The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 3: Battle of Canre village, part four (12)

          After they had given the two girls some protection and changed their memories, Momonga sent the death knight off to do death knight things. After all, they were here to test their metal in this world, but from what Aeskell’s passive said, it was all for nought.

          Everyone in this village was under level thirty. It was honestly kind of strange to be honest. Was this some sort of tutorial area? Or was the average level here in this land smaller because of some other reason? Those were questions to think about later.

          As the three of them flew up and into the air, they witnessed the undead go to town on the foolish men. It blew one up into the air, and the other that came after it was cut in half. After the one magic caster dressed up as a knight started begging for his life, and the other two looked at each other, Momonga motioned for the death knight to stop.

          Aeskell looked at him with an inquisitive gaze he simply motioned for her to follow his lead. Then Momonga made his existence known. He called out to the death knight to stop in a booming voice.

          “Death knight, you may stop now,” he said as he descended to the ground, “I apologize for the fervor my undead has used to deal with you all. But I must say, you aren’t all the strong to begin with. Lay down your weapons and surrender, or I will kill you…”

          The knight did as they were told, it was rather funny to see then grovel on the floor like that in all honesty. Then again, she probably only found it funny because of her newly lowered karma.

          “OK,” Aeskell spoke up while looking at the villagers, “we simply wish to rescue you all from these invaders. But we aren’t doing this for free, we wish to trade it in for information.”

          As she said this, the villagers seemed to warm up to her. It was likely that they were a lot less mistrusting of people how made their intentions known. As she said this, Momonga made his way over to the prisoners. He told them to leave and tell their master not to mess with this village ever again.

          “Go, tell your master to not come here and bother this place ever again!” he shouted out.

          They then ran with their tails tucked in between their legs like scared dogs. She glanced over at them as he said this. Finding a bit of fun in their cowardice. She was strangely confused as to how much her psyche had changed in this short time, but it didn’t bother her.

          All in all, this day was starting to get interesting. As Momonga was walking over to her, she looked off in the distance and smiled. If he had a fleshy face and not to mention wasn’t wearing a mask, Momonga would have a confused look on his face.

          “I’ll tell you about it later, right now the village chief is offering to take us to his home so he can give us the info we need,” she told him, He nodded his head in response, and they made their way in.

          After they had made their way in the house, the village chief pulled out a map from his desk in the corner of the room, the house itself only had two rooms, the bedroom, and the living room.

          As Aeskell looked over the map, she noticed it wasn’t in Japanese, or even English as she knew both. Though, the writing reminded her of the Russian alphabet a little. But she didn’t know Russian, she only knew Polish.

          She looked up from the map and then to the chief. He looked at the two of them and then started to explain the information they had asked for. But before he could, she decided to tell them their names. After all, they couldn’t be called their saviors all the time.

          “Before you start, we haven’t actually told you our names yet,” she said, “I am Miss Walker and this is my good friend,” she motioned for him to introduce himself.

          “I am Ainz Ooal Gown, I pleasure to make your acquaintance,” he said, confusing Aeskell before she brushed it off.

          The village chief nodded to them before picking up where he was cut off.

          “We are currently in the Re-Estize kingdom,” he said pointing to their current location, “right here is the Baharuth empire they were the ones that attacked our village it seems,” the old man said tiredly.

          Aeskell and Momonga nodded in tandem.

          “To our south is the Slane Theocracy,” he continued, “I have a sneaking suspicion that the soldiers that attacked us here today were actually the Slane theocracy. I have yet to tell you, there is an annual war that takes place by the nearest city of E-Rantel.”

          “Do you think that the Slane theocracy is planning on trying to increase tensions between the Kingdom and the Empire?” asked Ainz.

          The man nodded, “yes, I do; those men didn’t fight like the knights of the empire. I’ve been in the annual war once, and even I can tell that they aren’t those esteemed soldiers.”

          It was now Aeskell’s turn to nod. She took a deep breath and sighed afterward. She could already sense that some calvary men were approaching the village, and as she looked to her newly renamed friend, Ainz, he seemed to have been able to sense them as well.

          At that moment, a villager came in.

          “Village chief, there are some men on horseback coming to the village, what should we do?” he asked.

          The village chief looked back to the duo, and then back to the man.

          “Tell everyone get back to here and hide till we can ascertain there motives for coming here,” Aeskell told the messenger and then looked to the village chief. “Sorry for taking control, but we need to be careful, they might be hostile in the event of them seeing Ainz’s undead.”

          The chief nodded in affirmation and forgiveness. It seemed like he didn’t mind at all. At that, they made their way back outside. Only for them to see someone that didn’t look like an enemy.

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