The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends

Chapter 17

Chapter 16

Chapter Sixteen

When Su Jingyan walked out of the police station, he was still dizzy, his hands and feet were cold for a while, his body was not even warm, and his whole body was still sweating.

Lu Yichen held his hand tightly with his big palm, comforting his emotions.

Just now Su Jingyan and Lu Yichen were interrogated separately. Through the surveillance of the police, it was basically confirmed that this was Lin Yiming’s deliberate and deliberate murder. They have been with the two since they came out of the school gate.

Just now the policewoman asked him a lot of questions related to Lin Yiming, but she didn’t find any trace of Lin Yiming’s murderous intentions towards the two of them.

Su Jingyan didn’t know how the police interrogated Lu Yichen. Anyway, he was so nervous that he was alone in the interrogation room just now.

He still didn’t understand what enmity Lin Yiming had with him, so big that the other party wanted to kill him.

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan felt as if he had been splashed with cold water, his whole body was icy cold and his back was terrified.

And when they came out of the police station, it was already completely dark, and the police station thoughtfully arranged a special car to take them back.

“Yichen, I’m still a little scared.” Su Jingyan leaned on Lu Yichen, still in a daze.

It may be that the police have dealt with too many cases, and they have seen all kinds of weird things. When they saw two homosexuals, they didn’t even wear half-colored glasses. The police still drove the car with a calm face.

Lu Yichen patted Su Jingyan’s back, as if he was coaxing a baby, his movements were very gentle, stroking it again and again.

But what Su Jingyan didn’t see was that Lu Yichen suddenly squinted his eyes, and there was a fleeting killing intent deep in his eyes.


Of course, it is impossible to let him go so easily.


Lu Yichen didn’t say a word of comfort to Su Jingyan, but for some reason, as long as the other party stayed by his side, Su Jingyan seemed to have support and felt very secure.

Leaning halfway on Lu Yichen’s body, he felt very at ease.

Even when he thinks about parting with Lu Yichen later, an indescribable feeling of reluctance emerges in his heart. He knows that he will meet again the next day, but at this moment, as long as he thinks about parting, he will Some can’t stand it.

Su Jingyan’s deer eyes blinked, and there was a bit of mist in the eyes, looking pitiful.

The police car stopped at the door of Su Jingyan’s house after a while.

Su Jingyan drooped his shoulders and was about to get out of the car. Before he could say goodbye to Lu Yichen, he found Lu Yichen following him out of the police car.

Su Jingyan opened his mouth in surprise.

The male policeman on the side had already got out of the car, and took out all the bicycles and shopping bags parked in the trunk.

Lu Yichen took the bicycle, hung his schoolbag and shopping bags filled with clothes on the handlebar of the bicycle, and while pushing the bicycle, he took Su Jingyan’s hand with one hand skillfully, and walked towards the gate.

Su Jingyan was full of surprise, “You…”

Lu Yichen didn’t speak, and remained expressionless.

Su Jingyan’s whole heart was almost filled by him, like eating a piece of marshmallow, soft on the outside and sweet on the inside.

I felt my heart beating faster again.

Su Jingyan immediately opened the door, and Lu Yichen immediately pushed the bicycle in, and then parked the bicycle directly in the yard.

He picked up the big and small bags, followed Su Jingyan, and walked in slowly.

Just like when Lu Yichen came here for the first time, the layout of the house is still simple and concise. There are many potted plants of different sizes in each room, giving people the first impression of being very comfortable. It is even more clean, and everything is neatly arranged in an orderly manner.


I really don’t care about him at all…


He is the scariest wolf…

“Did anything come out of the interrogation?” The policewoman sat in her seat, took a sip of water, and looked at the man who had just come out of the interrogation room.

The man’s expression looked a little indescribable, as if he had eaten something unpalatable and got stuck in his throat.

The man calmed down his emotions for a long time, finally heaved a sigh of relief, and said, “This is actually a murder of love.”

The female police officer stared at him, frowned, and didn’t understand.

“This boy,” the man pointed to the door of the interrogation room, “I like the slightly shorter boy who was brought back to the police station today.”

The female police officer just took a sip of water, choked up when she heard the man’s words, and coughed all of a sudden.

Really, the world is so big that there are no surprises.

The female police officer recalled the boy’s appearance, and seemed to be able to understand it, and then heaved a long sigh.

After all, it looks like that…

No wonder no one misses you…

Song Keyin pushed open his door and walked in with heavy steps.

His face was pale, and his whole body was dizzy.

She dragged her heavy body and walked in slowly, even her breathing was a bit heavy.

She was lying on the bed with difficulty, her heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and it kept beating, she was extremely flustered.

She covered her heart and looked at the ceiling in the room.

Slowly, she didn’t know if she was tired, she slowly closed her eyes and fell asleep.

What a terrible day.

Not long after she closed her eyes, something like black air slowly passed through the crack of the door and squeezed in bit by bit.

It looked at the person lying on the bed, and slowly approached her.

Song Keyin fell into a deep sleep, without any consciousness, just like a person who has been drunk.

It slowly climbed onto the bed, and then, like a Gu worm, it rubbed against her temple and burrowed into her head.

Song Keyin’s body twitched uncontrollably for a while, and then fell into a deeper sleep.

And she never opened her eyes.

Lu Yichen didn’t know what he knew, he raised his head if he felt something, he was sitting on the sofa and distracted, his eyes looked faintly at the back of Su Jingyan who was busy in the kitchen, his face was still expressionless.

Lu Yichen squinted his eyes, then lowered his head, looked at his hands, and turned his palms and palms following his gaze.

In that woman’s memory.

He killed his favorite senior with these hands…

The sickness in Lu Yichen’s eyes did not diminish, and he even had to fight against the demons in his heart every day.

Then again…

In his heart…

There has always been a voice telling him that as long as he kills his favorite senior, then the senior can belong to him forever…

Always be your own.

The fingers of Lu Yichen’s two hands rubbed against each other, and the bones made a rattling sound, as if he was suppressing some emotion.

Are you willing?

Su Jingyan came out with the soup, wearing silicone gloves on both hands to prevent scalding, and carefully served the soup on the dining table.

He glanced at the person who was driven to rest on the sofa by himself, Xiaolu’s eyes were bent, and he shouted, “Yichen, it’s time to eat!”

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly walked into the kitchen to continue serving dishes.

Hearing this, Lu Yichen stood up and looked at Su Jingyan’s back, the paranoia in his eyes was undisguised.

The answer is, reluctantly.

Where did that woman come from…

he does not know.

But in her memory, he seems to have killed more than just Lu Qingye, Wen Ziyu, and Lin Yiming…

Why was Lu Qing killed by him? Like Wen Ziyu and Lin Yiming, she also wanted to kill his favorite senior to finally achieve the goal of complete possession.

Lu Yichen’s eyes flickered.

If he hadn’t discovered it early.


A bunch of ugly bugs for show!

They are actually trying to take away their senior from his side…

It’s just disgusting and ridiculous!

The sound of Lu Yichen’s bones being pinched was even louder, as if he was about to break it.

The only thing the three of them have in common is to possess his senior by killing his senior.

Thinking of this, Lu Yichen’s eyes were a little scarlet.

Is it a coincidence?

It seems that there will always be a lunatic like him around the senior.

really weird.

Lu Yichen’s eyes changed obscurely.


He will not let those who may hurt his senior continue to live.


Su Jingyan arranged the chopsticks, bent his eyes, sat on the chair, looked at Lu Yichen with a smile, “Yichen, come and eat.”

Lu Yichen sat quietly beside him, picked up the bowl and chopsticks.

Su Jingyan supported his chin, staring at Lu Yichen with joy.

Looking at it, Su Jingyan suddenly laughed out of nowhere.

He doesn’t know what’s going on, but he always feels that the way he and Lu Yichen get along now are very much like an old couple.

Living in the same house and living a life of daily necessities, even if no one talks, you will not feel embarrassed doing your own thing.

There is no need to deliberately create romance, as long as two people sit together, it is the ultimate romance.

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan’s eyes were filled with longing again.

“Lu Yichen.” Su Jingyan stared closely at Lu Yichen’s eyes, and the two looked at each other.

“I love you too.” Su Jingyan said seriously, his eyes were very bright, dazzlingly bright.

This sentence is a response to Lu Yichen’s confession.

The chopsticks in Lu Yichen’s hand fell down, squinting his eyes, looking at Su Jingyan with a deep expression, but did not speak.

After Su Jingyan finished speaking, his face immediately burned into a big apple. He covered his face, not daring to look at Lu Yichen’s expression, and he didn’t know what happened, his face was getting thinner and thinner.

Suddenly, with a jerk, Lu Yichen’s stool fell to the ground with a “bang”, rubbing against it and making ear-piercing harsh sounds.

Before Su Jingyan could react, he blinked his eyes and suddenly felt dizzy. Lu Yichen carried his whole body on his back, his waist and abdomen pressed against Lu Yichen’s shoulders, and his entire upper body lay on Lu Yichen’s back. Almost off balance.

Su Jingyan was startled, his body was unstable, his hands grabbed Lu Yichen’s clothes in shock, and asked suspiciously, “Yichen?”

Lu Yichen seemed to be suppressing some emotions, and his body twitched slightly uncontrollably. He didn’t speak, but stood up, picked up the man sullenly, and strode towards Su Jingyan’s bedroom.

Su Jingyan grabbed Lu Yichen’s clothes in a daze, as if he was stupid.

When Su Jingyan reacted, he had been thrown onto the bed by Lu Yichen.

Su Jingyan shrank his legs subconsciously, trying to get up, but before he got up, his legs were grabbed by the opponent’s two hands in the next second, and he was dragged to the edge of the bed, Lu Yichen He directly pushed Su Jingyan’s legs apart and pressed them on them.

“Plop, plop.” Su Jingyan’s heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

“Yichen, what’s wrong?”

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