The Overlord, The Automata, and The Silver

The mercy of the Overlord, part one (5)

Chapter 2: The mercy of the Overlord

Albedo looked at the woman standing beside her lord, her love. Sure she was attractive, Albedo would give the woman that. But she most definitely paled in comparison to their bust sizes.

          Her chest was rather small in comparison, and the author doesn’t remember how breast sizes work so he can’t tell you, her size. She glanced to her own and nodded, she was sure to win this competition. That was what the woman was obviously telling the rest of the women standing before her lord.

          After all, what else could being approximately 97.4 centimeters from her lord mean? She couldn’t possibly just want to be able to talk to her cherished lord by being close to him, now could she?

          She woman had introduced herself as Aeskell Peregrinus Walker. Peregrinus meant stranger in Latin, but what could that tell her? Was she a lover of the Latin language like her damned creator? Or was she simply lying about her own name so as to do something?

          Albedo felt as though she had enough info to ascertain this woman’s plot to steal her lord from her, and the rest of the tomb of course. After all, why was she here other than the fact that she was considered a guest, and not harmed? Was she hoping for help in this strange place they seemed to find themselves in?

          Or was she hoping for more than that? Was she hoping to steal her beloved form her and the rest of the tomb!? Well, her mind was going in circles now, she needed to focus on her lord’s words. If she didn’t do that and follow his orders to a T, then what kind of servant was she?

          “Sebas is also coming here so as to report a more in-depth summary of where we are and what our surroundings are like,” Lord Momonga said.

          And just as her beloved said that sir Sebas entered the Colosseum from the left. She and the other floor guardians, along with Sebas, took a knee and bowed their heads. She herself raised her head to look at him then gazed at her loved one. He seemed content, and the woman beside him had a raised eyebrow and looked to her beloved for something.

          Even to albedo, her face was inscrutable. She looked at Lord Momonga like she was asking him something. Maybe she they were talking over a message channel? That could be it. Or she had never seen such loyalty to a singular being before.

          That was a rather heretical thought, thinking of lord Momonga as simply a being. NO! He was a supreme being! That was fact, as anybody with two braincells could see and witness, he was a supreme Being. An entity that was at the top, the epidemy of life, or rather, unlife.

          As Sebas began to explain, the rest of the floor guardians, except Demiurge, all seemed to have been shocked by the news. That was rather surprising, as Shalltear had been to the surface and probably should have seen the situation outside.

          Then again, that titless-lamprey was probably too busy basking in the surprise in the woman’s face to take in the situation. And yes, she had seen the earlier look on her face when she was gazing at her beloved, the hag.

          “And now everyone, I am going to make an announcement,” her lord stated, “Aeskell is to be considered a guest in the tomb. If she asks for aid, give it to her if you can. Though, she will be leaving the tomb here shortly…” he said but was then interrupted.

          “Actually, can I stay for a bit longer. I’d like to be able to gather more information from the safety of the great tomb. And maybe get to know everyone better,” she asked of her lord with a somewhat cute tilt of her head.

          That woman, who did she think she was!? Albedo fumed in her mind on the best ways to kill the blight on the world. Torture? No, that would be too easy. She wanted to murder this woman quick and easily so as to spend the most time with her cherished one, her lord Momonga.

          Her lord relented. This charlatan was going to try and seduce her beloved lord Momonga, wasn’t she? Well, she couldn’t have that, not at all. she would have to gather allies within the tomb, maybe that leech Shalltear could be of some use?

          “Oh, of course you can stay for longer Aeskell. Take all the time you need to get acquainted with the denizens of the tomb,” he said.

          ‘Or maybe he is the one seducing her?’ the thought crept into her mind.

          That must be it! no woman could resist the charms of her lord for long. The automata had no doubt been seduced the instant she had laid eyes on him! And who could blame her! He was so bloody HANDSOME.

          She wondered if he had a certain bone in those robes of his but she stopped herself. What was she thinking? She was the overseer of the floor guardians. Not some whore, she could think about Lord Momonga’s body after he left, she didn’t want to embarrass herself.

          “Now, back to the matter at hand, we do not know what dangers are present in this new world. So, I think it is best to hide and gather information,” her beloved pondered. “Does anyone have any ideas on how we could go about that?” he asked.

          Mare raised his hand.

          “Yes, Mare do you have any ideas?” he asked.

          “W-we could m-make some hills and cover the walls of the great tomb with dirt so as to hide our selves well?” he asked as well as answered.

          “The nerve of you! You would sully the gre…” Albedo said but was cut off by her lord.

          “Calm down Albedo. He was simply answering my question. And yes, that is a rather good idea Mare,” her lord said. “Now that Mare has his orders, I have another request of you all!” her lord once more spoke.

          What was he going to ask of them? What was the question that lord Momonga seemed to have been leading up to all this time? What was he going to ask? Those questions in and of themselves was impossible to answer. After all, how could she guess what a supreme being was going to ask of them, of her.

          “What do you all think of me? Give me your honest opinions. Leave no thought unspoken. I want to be a good leader so simply state them, state your opinions!” he seemed to challenge.

          A shiver ran up her spine as clouds of tormented souls sprouted from her beloved’s form. It was intimidating as well as intoxicating. His aura was so potent that even it seemed to shake her and the others.

          First, Aura started.

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