The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 9: Change of plot, part three (70)

          As Aeskell made her way to the location of this supposed Giant of the east, and the demon snake of the west, she thought back to what she had told Lupis to do. Right now, the only ones with the pregnant member of Ainz Ooal Gown were Yuri Alpha and Aura.

          Aeskell had told Lupis to watch out for Nfirea and Enri to make sure they didn’t die while on their little trip, and to make sure the two of them got together as it was rather obvious that the two of them liked each other.

          While she felt that Lupis wasn’t the best match maker ever, she did feel that Lupis would give it her all. After all, she seemed rather shaken up over disappointing Aeskell. Though, which NPC wouldn’t be shaken up by the reprimand of their own actions by one of the supreme beings?

          Though, getting back on track. Aeskell and Yuri Alpha were riding some of Aura’s pets all the way to this location. Aura was sitting in front of Aeskell on her Fenrir, while Yuri Alpha got to sit on the back of her chameleon thing that the Author forgets the name of.

          Aeskell looked ahead of them, sitting with her legs dangling to the side of the animal. The reason why she was sitting like this was simple, she didn’t know how to ride an animal while pregnant. She also knew that it was apparently bad to ride an animal while pregnant, as a pregnant woman’s ligaments loosened while pregnant.

          She then looked down to Aura herself. The young dark elf was a strange child, in all honesty. Aeskell thought it was good that she was a go getter, but rather bad that she relentlessly teased her brother all the time. She also wore boys’ clothes all the time. That, in and of itself, wasn’t strange; after all, Aeskell herself wore pants and a men’s shirt.

          No, the weird thing was that she had almost no empathy for any humans or children for those outside of Nazarick. At first, she had just thought that the heteromorphs of the tomb didn’t care for the outsiders at all. However, she soon learned that the children themselves didn’t like, nor care for the people of the outside world.

          Aeskell only found this strange. She didn’t care, or mind that the children didn’t really care. she herself didn't care. in fact, she liked that these kids were basically sociopaths towards anyone outside of the tomb. It made her love for them even more noticeable and cherished.

          She then spoke, “Aura are you eating enough?”

          Aura looked to the supreme being behind her and responded.

          “I believe I am. I’m eating the three-square meals a day that you and Lord Ainz told me and Mare to eat. Why do you ask, Aunty- I mean Lady Aeskell?” she asked with a bit of a slip up.

          Aeskell smiled at that and responded to her. She rather liked that the twins were seeing her more as a family figure, and less like a superior.

          “You’re just so skinny. I was worried you weren’t eating enough,” she said with a downturn of her lips into a concerned and motherly frown.

          Aura saw this frown and panicked slightly, waving her hands around and speaking fast. This then made the motherly frown turn upside down and a rather mature chuckler came out of Aeskell’s lips.

          “My lady, please don’t frown, we’re eating a lot. We’re listening to Miss Pestonya on our eating!” she spoke quickly.

          Aeskell giggled a rather deep giggle and held up a hand for Aura to stop. She then turned her face serious and looked on to the cave they had arrived in front of. Aura and Yuri noticed this and school their expressions as well.

          “Ok everyone, our enemies are in there. First, we will be diplomatic of course. However, if they turn hostile, show no mercy unless to told to else. Do you both understand?” she asked them.

          The two NPCs nodded their heads in unison and got from their mounts. Aeskell followed suit, sliding off the large wolf and patting its side after it whined at the soon-to-be lack of attention. The tail of Fenrir wagged a bit when she did so.

          “Ok everyone, let’s go see what these fools want with our fake tomb and these woods,” Aeskell said with slight conviction.

          Aeskell, Aura, and Yuri found themselves in a rather dank and wet cave. It was truly a sad state of affairs in all honesty. The ground wasn’t clean, the trolls that one could consider guards at first glance were simply eating and not really guards at all. They simply ate there.

          Aeskell scowled at such a lack luster place. When she had gotten close, she had been able to tell where and what her foes were, and she was sorely put off by the titles they had been given.

          The giant of the east and the demon snake of the west were simply a war troll and a swamp naga respectively. The revelation had ruined her day, and she was peeved. As they neared the trolls eating the corpses of some goblins who probably had done nothing wrong, the two trolls looked up at them, or rather down.

          “Hello, you two we are here to see your leaders, the giant of the east, and the demon snake of the west. We wish to talk about their actions against our home, the monument of ruin,” Aeskell said.

          Her words seemed to have confused the two dim witted trolls. They looked at each other and shrugged in unison. One reached out with its hand and before it could even think of another thought, Yuri Alpha swatted it away.

          This caused the whole arm to explode into gory bits and pieces of flesh. The troll reared back and landed back onto its back. It groaned in pain as the troll tried to heal its arm. This failed as Yuri had infused her hand with negative energy. Aeskell turned to her and spoke in thanks to her.

          “Thank you, Yuri. Its hand was so filthy that I don’t think there would have been anything left if it tried to touch me if I, myself, hit it,” she said.

          “You’re welcome, Lady Aeskell. I couldn’t stand the look of it either. It was just so dirty that I had to swat it away,” she said as well, putting a hand to her mouth, as if she were offended at the mere mention of dirt; to which she probably was.

          “Anyway, Lady Aeskell,” Aura spoke up, getting her attention, “should we just walk in? I mean, they don’t seem to be busy.”

          “Yes, let’s” Aeskell said and began to walk toward where the two demi-humans lay talking amongst themselves.

          As the three of them walked into the rather large meeting room, the two rather powerful demi-humans finally noticed the two small, and the one small heteromorphs and humanoid.

          The large war troll craned his head back and looked at them. It was as if he had farsightedness, and needed glasses. While he did so, the demon snake of the west cloaked itself in an invisibility spell to try and hide.

          “Hello you two, we three are here to talk politics with you two. We are from what you call, “The monument of ruin.” We were simply wondering why you seemed to be planning and prepping to attack us?” Aeskell opened up with.

          “Human woman! I am Guu, and I will kill you!” the War troll shouted like an idiot.

          As he slashed down with his massive sword that looked more like a buster sword than anything, Aeskell caught it with her hand. She took in a deep breath and sighed. She was even more pissed off now than she was when that troll tried to grab her for some odd reason.

          “Ok, you are obviously rather dull. I doubt that you will want to talk politics with me and my people,” she turned to the now invisible naga, “You, Mr. Naga. I assume you will talk politic judging on your intelligence?” she broached.

          The naga tried to slither away from the rather strong woman, but Aura soon interceded and grabbed the naga by the throat. Aeskell rolled her eyes at the naga’s actions.

          “I know that you are there, and I know no one like politics; but it needs to get done,” she said and the naga turned visible once more.

          “I submit!” the naga said as it turned to her.

          “Really? That easy? Ok, I thought that this was gonna be a lot harder than that. But thanks for not wasting my time. I’d rather get back home and make some clothes for my soon-to-be-born kids,” she said and then turned to the war troll who was still trying to yank the sword from her grasp.

          “I know your intelligence isn’t the best, but you are simply dumb. If you’re the strongest of your people, then how have you not driven yourselves to extinction?” she asked the air itself in rather plain anger and exasperation.

          She then pulled the sword down and grabbed the neck of the war troll as he tumbled forward. His eyes were as wide as dinner plates in shock and fear. She then grabbed his throat and tore it open. He slumped to the ground and started to heal, groaning in pain.

          Aeskell wouldn’t let that happen, and pulled out a triple threat shotgun from her inventory and blasted its skull, killing it. This earned even more shocked gasps from the trolls around her, who had simply stood there as their leader was pushed around like a child.

          “Anyone else feel like fighting?” she asked them.

Just so you all know, I'm gonna put a time skip after this chapter. Said time skip will cover six moths of in universe time. The reason being is that the Tomb needs to build up the village of Carne into a late stage medieval star fortress. I'm tired right now, so I'll just explain that they hide all this building with illusion magic. Yes, Enri and Nfirea get together with the help of Lupis. I might explain how in future chapters.  Okay, question time.

Also, I feel like taking a break from this fanfic after I write this chapter out. So, I shall be writing in the other fanfic.

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