The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 6: The End of The Plan, part three (60)

          The cleanup was rather easy. Even the whole introducing oneself to the people was rather easy. The hard part was making sure that you weren’t seen by the authorities. Of course, Peregrinus wouldn’t be recognized by Gazef. Though, it was better to be safer than sorry.

          She walked down the halls of one of the manors that they had sacked. Peregrinus wasn’t so sure which one of the eight fingers this one belonged to. The only thing she remembered about this place in all honesty, was that the rest of the eight fingers was here.

          As she came to the end of the hallway, she saw two dark elf twins there. It was Aura and Mare. She stopped right next to them and peered down at their smiling faces. Then she spoke.

          “Hello you two. Have you both gotten the leaders of the crime ring for me?” she asked the two in a rather motherly voice.

          Aura saluted and nodded in confirmation, while Mare shyly nodded his head. She was so proud of these two. She dearly wanted to simply give them the greatest number of head-pats possible. However, they needed to finish the plan.

          She smiled once more at the thought of spending more time with the two children and nodded her head at their assent. In fact, she might as well do as she thought. She reached out with both of her hands, and placed them atop the two’s heads. She rubbed them somewhat then stopped and pulled her hands away.

          “OK, the two of you lead the way,” she chanted to them, and they opened the door and led her in.

          After they had opened the door and she stepped inside with the guise of Peregrinus Mythrilblood, she noticed several things. In facts, several of those several things were groaning under the pressure of the spell, “Mass Hold Species.”

          The first thing she noticed and looked at was the banner above the doorway and on the opposite side of said doorway. This banner appeared to be a par of hands the color red. The hands also seemingly had eight fingers.

          The next thing she noticed was the large round table. What she saw after that, sitting at said table was six of the eight fingers. At least, she assumed that what they called themselves. There were eight seats, and six of them were filled with people. One of said people was the woman that Mare had caught.

          In fact, she was the only one not held down by “Mass Hold Species.” She had a rather curvaceous body that seemed to have been rapidly slimmed down. She also had a rather deep and panicked look on her face.

          “Ok everyone, my name is Peregrinus Mythrilblood. You all now work for me and will be going through some training. I…” Peregrinus started but was interrupted.

          “Please don’t make me go through with that again!” the only unbound human screamed and Peregrinus looked at her.

          Her skill told her that this woman, that was named Hilma something or other, had lost a couple points in all her stats except the mentally related ones. It also told her that she was panicking slightly, but she herself could see that. Peregrinus turned to Aura and Mare.

          “What did you two do to her, exactly?” she asked in a somewhat exasperated way.

          Aura shrugged and looked to her crossdressing brother for an answer. He responded with a slight blush and looked down at the floor. He then looked back up and spoke. His answer wasn’t the most expected one.

          “I took her to Kyouhukou’s room and had his kids eat her inside and out a couple of times,” he responded.

          Aura winced but Peregrinus just smiled at the little boy’s genius idea. She had heard from Kyouhukou and others, but apparently his family was starving. It was a rather simple thing to fix, just feed them.

          However, Ainz didn’t seem to realize that his family needed food as they hadn’t back in Yggdrasil apparently. So, she was happy that she wasn’t just the one feeding them.

          “Good job Mare! It’s very important that you take care of the rest of the tomb if they need it. In fact, instead of going to Neuronist, the lot of you are going to Kyouhukou’s family for training!” she shouted out in happiness.

          Now, the Author’s memory on what happens next in the story line is a bit hazy so keep that in mind. What was also in mind, or at least Ainz’s mind was the fact that a little undead was standing in front of him.

          They were out in the middle of the day, and yet a little vampire was standing in front of him. At first, he hadn’t realized what she was. At first, he had decided to respect her privacy. He simply thought that the little magic caster was skilled.

          He didn’t realize that she was level fifty. The girl herself only appeared to be twelve years old. But after he had delt with the whole fight thing and talking to Gazef once more, he noticed something.

          Pandora’s Actor, who was disguised as Aeskell who was disguised as Viridael, was looking at the Evil Eye rather strangely. At first, he simply thought that he didn’t like her looking at his creator with wanderlust and not opening praising him.

          However, he soon told him the race of her. Now, in Aeskell’s form, he has all her racial skills. Although they are only at eighty percent power, they still are quite good. He had decided to look under the hood so to speak after interacting with the girl. This was to sate his collector’s spirit that he had inherited from Ainz.

          The girl was a vampire. That wasn’t the biggest deal. But her race told him that she was a special vampire. She was a vampire princess. That was the funny thing. As far as he knew, no such thing existed.

          She was an anomaly that he wanted to collect. He wanted to put her under lock and key and study her. His thoughts kept spiraling for a while till Narberal tugged on his cloak. These were rather weird thoughts in his honest opinion. They weren’t like him. At least, he thought so.

          Marque Raven handed him a dagger on a pillow. This from what little he remembered about the Re-Estize kingdom meant something important. What was it? He didn’t remember.

          “Here is the dagger, Sir Momon. The king would be doing this in person, but he is rather busy with the cleanup of the city,” he explained, and Nabe took it in his stead.

          “That is quite alright. We don’t have much time and we wish to be back at E-Rantel as early as possible. Thank you for the honor though,” he said as he bowed his head.

          Marque Raven did the same with a slight smile on his face and stood back up. Then he took a step back as the other Adamantite adventurer group took center stage.

          “Thank you for helping the capital in its time of need, sir Momon,” the leader of the group said as she held out her rather small hand.

          He took it in a shake, and he let out a nod of acknowledgement. She seemed satisfied with that and stepped back to let the little vampire that reminded him of Shalltear only because of their equal flatness and began to speak with her.

          The talks quickly ended after that. Soon, he was on his cart that was actually just a rather weak summon and left the other group behind in the dust. Back by the Blue Roses, Evil Eye soon started talking to her sisters in all but blood about how cool her new secret crush was.

Shalltear sneezed once more. This was really getting out of hand.

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