The Paranoid Bosses Are All My Boyfriends

Chapter 40

V3 Chapter 35

Chapter two


Su Jingyan took a deep breath, his brain went blank, his face flushed very red, the base of his neck was burning hot, and his eyes kept blinking, as if he had been stimulated by something , and his shoulders trembled slightly.

At this moment, Su Jingyan really wanted to dig a hole for himself, and then got in, so he couldn’t hide.

Damn, it’s so embarrassing!

Su Jingyan snapped his hands together and covered his face directly, not daring to look at the man’s expression at all.

He is like a tortoise with a shell, once someone pokes his shell, he will be so startled that he shrinks back and hides in his shell, not daring to stick his head out again for a long time.

Seeing the atmosphere getting more and more blurred, Su Jingyan couldn’t recover from the embarrassing situation, his head lowered and his expression became slightly stiff.

However, the man seemed not to be affected by the episode just now, his facial expression remained unchanged, his eyes were indifferent, but he was in a trance, squinting, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

The man looked at Su Jingyan, paused, bent his body, hooked Su Jingyan’s back knee with his hand without warning, then put his other arm around Su Jingyan’s waist, and hugged Su Jingyan firmly. up.

Su Jingyan was unprepared, startled, his eyes widened, he gasped, and almost screamed, he was so frightened that he grabbed the man’s elbow to stabilize his figure.

He was still in a state of collapse, he didn’t even have the strength to resist, and his legs were a little weak.

Su Jingyan could clearly hear that the heartbeat that hadn’t calmed down was bouncing up and down quickly again, thud-thump-thump, as if it was about to jump out.

After the man picked him up, there was no hesitation or pressure in his movements. The speed was fast and the movements were as easy as hugging a child.

Su Jingyan’s face also became more and more red.

The man hugged the man firmly and gently, and slowly put him on the sofa in the living room.

Su Jingyan shrunk his neck subconsciously, slowly withdrew his hands from the man, lowered his head, and looked weak, helpless and pitiful.

His deer eyes drooped down, not daring to look at the man’s face at all, and his eyelashes also fluttered up and down, making him look very stiff and awkward. This may be the first time in his life that he has been hugged by a princess since he grew up.

Thinking of this, Su Jingyan’s face turned red again, and his throat felt a little dry.

The man glanced at Su Jingyan’s movements, took a step forward, and slowly squatted down in front of Su Jingyan, his body facing him, propping both hands on the sofa very oppressively, almost his whole body To press it up, stare at Su Jingyan’s face very aggressively.

This posture almost made Su Jingyan unavoidably look back at the man.

Su Jingyan was so ashamed of being stared at by the man’s scorching eyes, the blush on his face not only did not disappear, but even became more severe, and his breathing became a little rough.

Su Jingyan couldn’t bear the man’s naked gaze, his heart tightened suddenly, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably.

In order to alleviate this strange embarrassment, Su Jingyan hurriedly took the initiative to speak out, but his voice was hesitant and stammered because of nervousness, “Thank you, thank you, I am Su Jingyan, um, um, I live on the thirteenth floor of this building.”

The man stared at Su Jingyan’s extremely delicate facial features, watched Su Jingyan move his lips up and down, his Adam’s apple also slid slightly, his eyes were like black ink, he squinted, his eyes became more aggressive, but his voice sounded still It’s normal, and he responded lightly, “Mmm.”

Su Jingyan saw that the man only said one word, and the atmosphere between the two returned to embarrassment. He was annoyed for a while, wishing to hit his temple and call himself a pig’s brain.

Su Jingyan, Su Jingyan, what’s the matter with you, when you meet someone you like, you can’t even talk!

Perhaps the man saw his embarrassment, and his body was a little stiff. He paused for a moment, and then took the initiative to speak out. His voice was uniquely masculine, but a little hoarse, “I’m Lu Yichen.”

The moment Su Jingyan heard this name, Su Jingyan’s eyes suddenly lit up. To be precise, it was the unconcealable sense of surprise that rose in his eyes.

Su Jingyan himself didn’t know where this sense of surprise, which was similar to lost and found, came from, but when he heard these three words, he felt a little excited, and his brain began to go numb, like a trembling in the soul.

Su Jingyan felt a sense of trance as if he had called this name many times, his eyes rolled around, and he stared closely at the man’s face, his expression a little moved.

The two looked at each other quietly, there was an indescribable magnetic field effect.

Finally, Su Jingyan came back to his senses, the corners of his eyes were bent, his voice was inexplicably choked, and he repeated the man’s name softly, “Yichen.”

It’s very strange, Su Jingyan didn’t know why, as if he had called it many times, he naturally called the last word, and automatically ignored the last name, this is exactly the way two people who are very close and very close will call each other.

The young man read these two words softly. Looking at it from a man’s point of view, he could even see Su Jingyan’s lips moving up and down, and his slightly scarlet tongue.

The man’s body trembled uncontrollably because Su Jingyan pronounced his name, and his eyes narrowed, revealing a demeanor.

It was as if something pried open his heart little by little, and then gently stroked it, as addictive and intoxicating as if he had smoked poppies.

The man clenched his teeth, his lips were drawn into a straight line, he squinted his eyes, and tried hard to restrain every desire in his body to possess the person in front of him.

He moved his neck, making a creaking sound, trying to manage his facial expressions, and suppressing his desire.

Fortunately, the young man in front of him didn’t see anything.

Su Jingyan’s shining eyes scanned the furnishings in the room.

Simple, without the slightest clutter, the room can even be said to be cold.

Every book is sorted by color on the bookshelf, and there is only a clean set of tea sets on the coffee table, and there is not even a single messy wrinkle on the sofa next to it.

It’s unbelievably clean and rigorous.

But it really matched the man’s aura of not being close to strangers that he had at the first glance.

Su Jingyan blushed, paused, looked at everything around him and suddenly realized that he shouldn’t be here, he should go back and have a good rest, and then sleep.


Su Jingyan’s expression was a little stiff.

The experience just now really scared him enough, Su Jingyan still has some lingering fears, and he can’t imagine that he will walk back alone later, and then stay in the empty room for a night.

Seeing Su Jingyan’s eyes staring at the door from time to time, the man didn’t know if he was thinking about something. There was a bit of anxiety in his expression, and his hands slowly clenched into fists. The word “Chuan”.

The man looked at his expression, and slowly clenched his fingers that were propped on the sofa, his expression also cooled down, a dangerous stream of light flashed in his eyes, like a tornado swept through his eyes, flooding A turbulent mood.


You have been targeted by the devil.

Do you think you can escape?

Su Jingyan curled his lips, not knowing if it was because of a short circuit in his brain, he didn’t care about the consequences, and said directly, “Well, can I stay at your place tonight first?”

Su Jingyan said this sentence very fast, as if he had struggled for a long time before finally holding back a sentence.

After Su Jingyan finished speaking, she was a little embarrassed. She was very frightened that the man would refuse her request, so she hurriedly added, “I don’t need to sleep on the bed, I can just sleep on this sofa, I… I, I promise I will never rummage around Your things, if you find it troublesome, I can…”

Su Jingyan’s tone was full of unthinking resignation, he reluctantly and incoherently uttered these illogical remarks, and before he finished speaking, the man interrupted him in time, and responded, “Ok.”

When Su Jingyan heard this monosyllabic word, his expression was suffocated, and then he couldn’t hide his surprise, and his eyes blinked twice frantically.

The eyes that looked at the man were even brighter.

The man stared at Su Jingyan’s eyebrows and eyes, and the full tear mole under his eyes, and his throat involuntarily squirmed again.

Wu Sheng sneered like a hunter catching his prey in his heart.

“Really, thank you very much.” Su Jingyan’s eyes were very bright, and he looked at the man very sincerely, and he looked very excited.

The thrilling experience just now, if the man hadn’t opened the door at a critical moment, he couldn’t imagine what terrible thing he was going through at this moment.

Su Jingyan doesn’t blame those people who are unwilling to help him when his life is hanging by a thread. After all, to these people, he is just a stranger who doesn’t know his name, and it’s entirely their fault if they don’t help him. duty.

And he is also very able to understand the choices of these people, because this choice is the choice that most of them will make—not daring to cause trouble.

Of course, understanding is understanding, but if it is said that Su Jingyan has no grudges in his heart, or even doesn’t care, that is a lie.

He is heartbroken, he is very heartbroken, especially after the rest of his life, this feeling of anger and powerlessness is even worse.


Su Jingyan looked at the man’s face with a slightly moved expression.

It was the man in front of him who still chose to help himself in such an emergency, even when he didn’t know whether he was going to die or not…

He even planned to take himself in for the night…

Su Jingyan’s complete indifference is false.

Thinking about it differently, if it was him who saw other people encountering the kind of thing he encountered today, he felt that he would not be able to stand up bravely like a man, let alone let a stranger live in him Sleeping all night at home…

The more he thought about it, Su Jingyan’s expression changed several times when he saw the man.

The eyes are simply naked, unadorned worship and admiration, just short of directly nailing the two big characters “good man” on the man’s forehead.

The “good man” swept Su Jingyan’s whole body up and down, still pressing on the young man in a very intimate posture. The man narrowed his eyes and asked in a hoarse voice, “Are you hungry?”

“Ah?” Su Jingyan Xiaolu’s eyes trembled, and he didn’t understand what the man meant.

He repeated this sentence several times in his mind before he realized that the man was asking himself if he was hungry.

Su Jingyan blushed, feeling a little ashamed. In fact, he was very hungry, especially after the man mentioned the word “hungry”, his hunger was instantly aroused, but after all, he had already troubled him so much. It’s really embarrassing.

So he opened his mouth, and was about to shake his head and say “I’m not hungry”, but before the sound in his throat came out, his stomach made a protesting sound first.

“Gulu—” sounded especially loud in the silent night.



Damn, it’s so embarrassing! What a shame!

Su Jingyan’s face was so red that he could almost bleed, he had no face to look at the man’s expression, so he directly covered his face with his hands, trying to escape reality like an ostrich.

In the next second, Su Jingyan felt the man’s hand attached to his head, touched it lightly twice, and then let go.

Su Jingyan also fell on the sofa stupidly, and when he realized it, the body that had been pressing down on him just now had stood up.

Su Jingyan covered his face, raised his head blankly, looked at the back of the man walking towards the kitchen, could no longer hold back the shyness in his heart, turned sideways abruptly, put his face directly on the sofa, and buried himself Then he hated iron for being weak and smashed his head on the sofa with all his strength.

How embarrassing! How embarrassing!

But what he didn’t know was that all his blushing and charming eyes were caught by a certain dangerous man.


Have you heard of the story of the sheep entering the tiger’s mouth?

This sheep, tsk, is really pitiful.

A gust of wind followed, and the man in the windbreaker subconsciously wrapped his clothes tightly, and then continued to walk forward.

There was still some speechlessness and annoyance in his expression.

He’s a freak, he fully admits to it.

What he likes to do most is to look for women who are alone in the community at ten o’clock in the evening, and then tear off his clothes and expose his organs for them to see.

In the beginning, he just wanted to satisfy his desire for exposure, but as time went on, this pleasure was greatly reduced.

He is more and more dissatisfied with this.

Later, he let himself go, and his psychology began to twist, thinking that women who came back so late, there is no good stuff, they must be a **** who is ridden by thousands of people, and who does not love himself.

Sleep once without losing a piece of meat.

He committed a crime for the first time, and the location was chosen at the nearest bar outside the community. Every night, there would be a row of “female corpses” lying in front of the bar. Excitedly, he randomly dragged one away, dragged it to the nearby grove, and solved it. Take a look at your libido.

The next day, when he regained his consciousness, he also felt very scared. He was a little terrified, worried that the police would come to his door, but the fact is that a day has passed, a week has passed, and a month has passed, and he is still safe and sound. .

The woman he dragged away didn’t accuse him of sexual assault at all.

It is precisely because of this experience that the thoughts in the man’s mind have been strengthened, and it has naturally made him more certain that women are lowly things, they can sleep as they please, and they are not responsible.

You know, everything is the same, if there is a first time, there will be a second time and a third time…

He began to carefully select his targets, especially those who were easy to attack at first glance, and whose personality was relatively weak at first glance.

So many times, he didn’t say anything, and he succeeded, but the number of times he really succeeded was not rare, but he was always roaming freely, and no police came to his door at all.


You know, this society always holds great malice towards female victims. Anyone who has something to do with **** is scolded as a victim, and they all uphold the theory that the victim is guilty.

It is precisely because he knows this that he is more fearless.

Good luck today, let him meet a top quality, although he is a man, but it must be very cool!

After all, the chances of a man being hurt and speaking out are even slimmer.

Which man is willing to share his experience of being hurt? Isn’t it because you suffer from being dumb but dare not speak out?

I never expected that people would escape like this in the end, **** it!


It doesn’t matter!

I squat in this building every night, afraid that I won’t find anyone?

Thinking of this, the man laughed twice, showing his big yellow teeth, his expression was extremely wretched, even because of his age, he couldn’t help humming a song, looking very happy.

But he hadn’t been complacent for too long, his expression began to stiffen – he felt his body began to kneel on the ground uncontrollably.

His eyes widened, his face was full of horror, and he let his brain dictate and control his body. His body was like a marionette, with his knees on the ground and his hands hanging down weakly.

The man’s eyeballs were so horrified that they were about to pop out, his eyes were about to burst, and he didn’t know what was going on.

After a while, his body stood up, as if he had been summoned by something, he walked forward very purposefully, and his steps were very stable.

The man tried hard to control himself, and even started to tremble, but he still couldn’t change the reality. He didn’t even know where his legs were going to take him.

Finally, the man walked for a long time, walked, and stood directly under a surveillance camera in the community.

Seeing this, the man was sweating profusely, his heartbeat was accelerating, as if his heart was about to jump out, his back was cold, and his brain was numb.

The monitor took a complete picture of the man’s face, together with the panic and fear that the man couldn’t hide at this moment.

In the next second, the man’s hand uncontrollably unbuttoned the buttons of his windbreaker, one after another, and then “snapped”, all of them were torn apart.

The man’s fat belly was exposed to the air, and the horizontal flesh on it rolled up and down, trembling twice.

At this moment, the man’s spirit almost collapsed, he tried his best to control himself, but the result was still in vain.

Terrible yes.

In his frightened eyes, he watched helplessly as his hand pulled out a knife out of thin air from behind his back, and he held it tightly in his hand.

The man felt a chill all of a sudden.

No! !

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