sped on her once with the mirror, and the face the princess displayed was fake, one hundred percent fake.

          Also, after actually reading some of the reports that demiurge had given, their entire black market was run by a single crime syndicate that undoubtedly could be destroyed from the inside or the outside effortlessly. But no one did so.

          So, when someone with the gall to step into her domain and demand things from her, she would be a little angry that these idiots were even here. The men in front of her were similar and different from each other at the same time.

          The one on the left was named succulent for some odd reason. He wasn’t some fruit, he was a person. But then, why was he named after some fruit? Nobody knows the answer to that. The other one was a rather fat a lustful man. Aeskell had instantly forgotten the name of said man. He was fat, and was staring at her breasts, that was all she needed to know.

          “I am Lady Walker, master of this house, do you need anything?” she asked the two men.

          Succulent looked over to his compatriot, then back to Aeskell and began to speak. What the rest of their talk was about, didn’t really matter. Because in the span of five minutes, Aeskell simply asked a couple of questions, and told a couple of truths. The two men by the end of it were both red with embarrassment and anger.

          They left in a huff and gave Aeskell an ultimatum. They were demanding some sort of recompence for some random perceived slight on their and her part. But in the end, they were simply asking for Tuare.

          Of course, Aeskell wouldn’t give these men her. Not ever would she hand over the girl to which she had promised sanctuary. But in the end, she decided to take that walk, and follow them.

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