The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 3: Battle of Canre village, part three (10)

          The two of them looked up to her, they seemed rather confused. The two of them looked at her with questioning looks on their faces. They had never met this woman in their lives, they had never seen a person capable of killing a knight with such ease before.

          In truth, this woman scared them. She was strong, they were not, as demonstrated by the killing blow she let out onto that knight. Enri was rather well… she could feel the blade cut on her back. But seeing this woman here pushed the pain away and replaced it with confusion.

          Now that Enri got a good look at her, she could tell this woman wasn’t normal, her eyes were mix-matched. One of them glowed a faint green, the other was a beautiful emerald green. She wore a strange uniform of some sort; she didn’t recognize it.

          But just as she was about to ask her savior who she was, the portal behind her lit up again as someone…no…something stepped through. The two girls shivered in fear, what stepped through the hole in space itself was death.

          Its bleach white skull glinted in the sun. Its red glowing eyes that seemed to only be flames seemed to suck in all the light. She was scared. That was the only word that could describe this being. Her shivering picked up as it bent down to look at them. It then turned to their savor.

          “Why haven’t you healed them yet? This was your idea,” the undead spoke in a regal tone, as if it were a god.

          No, this thing was a god, or rather, a demon king. Or maybe the best word to describe its voice and tone was supreme. It was then that they heard their savor speak.

          “I noticed someone was using some spying magic or spell or something to look at this location. I had to stop them, or we would have been found out,” she paused, as if thinking, “but it was really weak. As if they were relaying solely on an item.”

          The supreme undead being stood back up a hummed in intrigue. He put a hand to his chin then he looked at the sky. It truly was surreal to see such an entity to make such a human pose.

          He looked around the area and saw a knight standing there. He was simply standing only about maybe, twenty meters from the evaporated body of the other knight.

          “Well, I might as well try something, {Chain Dragon Lighting}!” he yelled, and a bolt of light in the shape of a dragon arched out of his hand.

          The knight dropped dead, his flesh sizzling in the sun; then the overlord spoke. He stated his opinion like it was the law. In all honesty, it felt like it was.

“And that was a weak fifth tier spell, how disappointing,” he mumbled.

Aeskell rocked back and forth on her feet a bit, seemingly finding the weird noises of confoundment that her companion was making awkward.

          “Well, might as well give them something to heal those wounds, here!” the Emmot sister’s savior said as she tossed some sort of bottle at them.

Enri caught it and looked at it once she had it in her grasp. The color of the liquid in the bottle was a deep, blood red. The color of the bottle unnerved her. She didn’t know what it was. But she didn’t want to upset her new saviors. And just as she was about to take the top off of the bottle to drink it, her sister Nemu stopped her.

“NO! Big sis, don’t drink it!” she yelled.

          Their savior tilted her head and looked at them like they had grown a second head. She was about to speak when a new portal ripped itself into existence. This time, a woman walked through the purple hole. At least, she assumed it was a woman, the curves of the plate armor she wore told her so.

          “My lord, my lady, I apologize for getting here late. It took a bit to figure out what you meant by, “going for a very enthusiastic walk through this village,” she told her leaders, “but I think I figured it out,” she told them.

          “And what do you think Aeskell meant by that? Did you understand the matter she was referencing?” asked Momonga, intrigued by what she had been talking about growing.

          “Of course, lord Momonga. You see, she simply was referencing the matter of power in this world we find ourselves in. Lady Aeskell was able to tell how strong the people of this world are by simply seeing how they demonstrated themselves in combat while you two observed through the mirror of remote viewing,” she explained.

          “Albedo, you are incorrect,” Aeskell said as a matter of fact.

          The look of utter confusion, mixed with surprise appeared suddenly on Albedo’s face. It was as if she had been splashed with cold water. Her mind raced with a multitude of differing ideas onto what Lady Aeskell was talking about.

          “May I ask what you were referring to, lady Aeskell?” she asked hesitantly, like she was stepping on a land mine.

          “Well, you see, I was referencing an old abridged series called “Hellsing Ultimate Abridged”. It was a series that I and my grandfather watched all the time. It is very important to me, and I was wondering if Momonga had seen it,” she told her even more confused subordinate.

          “I see,” was all she got in reply, “what should we do about these filthy humans then?” she asked, raising her halberd.

          The two girls cowered before the aura that was seeping out of the guardian overseer. Aeskell sighed and looked to Momonga for help. He then looked to Aeskell with a bit of exasperation. He turned to Albedo and told her to halt.

          “Albedo stop, we came here to save this village for a reason. The rest of these humans won’t like it or be trueful if we kill some of their young members,” he ordered her.

          She lowered her halberd and nodded her head in confirmation. She didn’t seem as reluctant to him as she was with Aeskell. But that was to be expected, Aeskell wasn’t an original member of the guild, so her words were seen as less important than Momonga’s words.

          The two girls were still cowering in fear at the moment though, and Aeskell looked to them encouragingly. They seemed even more confused and scared as they saw her gaze at them. Soon, Aeskell sighed and then said to them.

          “Just drink the damn healing potion, if you think its poison then just bleed out like an idiot.”

          This seemingly got the young girl in a bit of a spiteful mood, and she chugged the thing. Then her back fully healed itself. The girl seemed very shocked at this and looked at her back, then to her little sister. The both of them were gawking as if they hadn’t ever seen a red potion before.

          “Are you to well, are you two hurting anywhere?” asked the undead overlord as he crouched to meet their gazes.

          The young lady nodded, but something was on her mind. An awkward look started to grace her features. She seemingly wanted to ask something but was too scared to say it. The overlord tilted his head forward with a questioning aura.

          “Just who are you, oh great and powerful… uh… three?” she asked.

          The undead tilted his head back and pondered his answer. He then stood up and made a motion to start walking away, but then stopped and looked at the course of the knight. He raised his hand and cast a raise undead spell, a black glob of negative energy seeped out of realty itself.

          “Me and my friend here are Ainz Ooal Gown, there was a time when all knew of this guild name, but now it seems to have been forgotten,” he spoke in a commanding voice.

          While he stated such a truth, his new death knight stood and roared.

          “I’m here to make it known…” he said with finality.

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