The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

Chapter 9: Living Doll, part one (35)

Chapter 9: Living Doll

          Aeskell was back at the tomb. Right now, Hamsuke and Nabe were with Ainz as he roleplayed as an adventurer. Aeskell in the meantime, was setting up all that she needed to use the “Rebirth” spell.

          The spell itself was a rather simple, yet complicated affair. It was a nineth tier spell that required her to be in a church of the Atomic Flame, or her guild base. Right now, she was on the sixth floor of the great underground tomb of Nazarick.

          The next step after she did that was to get an altar of the Atomic Flame, that would be easy if she was in a church. Right now, she didn’t have that. So, she would have to set one up.

          That was the tricky part. You see, dear reader, she would have to enter her other form to do so. All automata had a different form, and because of her last five racial levels, her other form was that of an angel born of the Atomic Flame.

          Now, here is where it gets weird. Her other form Canonically had a different personality than her. Meaning she was a different person when she took that form. All in all, it would be a rather weird story to tell, if she had been alone. Right now, Albedo and the twins were watching her in the middle of a clearing on the sixth floor that the “Rebirth” spell would take place.

          She had explained this when she had come back to the tomb; and she had explained that she wanted to make sure that her spells were and would work fine in this world. Albedo seemed ever so slightly distrustful of the new supreme being, while aura was rather happy with this and on board. Mare, meanwhile, simply wanted to meet this angel.

          “Ok guys, you all got that?” questioned Aeskell.

          The others nodded their heads in unison. It seemed to Aeskell that she could transform into her other form. She didn’t know how her other self would react to the current predicament that they found themselves in, but that was a problem for her.

          She then looked down at the naked form of the dead Ninya. “Rebirth” would only work for the next 24 hours so she wanted to do this now. At first, she didn’t want the kids to watch, but then they explained they didn’t really care about some random outsider and saw her corpse as mere dirt. That had unnerved the older woman who hadn’t been a woman for long.

          She then looked down at her hands and sighed. When she let out her breath, blue pixelated particles emitted themselves from her body. They clung to her form and began to expand from her back and general silhouette.

          The particles soon began to vanish and disappear. Soon after, in the place of the supreme being known as Aeskell, was a rather tall woman. She stood about seven feet tall, with long and awfully strange and mechanical wings from her back.

          Her body looked to be made of a dull, flesh colored metal. Her body also seemed to have been repaired over time as all along her limbs and body were cracks and holes filled with a uranium green and cobalt blue metal. Light ran through the metal like the beat of a heart every so often.

          The normal parts of her body and limbs seemed old and well worn, like she had seen battle a thousand times over. Most of this was covered by fabric scriptures that were wound around her private places. On her head lay what seemed to be a vale and circlet that covered most of her face.

          Instead of only two eyes that peeked at the three others on the floor, three peeked at them. Instead of white orbs as eyes, the angel’s eyes were a deep black with three glowing lights as pupils. Her hair also seemed to be woven from the same metal that filled the cracks in her body.

          “Hello little ones,” the angel started, “a pleasure to meet Aeskell’s friends. I am Maelidel, Little Aeskell’s Angel,”

          the twins seemed shocked at the height of the woman. They hadn’t seen anything like this, even during the massive raid on the tomb all those years ago. Albedo, meanwhile, was trying to see what danger the tall woman posed, and why her voice sent her heart aflutter.

          The tall woman seemed to notice this, but didn’t say anything. As she looked at the three of them, a smile graced her lips, and she spoke.

          “It’s so great to see that Aeskell has actual friends instead of those leaches that used her for every little thing. It makes me peeved just to think about them. But, that is besides the point of this right now little ones. Right now, I have to set up an altar for this little mortal here; if you all could give me some room?” she simply spoke.

          The three others did as she said and watched as the tall lady kneeled on the ground and pushed her hands into the dirt of the sixth floor. She seemingly grasped something, and pulled. Out of the ground came an arm. Said arm was that of a beautiful woman’s arm.

          But something was wrong with it. It had too many scars, too many joins, and too many fingers on its hand. The arm coiled around itself, and soon the flesh on the arm began to bubble and boil out. It looked rather similar to how a doppelganger would shift skin. The flesh turned a strange dark hue and then took on a metallic luster.

          The metal soon began to change shape. It smoothed out, became more rectangular. The altar then began to form. It started out as a basic set of rectangles, then soon morphed into what one would call a sarcophagus. At the front was a podium. The top portion of the sarcophagus diverted down into what one could only describe as a bed of coals.

          Dull, yet warm blue and green flame filled this divot. Then soon after the angel that had taken the place of Aeskell pulled her hand away from the Alter of The Atomic Flame and stood at her full height.

          “That is all I have to do now. Till we meet again, little ones,” Maelidel spoke with a sort of motherly tone, as if saying goodbye to her children.

          Her form then was coated in the blue particles once more and soon Aeskell stood there, a bit dazed. She then spoke up from her dazed state. If she had to say anything right now it would be…

          “Holy shit batman, that was weird and comfy and kind of lewd all at the same time for me,” she said, shocking even the Author himself.

          This seemed to have shocked the others out of their lulled state of mind as well. The twins looked at each other and then back at the supreme being. Albedo seemed confused with herself. It was like she had seen a ghost.

          “Well,” Aeskell spoke, “lets Revive this little adventurer so I can go to bed right after this,” she said.

          The three others started to help the supreme being carry the small girl onto the divot on the tomb part of the altar. She could of course do this herself, but she was tuckered out after the form shift to Maelidel.

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