The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 6: The second coming of Carne, part two (25)

Go read my brother's stuff. link

          Viridael looked on. The two groups had set up camp for the night. It was a simple setup, a couple of tents, and a campfire in the middle of the site. Some logs made for rather comfy chairs.

          What wasn’t nice was the fact that it was time to eat. Viridael liked to eat alone, in all honesty. She couldn’t understand the urge to eat with friends. Her grandfather had often eaten alone, and she guessed that was where she picked it up from.

          She liked to eat in silence and thought that the sounds of other people eating were gross. That was her opinion, it’s also the author’s opinion. Honestly, how can other people eat next to each other? It makes the author rather uncomfortable.

          Viridael looked on to the others in the makeshift party and sighed. She was about to excuse herself from the circle of people and eat alone, but Lukrut made a rather crude jest.

          Nabe and Momon were simply looking at their food. Momon was undead, but Viridael wondered why she herself didn’t eat it. Maybe she liked eating alone as well?

          “Is the food too hot for you Nabe? I can cool it down in my mouth if you want?” he said, and Nabe then growled in response and broke her spoon.

          Before things could escalate, Moman told a rather good lie. It was a bit strange, but Viridael would think that the other group believed it. They nodded as he began to tell it.

          “We are simply observing the faith of our homeland. You see, in the faith we believe in, you are not supposed to eat with a group of nonbelievers the same day you take a life,” he lied.

          ‘So, is he making up a new aspect of the faith of the atomic flame? Or is he adding more lore to his side of the group?’ Viridael thought to herself.

          The swords of darkness nodded to themselves and seemed to believe the lie he told them. Momon looked over to Viridael as if asking her to further explain the made-up rules of the faith. Instead, she simply made up an excuse to leave the circle.

          “Yes, that is true. But as a member of the “Tenders of The Atomic Flame” I personally like to eat alone. If you will excuse me, I will be leaving the circle for now and be back later when I am done with the food,” she excused herself.

          Momon looked at the back of Viridael as she left. She got off rather easily. He wanted to follow her, but he had a feeling the swords of darkness wanted to ask a few questions of him. He wanted to leave and eat with her, despite not being able to actually eat.

          He looked back to spot Lukrut raising his hand in the air. This was going to be a long night, wasn’t it? He sighed and pointed to Lukrut as if he was a teacher letting his student speak in front of the whole classroom.

          Lukrut took this to mean that he could speak freely. As soon as he opened his mouth, Momon could feel a proverbial headache coming on. Soon, even his emotional suppression kicked in and he calmed down.

          “I was just wondering, I’ve asked what your relationship with Nabe is, but what is it with Miss Viridael?” he asked.

          This was actually a normal question. He was surprised. Sure, it was a bit intrusive, but it was logical coming from Lukrut. He actually laughed at that thought. Lukrut and the rest of his team simply looked on at Momon, unsure of whether or not he was happy with that question, or mad at it.

          “I’m sorry for the laugh. But from how I’ve interacted with you Mr. Lukrut, this question actually is normal from what I was expecting,” he excused himself and the others relaxed, “but to answer your question.”

          He looked up at the starry night sky. It took a couple of seconds to figure out what he wanted to say.

          “I would say we are good friends. If you are wondering if you have a chance with her in the pursuit of romantic interest, she is celibate as far as I know,” he finished his explanation.

          Lukrut seemed to deflate at this. It seemed to Momon he did want to try to pursue her in the hopes of romance. But he soon reinflated himself and looked to Nabe. A chill went down Momon’s spine as he then looked at her.

          Her glare directed at Lukrut seemed cold enough to freeze over hell. Lukrut didn’t seem too bothered by this supernatural feeling that even the swords of darkness picked up on.

          “Well then, my love for you Nabe has been rekindled! Maybe even reinforced!” he chanted out.

          She responded with something that made Momon’s preverbally skin break out in goosebumps. It honestly was rather impressive to Momon how she was able to do that.

“Go die in a hole, worm,” she told the starstruck Lukrut.

          The rest of the other adventuring group looked on with nervous smiles. They were thinking that Nabe might actually have the power to do something along those lines to Lukrut if he continued.

          But before he could counter, Momon asked a question of his own that was actually nagging at the back of his head. It was a rather simple question, so he thought that he’d get an easy answer.

          “If I may be so rude as to ask a question of my own, why is your party named “The Swords of Darkness”?” he asked.

          The swords of darkness nodded to themselves and answered the question he had asked of them. It was an answer he didn’t really know how to respond to. It gave him more questions than answers in all honesty.

          “We call ourselves the swords of darkness because we named our team after the one of the thirteen heroes,” he told him.

          Nabe then asked a question that Momon wanted to ask Peter, who had answered Momon's question. She was honestly a life savor for this. He would have to reward her later.

          “Who are the thirteen heroes? I’ve never heard of them,” she asked the other group.

          This seemed to strike the other adventuring team. It seemed to Momon that the name of the Thirteen heroes was common among the people of this area of the map. This question was then answered by peter once more.

          “Well then, you guys must not really be around here then. I’m pretty sure everyone knows who the thirteen heroes are. Okay then, the thirteen heroes were a group of thirteen heroes that helped fight back the demon gods one hundred years ago,” he explained, then continued.

          “We want to find the four swords that one of the thirteen heroes wielded during the event. Till then, we carry these small daggers as a place holder,” he finished.

          That was a lot of information to parse through and research on his own. Though, Aeskell might be interested in it as she seems to find lore fascinating. He then looked back at his bowl of food that was starting to get cold and then made to get up.

          “Now, my food is getting cold, so if you will excuse me,” he said and then made to leave with Nabe in tow.

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