The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends

Chapter 112

V5 Chapter 107

Su Jingyan thumped, the indescribable sense of loss of control in his heart became more and more obvious, and his heartbeat bounced even faster. Even the consciousness of the brain was obviously in a state of confusion, and countless question marks hovered in his heart. Hearing the sound of footsteps fading away, Lu Yichen slowly let go of the confinement on him.

Lu Yichen embraced him with both arms, and Su Jingyan also naturally poked his head out of Lu Yichen’s arms.

Su Jingyan continued to stare at Lu Yichen with a very complicated look, even his smile gradually faded, and he asked seriously, “Why are you hugging me all of a sudden?”

Lu Yichen paused, his eyes were momentarily confused, covered with a layer of mist, as if his soul had gone out of his body, after a long pause, Lu Yichen’s out-of-focus eyes slowly focused and recovered. After Qingming, he frowned, as if he was a little confused.

Hearing Su Jingyan’s question, his eyes were dark and his brows were tightly furrowed, as if he didn’t know what happened. “have no idea.”

What Lu Yichen said was the truth.

His eyes were as thick as the night, and his eyes instantly turned dark and ruthless.

As sensitive as he is, Lu Yichen realized that subconsciously, he seemed extremely unwilling to bring Su Jingyan to this place. This feeling was a bit like his instinct was providing him with dangerous information.

When he brought Su Jingyan into the community, he clearly felt that his state was getting worse and worse. It was the place where he had lived for so many years, which actually gave him the illusion of being out of place.

And the possessiveness and morbidity towards Su Jingyan in his heart has been further enlarged since he entered this place, and he is more and more eager to hide it and monopolize it, so that no one can see it.

Lu Yichen felt that he couldn’t think about it anymore, frowned, continued to hold Su Jingyan’s hand, pulled him, and quickened the pace of his feet, his voice was hoarse and mellow, “Let’s go upstairs first.”

Su Jingyan paused, followed Lu Yichen docilely, his face was still as calm as ever, without any flaws or fluctuations, but only Su Jingyan felt that when he entered the hall and walked into the elevator, the feeling of panic became more and more serious.

Seeing that Lu Yichen’s hand was about to press the number four on the elevator keypad, Su Jingyan had sharp eyesight and quick hands, and almost subconsciously pulled the hand he was holding with the other party.

As expected, Lu Yichen stopped the hand that was about to press the elevator.

Su Jingyan’s hands also became a little icy, and he didn’t know whether it was because Lu Yichen’s hands were too cold that his hands were also frozen, or because his own bone marrow started to feel cold from the inside out.

“…I want to go to the fifth floor to have a look.”

Su Jingyan hesitated for a while, but still made the request. Lu Yichen’s expression faltered again, and his expression became confused for a while. He frowned and clenched his other free hand. His nails were directly inserted into the flesh of his palm. The slight pain forced him to Maintain your sobriety.

He couldn’t refuse all of Su Jingyan’s requests, so naturally he couldn’t refuse, so he nodded his head in a muffled voice, and then went to press the elevator button with number five, without even asking why.

There were only the two of them in the elevator, their fingers intertwined, each with a strange look on their faces, feeling the feeling of the elevator being lifted up suddenly, and they were silent to each other.

The moment the elevator door opened, Su Jingyan took the lead to pull Lu Yichen out. The boy blinked secretly, and his eyes changed accordingly.

“…Who lives in this room?” Su Jingyan looked at the impressively written 504 next to the door, with a more complicated expression.

Lu Yichen looked at the position of the door, his Adam’s apple rolled, and some images seemed to flash in his mind, and then disappeared quickly, without even being caught by his tail.

“…have no idea.”

Su Jingyan took a deep breath, suddenly there were 10,000 words of MMP in his mind, he didn’t doubt that Lu Yichen lied to him, what he was thinking now was how many things Lu Yichen had lied to him, and why didn’t he tell him, the two of them In fact, we have so many origins.

Su Jingyan had no intention of knocking on the door, sighed, and tugged at Lu Yichen’s hand, “Let’s go, let’s go back.”

Lu Yichen didn’t speak, but nodded, with a serious look on his face.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the door of 504 was opened from the inside with a “click”.

Su Jingyan thumped, and looked at the door in horror.

The door was opened a small crack, and then a woman in a pink dress walked out leading an eleven or twelve-year-old child.

Su Jingyan’s body trembled uncontrollably, his shoulders trembled unceasingly, as if he was stimulated by something, his lips turned white.

The woman was holding the child, and when she looked up to see Lu Yichen, her expression suddenly became pleasantly surprised. With light in her eyes, she took the child’s hand and approached Lu Yichen and Su Jingyan, and said happily, “It’s Xiao Lu!” , are you here to find Yanyan?”

The words in the woman’s mouth refer to the little boy she is holding.

The boy raised his head and smiled, his eyes were bent into a crescent shape, and there was a tear mole looming under his right eye, the little deer’s eyes were like morning stars, with a little bit of starlight, it looked both cute and cute. Very flattering.

Lu Yichen’s expression was blank for a moment, and he was also a little dazed, which caused him to stand in place for a long time without answering the words.

Unexpectedly, the woman was not annoyed, nor did she feel slighted, instead she smiled, “Last time you saved Yanyan, Auntie hasn’t thanked you well yet.”

Speaking of this, the woman’s expression showed a momentary hatred, but it was obviously not fighting against Lu Yichen, more like remembering something.

The woman paused and added, “Yanyan and I will move to another place this week, and I hope that kind of thing won’t happen again.”

After finishing speaking, the woman stopped talking, sighed, and grabbed the boy’s hand and walked towards the elevator, but the strange thing was that the woman never looked at Su Jingyan next to her from the beginning to the end, as if she didn’t know that there was a person here.

Su Jingyan’s palms were sweating, and his accelerated heartbeat was still beating.

He knows, he finally knows.

He remembered.

Lu Yichen was the boy who rushed out to protect him when he was almost molested by his neighbor’s uncle when he was a child…

Su Jingyan’s hands trembled more and more.

If he remembered correctly, the boy was stabbed by the uncle in order to protect himself, and because of this incident, he had a high fever for three days, followed his mother to the hospital to see the boy once in a daze , all the compensation proposed by the mother was rejected by the other party…

Later, he moved with his parents, and the boy never appeared in his life again. He also asked his parents how the boy was doing now, but the strange thing is that no matter how they investigated or even searched, It’s as if this person has evaporated from the world.

No wonder, no wonder…

When he took Lu Yichen to meet his parents for the first time, they were very strict with him in choosing a mate. Even before he saw the real face of his love partner, the parents who were picky and picky, just happened to meet her. After Lu Yichen, his attitude took a 180-degree turn, and he began to support in various ways…

It’s not without reason…

Su Jingyan’s eye sockets were steamed up at some point, and his eye sockets were a little red. His voice was a little choked up, with a crying tone, but he still held back the tears that wanted to burst out of his eyes, and said in a soft voice, “Go Come on, let’s go back.”

Unexpectedly, Lu Yichen was stunned like a demon, standing still, and the moment Su Jingyan took a step, he pulled Su Jingyan’s hand tightly.

Su Jingyan was stunned, hugged Gulu, turned around, but was hugged into his arms by the other party, just when Su Jingyan was still a little dazed, the boy’s palm stroked the top of his head for a long time, feeling deserted The breath of extreme male hormones filled his nasal cavity.

“Yanyan…” Lu Yichen rubbed his chin against his hair.

Su Jingyan shuddered bluntly, the tears that had been suffocated just now could no longer be held back, and suddenly flowed out.

“Don’t cry.” Lu Yichen wiped Su Jingyan’s face with his cold fingers. Not only was Su Jingyan not comforted, but on the contrary, he cried more and more fiercely, and the tears flowed down like he didn’t want money. Lu Yichen was a little helpless, and said dotingly, “There are people in their thirties, and they are still like this.” will cry.”

Su Jingyan’s body froze, his eyes widened and his pupils shrank.

Lu Yichen slowly let go of Yanyan’s shoulders, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, slightly raised, it was still that immature face, but inexplicably, he could feel that the current Lu Yichen’s temperament had undergone a qualitative change. The change.

Su Jingyan’s voice was trembling, a little nervous, “You’ve remembered everything.”

Lu Yichen looked at his nervous look and smiled without saying a word, and scratched the tip of his nose with his index finger, his movements were as gentle as ever.

Su Jingyan couldn’t bear it anymore, and took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, hugged Lu Yichen’s waist with one hand, and said aggrievedly, “How many things are you hiding from me?”

Lu Yichen pursed his lips, his eyes froze, as if he was considering how to answer, the words were choked in his throat for a long time, it seemed that he couldn’t say anything, after a long pause, he choked out two words, “…a lot.”

“…” Su Jingyan was silent, the tears that were so sad just now were choked back by his lover’s words.

Su Jingyan was a little annoyed, and said through gritted teeth, “Then tell me one by one, and I’ll listen to everything.”

Lu Yichen chuckled, and glanced up, as if he was considering his words again.

“Do you remember when you were in junior high, you were harassed for a while by the boys in the upper class, you almost switched schools, but then one day, all of them started to detour as soon as they saw you”


Lu Yichen sneered, and continued to ask, “Then do you remember that once, on your way home, you were pushed into an artificial lake, but you couldn’t swim at that time, but luckily, you were pushed by a boy passing by I was rescued, but that boy of yours was sent to the hospital for no reason.”

“…Remember.” Su Jingyan’s voice began to choke.

“Then do you remember that when you were in high school, the money in the drawer was stolen by someone, and it was your food expenses for a whole month. You searched your desk and schoolbag but couldn’t find it. You almost cried out, but miraculously, in between your bathroom breaks, that money goes back to that place”

Su Jingyan’s tears continued to flow, as if trying to calm down his emotions, “…remember.”

“Then do you remember, when you were in college, every time you had to read in the school library until early morning, every time you returned to the dormitory, there was a person with a flashlight to illuminate you. You thought it was a stalker and almost called the police.”


“Yanyan…” Lu Yichen sighed, “I have always been by your side and never left.”

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