The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 7: Arrival and Strange Interactions, part one (27)

Chapter 7: Arrival and Strange Interactions.

          Nabe looked at the road as the two groups made their way to the insect’s town. She had a lot to think about. The talk she had with Lady Aeskell last night was rather eye opening for her.

          She hadn’t realized how much she missed her creator at all, and how important her family was to her. If she didn’t have her sister’s, then she would probably be depressed. The loss of her creator hadn’t really occurred to her as she simply put her duty as one of the Pleiades in the forefront of her mind.

          She missed him, she had finally realized it after all this time. They had only been in the world for a couple of days, maybe a week at most. But she hadn’t seen her fa- her creator in years.

          She didn’t know where he had gone to. Maybe her lord knew, she may ask him later. But that was wishful thinking on her part. Sure, he was the most merciful Supreme being of them all, he stayed with them till the end. But surely her asking where her fa- creator, she means creator, was too much.

          She was brought out of her own thoughts by lady Aeskell, in the guise of the adventurer Viridael. Looking up, Nabe spotted her waving her hand in front of her face as if making sure she was there in her own head.

          Nabe was sitting in the back of the cart that the two adventuring parties were escorting. Walking behind the cart was her lord and lady Viridael. In front of the cart was the other party, and sitting in the front of the cart with Nfirea was the insect Lukrut.

          “Nabe, are you alright? You seem a bit out of it today,” Viridael asked of her.

          Nabe only responded with a polite and dismissive response, so as to not make her worry. This seemed to only make Viridael more worried for the Pleiades in disguise. She walked up to the back of the wagon and plopped right beside Nabe as the wagon made its way to the village.

          If one looked to the front of the wagon, then they would be able to spot the outskirts of the village. The village itself was a simple thing, a couple dozen houses and some acres of farmland.

          But getting back to the conversation at hand. Nabe looked at the supreme being and decided to wait until she asked something of her. In the moment of silence, Nfirea decided to state something.

          “We’re here at Carne everyone. When we get to the village, we can park the wagon at the edge of the forest and make our way inside,” he stated.

          Nabe looked at the worm that had nearly interrupted her lady and what she was about to say, but Viridael stopped her. Nabe looked back at the supreme being and Viridael just shook her head in a slightly exasperated way.

          Momon looked back at the two other members of the adventuring party he had formed and smiled internally. They were actually getting along. He had worried for a while there on whether or not Aeskell could even be seen in a good light by the denizens of the tomb.

          Yet here she was, speaking with the girl that often simply called people different variants of insects as insults. It was honestly refreshing and over all kind of strange to see Narberal speak with someone outside of the tomb in a good and pleasant way.

          He looked away from the two girls talking about this and that, and looked around at the rest of the village. The village of Carne had yet to bounce back since the attack on it. That reminded him of the two, what was it? Emmots, right, their family name was Emmot.

          He had thought about giving them a couple of goblin general horns, but decided not to. Now, he was having second thoughts about that action. If he had given the two of them some of those items, then the village might have had the manpower to rebuild itself a little bit.

          But beyond the fact that the village looked somewhat more depressing, he couldn’t really find himself caring for the plight of these villagers. Sure, they might have become more indebted to him and Nazarick, but that was really it. That was the whole of his regret.

          But who knows, maybe something will come up? Ah, who was he kidding, with his luck, the whole world might declare war on him.

          He looked back at the boy, Nfirea. He seemed rather distraught. He had probably been to this village a multitude of times. Seeing it in a rather diminutive state like this was probably rather distressing.

          After all, there were far less people in the fields than there out to be. There were far less people walking the street of the village than there probably should have been. There were also far less kids running and playing.

          He was surely rather stressed at this fact. The boy began to look around the village from his spot on the seat of the wagon. He then loosely parked it once he spotted someone waving to him from the cover of a house.

          Nfirea looked around the village. Something was wrong, something was very wrong. Half of the people that should have been walking around the village of Carne weren’t. The air felt somber as he drove and parked his wagon near the Emmot’s house.

          The swords of darkness seemed rather confused as he parked it in a spot where he hadn’t indicated he would. Darkness themselves simply gazed around the village, scanning it, and taking it in.

          Viridael looked at the boy with a slightly pitiful air. She had guessed of course what he was so distressed about. She of course remembered the Emmot girls, and remembered that their parents were dead.

          She also guessed that Nfirea knew this family and would probably be rather sad at the parent’s deaths. But that was the extent of her sadness. It was like seeing a stranded puppy on an internet video, but that was it.

          Nabe and Lukrut were equally confused on why they were suddenly parked here. But with a hand sign from Viridael, Nabe calmed down. Lukrut was still awfully confused, but when he saw the other two in the wagon calm down, he did as well.

          Nfirea had seen Enri wave at him after she had seen him come into town. After he had gotten down from the wagon did Enri speak. She seemed rather happy to see him, but at the same time rather sad. He didn’t know where her parents were, surly they were only in the house.

          “Nfirea! It’s so good to see you! I was wondering when you would visit! Ever since those knights tried to sack the village, I was missing you,” she stated somberly.

          “What?” he asked her in response.

          “Can we talk inside? I want to talk to you alone,” she responded to his singular word.

          He nodded his head and turned. Then, he told the two adventuring parties to wait for him by the entrance to the forest, but something unexpected happened. When Viridael responded in the positive along with Momon, Enri’s eyes opened wide and she nearly screamed out loud.

          She had recognized the voice that came out of the woman sitting on the back of her good friend’s wagon. But the fact that she wasn’t in the guise of lady walker made her stop herself.

          Yet, Viridael still recognized the look upon her face. She sighed internally, this was going to be a rather long day, wasn’t it?

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