The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 82

Chapter 81 – Possession (Second Update)

Xia Zhinian’s palm was extremely hot, and the carotid artery on one side kept beating, scorching hot, attracting his attention one after another.

The touch was so clear that his mind seemed to be attracted by the powerful agitation, and his heart rate gradually merged into one.

“…Yan Ci.”

Xia Zhinian’s ears were very red, and his whole body was a little hot, “Why are you touching this place?”

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up a little, “This place can attract your attention.”

The rice cake dumpling bit his neck not once or twice.

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

Xia Zhinian was dazed, his ears burned badly.

“Why are you attracting my attention? Aren’t you suffering now?”

Yan Ci smiled, his voice was sweet, “What can I do, of course I want my boy to remember me more deeply.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian’s face turned bright, and he turned his head, not wanting to talk to this weird black sesame glutinous rice balls, but his fingertips inadvertently touched the hard bumps and rubbed them twice.

The night is getting darker.

Xia Zhinian was hugged by someone, closed his eyes, his consciousness was hazy, his eyes were plunged into darkness, and he spread out the picture scroll little by little.

The boy on the bed closed his eyes and curled up in the bed.

“Knock knock.”

There were two gentle knocks on the door.

“Who is it?”

The boy sat up.

The door was pushed open, and the second uncle and sister-in-law stepped in.

My sister-in-law has long, wavy hair and a bright smile, “Chinian, are you asleep? Your second uncle and I saw that your food at the birthday party was mixed, so I’ll bring you some soup.”

Xia Zhinian frowned, got up and sat on the side of the bed, “Thank you, I washed it up, you can drink it yourself.”

“Hey, it doesn’t matter, just rinse your mouth again later.” Auntie smiled.

The second uncle was holding a tray with two small cups of porcelain white on it, covered with lids.

He brought it over, handed the tray to the sister-in-law, and opened one beside the bed as he walked, and the clear and clear liquid shook slightly.

“Come on juvenile, taste a little, today you will be an adult, an adult.”

The boy sat on the bed, looked at them, his almond eyes rolled round, his thumb rubbed against the joint of his left index finger, he pursed his lips cautiously for no reason.

“No, drink it yourself—”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw the tall second uncle leaning over and reaching out his hand, his heart skipped a beat, his whole body tensed up instinctively, and he dodged to avoid it.

But he was too thin and weak, and the strong and powerful man in his early thirties quickly grabbed his arm.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes widened, his heart was beating heavily, and the hairs all over his body stood on end for a moment, struggling hard, “What are you doing?!”

“Don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous.” The little aunt smiled charmingly, “Isn’t this soup prepared for you, take a sip, don’t waste our thoughts.”

“I don’t drink it.” Xia Zhinian looked at her, at her aunt by blood, almost terrified, her eyes widened, and she trembled desperately to break free.

The second uncle held him tightly, almost dislocating his arm with tyrannical force, with a relaxed posture, he squeezed his chin open with his free hand.


The boy’s arms were twisted backwards, and the beautiful woman held the spoon, pouring a spoonful of honey-colored liquid down her throat.

Very sweet.

Xia Zhinian: “!!”


He is allergic!

Xia Zhinian’s hair stood on end, he coughed violently, his heart beating extremely fast, his whole body tensed up, trying to spit out the mouthful of honey water.

However, the abnormally rapid reaction to the allergic disease did not give him this opportunity, and it spread rapidly in the blink of an eye.

His throat was instantly swollen and painful, and a burning sensation filled his entire respiratory tract.

The swollen throat pressed against the trachea, obstructed breathing, and wheezing was difficult.

The second uncle let go of him, and laughed a little, “This sick young man is going to die at last. Watching him every day, it’s unlucky to die.”

Xia Zhinian: “!”

He couldn’t breathe, curled up on the bed, his chest heaved violently, and his whole body was trembling, but very little air entered the respiratory tract, and he died.

He stared at his uncle and aunt.

The sister-in-law put down the spoon and said lazily: “Yes, if it weren’t for the big brother and sister-in-law who had all their money in the name of this little living dead ghost, and he is not an adult, he can only stay in the fund and take a little bit regularly, so the family will not support him.” It’s so big.”

“Hey, when he is an adult, the money will be in his account, and when he dies, the inheritance will naturally be ours, so it’s not a waste of ten years.

“Cough cough, cough cough cough.”

Xia Zhinian couldn’t stop coughing and panting, bit his left index finger hard, stared at them, his back felt cold, but seeing their idle appearance, anger and grievance spread wildly in his head.



He endured it desperately, breathed hard, and wanted to run out from here. My sister-in-law found that he was still awake, and she was surprised, “Sure enough, life is hard, and I still have a breath, who’s life is robbing?”

The woman leaned over a little closer, and stretched out her hand to pinch his cheek. Xia Zhinian’s breathing was unsteady, his head had already started humming due to lack of oxygen, and his fingertips were trembling, but the emotion in his chest was tightly blocked, stalking him.

The long nails fell on her face, Xia Zhinian felt disgusted, tensed up, and kicked her stomach.

The sister-in-law was caught off guard and fell to the ground, and was furious, “Little bastard, you are courting death!”

The second uncle suppressed the shivering thin boy, she got up, picked up another jar of undiluted pure honey, sticky and sweet, and poured the thick, disgustingly sweet honey into his throat with the cold spoon .

The throat was swollen, and it became more and more difficult to breathe. Allergic swelling blocked the throat, and the asthma caused by it made the already difficult breathing even more difficult.

He wanted to struggle, but his eyes were dizzy, and his consciousness was about to lose consciousness.

But he just persevered.

There was the click of a crutch hitting the floor at the door.

Go up the stairs, past the bedroom door.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were wide open, and there was a hint of hope in the amber pupils, looking towards the door.

“Hmm, cough, cough, cough—!”

Outside the door is a pair of elderly people with gorgeous hair but luxurious and expensive clothes.

Grandpa held on to his crutches and didn’t turn his head. Grandma glanced sideways, feeling completely cold.

Turning around, she left safely as if she hadn’t seen anything.

Xia Zhinian’s almond eyes were round, and the fundus of his eyes was empty. The lack of oxygen and suffocation made him dizzy, and there was almost a hint of daze in his amber eyes.



Seeing the dazed look in his eyes, my sister-in-law covered her stomach and smiled, whispering like a devil, and quietly slipped into her ears.

“Why are you surprised? I’ve said it before. In that car accident, you took the lives of three people.”

“It’s not yours, it’s never yours.”

She laughed, “Thieves, robbers, steal things from others, they have to be returned, hahaha.”

Xia Zhinian shivered slightly.


He didn’t.

Why do you say he is a thief and a robber.

He just survived, he just lived.

Did nothing wrong again.


The eyes gradually fell into darkness, and there was a rustling wind in his ears, passing through his dilapidated body and heart.

A little laughter mixed in the wind, tell him.

“You shouldn’t have survived.”

Xia Zhinian opened his eyes.

The field of vision is a thick black, without a trace of light.

He was a little stiff, stood up in the absolute darkness, and suddenly found that he could breathe.

Where is this?

Is it **** or heaven?

It is said that before death, people will watch their whole life like a horse on a horse.

But his short ten years may not have much to see, so it passed by.

Where is this?

Where does a person go when he dies, where does he go?

never mind.

It doesn’t seem to matter.

Xia Zhinian stood in the dark, his eyes were empty, and he was quiet.



Slight movement.

A ray of light from a flashlight streamed in, illuminating some of the darkness.

Xia Zhinian followed the sound and looked at the light source without squinting to avoid it.

He seemed to have forgotten some instinctive movements, and looked over quietly.

The person holding the flashlight reacted quickly. Seeing the standing figure, he quickly shot the light towards the ground.

There was a power outage at night, Yan Ci went down and came back with a flashlight, and by the light, he could clearly see the appearance of the boy.

There was no movement in the dead eyes, and there was almost a dead breath in his whole body.

Pale and silent looking over.

Yan Ci’s heart skipped a beat, and he lowered his voice.

“…Good boy?”

Xia Zhinian looked at this familiar boy, and it seemed that fragments slowly gathered in his head, bringing out a series of pictures.

He thought, so his revolving lantern is here.

Life is too bitter, so his thinking, his soul, hid in the novel at night, and created such a sweet memory in an instant, pouring into his soul.

Caring and considerate parents and brothers, such a good Yan Ci.

appeared in his consciousness.

Even if he relied on the way of imagining before death, he still felt very happy.

The boy’s eyes finally fluctuated slightly, and slowly, slowly, he raised a smile.

Yan Ci was almost startled, so he calmed down and stepped forward, stood in front of the young man, and called him softly.

“Good boy, every year?”


Xia Zhinian squeezed out a response from his sore throat, softly.

He smiled, slowly raised his hand, and carefully touched the boy’s cheek with his fingertips, hiding his expectation, and asked him.

“Will you always be in my consciousness?”

Will you stay with him all the time?

“What’s the meaning?”

Yan Ci’s heart sank, his brows furrowed, his voice was a little anxious, but he still tried his best to slow down, as if he was afraid of frightening the young man who was as fragile and thin as a piece of paper in front of him.

…What’s the meaning?

Xia Zhinian tilted her head, her almond eyes were so pure that they were almost hollow.

Oh, yes, the characters created in the consciousness do not know that they are the products of others’ imaginations.


Xia Zhinian smiled, and gently pressed his palm against the boy’s cheek, “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, I will remember you until the second before I disappear.”

Yan Ci’s heart tightened, he grabbed his wrist, glanced at the loose pajamas on the young man’s body, made sure there was no place to hide dangerous things, pressed his lips together, and asked in a warm voice.

“Why did you dissipate?”

The smile on Xia Zhinian’s face faded a little, and after a while, he felt that this was not bad, so he smiled again.

“…Because I’m dead.”

Died on Mid-Autumn Festival.

Died on reunion night.

Died on his adult birthday.

Yan Ci’s fingertips trembled, and the soft place at the tip of his heart felt like someone had stabbed him, and he suddenly realized something.

he died.

His rice cake dumplings died once.


The mini flashlight landed on the ground, and the light beam rolled a few times and fell to the feet, illuminating the quietly smiling teenager.

He is like an empty doll, which can turn into powder and sand at any time and slip through the fingers.

“Good boy…”


This is his rice cake dumpling.


Yan Ci stared at the young man, feeling palpitations, mixed with a bit of madness, grabbed the back of the young man’s neck, and kissed him ferociously.


Xia Zhinian froze for a moment.

The lips were numb and painful, the boy was almost biting, prying his teeth open and driving straight in, the breath that spilled down was hot and scalding, as if it could burn people.

Xia Zhinian’s heart began to beat chaotically, as if being pulled out of stagnant water, it pounded against his chest, his almond eyes widened blankly, and his breathing was a little anxious.

“Well, Yan…”

Yan Ci licked and bit his lips, his whole body was cold and crazy, caring about the boy’s breathing, he tightened his grip on the boy, his lips moved down

, landed on the boy’s shoulder, and bit down hard.

“Woo, it hurts, it hurts…” Xia Zhinian flinched and shivered slightly.

Yan Ci exerted great strength, hugged the young man tightly to prevent him from hiding, gently pecked and kissed the tooth mark, his voice was low and slow.

“Hey, the dead don’t hurt.”

“You hurt because you are still alive, live well.”

Xia Zhinian: “…??”

Xia Zhinian was dumbfounded.

Seeing that he didn’t recover, Yan Ci changed to another place and took another bite.

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian woke up from the pain.

His head was buzzing, his mouth was deflated, and he wanted to cry in pain, but instead of hiding, he hugged Yan Ci’s waist and squeezed hard into his arms.

“…Yan Ci, Yan Ci.”

He yelled repeatedly, the tears that he had held back for years finally fell, one after another, flowing down his cheeks, his voice choked up, and in the end he could hardly stop crying, wailing like a child.

“I’m dead, I’m dead…Why do they…”

He just lives.

He just wants to live.

Why is someone else’s death his fault.

Why it was his fault that he survived.

Why are those people.

Yan Ci hugged the young man, wrapped his arms around his waist, let him cry, patted his back lightly, and spoke contemptuously.

“My boy, you are right, you are not dead.”

“You just left your wandering corner and went home.”

The bedroom door was not closed tightly, and the crying attracted several members of the Xia family. Jiang Yuan saw the youngest son being hugged by Yan Ci in the middle of the room, crying uncontrollably, and hurried forward.

“Niannian? What’s wrong with Niannian? Tell mom, and mom will help you solve it.”

Xia Zhinian was choked up from crying, twitching, but her mood was a little better, “No, nothing.”

Yan Ci saw that he was a little tired from crying, so he found a place to sit down, hugged the boy and let him sit on his lap.

Xia Zhinian buried his head in the socket of Yan Ci’s shoulder, crying twitching, feeling that Yan Ci’s shoulder was wet from crying, so he straightened up a little, and rubbed it on the other shoulder.

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, seeing the rice cake dumpling calmed down, he stroked the back of his neck soothingly.

Jiang Yuan was very anxious and worried, “Niannian, what happened?”

Xia Zhinian wiped away tears on Yan Ci’s shoulder, choked up his sobs from time to time, and made a loud noise.

“It’s okay, it’s just… I had a nightmare.”

Just treat it as a dream.

Forget to pull it clean.

Jiang Yuan obviously didn’t believe it, she pursed her lips tightly, Xia Wenhan and Xia Hongyu looked at the young man nicely.

Yan Ci shunned the young man’s back, and said in a gentle voice, “My boy, I’m crying so much, don’t hold back, just say it once and finish crying.”

“It’s not scary to tell the nightmare.”

Xia Zhinian choked up and twitched, his eyes and nose were all red, feeling that what Yan Ci said was reasonable, so he opened up and said it.

His head was dizzy from crying, and he talked with a hammer here and there. Occasionally, Yan Ci or Jiang Yuan would ask a question, and he would answer. If he was in a bad mood, he would cry again, like a child venting his grievances, sobbing and twitching. .

Afterwards, he finally said the same thing, and was tired from crying, leaning on Yan Ci’s shoulder, and fell asleep with his mouth pursed.

There was silence in the room.

Xia Wenhan held the flashlight he picked up in his hand.

A small flashlight as thick as a finger was broken by him with one hand, his eyes were dark, they were on fire, and he had nowhere to vent.

Yan Ci hugged the young man tightly in his arms, Jiang Yuan buried her face in her hands, tears streaming down her face silently, Xia Hongyu sighed, unable to say a word, and patted his wife on the back.

It’s hard for an adult to bear so much pain and suffering, but every year is so young.

He grew up in that kind of torture, no one cared about him, he spent all his energy trying to live and walk towards the sunny place.

Until the day he just came of age, everything came to an abrupt end.

He died of asphyxiation.

Died at the hands of blood relatives in that body.

…But they couldn’t find someone to settle accounts with.

Xia Wenhan held back his hostility.

There was another silence in the room. After a long time, the sleeping boy unconsciously hummed, breaking the stiffness.

Yan Ci lowered his head and patted him on the back, and several members of the Xia family all looked over.

The boy groaned, and soon fell asleep quietly again.

Jiang Yuan sighed softly.

A ray of warm light fell into the edge of the undrawn curtain, orange-red and golden.

Xia Hongyu opened the curtains a little, and the room was brightly lit.

“It’s dawn, everything will be fine.”

he said softly.

Xia Zhinian cried for half the night, and slept upside down for the whole morning the next day. When he woke up, his eyes were sore and he felt a little hot and burning.

Xia Wenhan found two packs of ice packs, wrapped them in cloth covers, and put them on his brother’s eyes.

Xia Zhinian lay flat on the bed, pressing the ice packs on her eyes with both hands, saying thank you, her voice was hoarse.

Yan Ci raised the cup by his side a little more, put the straw to the young man’s lips, waited for him to take a big sip, and then took it away.

Xia Zhinian can do whatever she wants, it is very comfortable to lie down, but she is a bit hungry.

“Good boy, are you hungry, what do you want to eat?”

What do you want, Yan Ci just asked, Xia Zhinian thought about it, and said excitedly, “I want to eat spicy strips.”

Yan Ci: “…”

Xia Wenhan: “…”

Yan Ci thought about the injury on his waist, it was already healed, and he clicked his tongue, “Okay, eat, what else do you want to eat?”

Xia Zhinian turned his head around, thinking clearly, realizing that this is a good opportunity to seek benefits, he pursed his lips, “I want my snack cabinet!”

After the car accident, he was locked up by Yan Ci.

Yan Ci: “…”

Yan Ci clicked his tongue, saying that he had nothing to say, “Okay, I’ll go and unlock the lock today.”

“This can’t be eaten either.” Xia Wenhan said rationally, standing by the bed, looking at his younger brother who was clearly relieved of his worries, “What do you want to eat?”


Xia Zhinian thought for a while, and said with high spirits, “Hot pot!”

“Okay.” Xia Wenhan nodded, “I’ll let my aunt prepare.”

The footsteps gradually receded and disappeared outside, Xia Zhinian took off the ice pack, revealing two red rabbit eyes, looking at the only person left in the room.

“Yan Ci.”


The young man pursed his mouth, his almond eyes were round and still red, and he groaned, “My shoulder hurts.”

He didn’t dare to let his elder brother and the others find out that Yan Ci was not liked by his elder brother in the first place, and it was even more serious to see these two big teeth marks.

Secrets are more painful to hide, but easy to tell.

But it must be determined in advance whether the person who wants to share the secret is worth sharing, and whether that person is willing to share the pain.

There is no doubt that Yan Ci is, and so is the Xia family.

Xia Zhinian is really much more relaxed.

Yan Ci picked up the clothes on the young man’s shoulders and took a look, “I have already applied the medicine, if it hurts, can I apply it again?”

“Forget it.”

Xia Zhinian finds it troublesome…

Mainly because I was hungry and lay down and didn’t want to move.

The boy with a jade face sat beside the bed, his dark eyes drooped, Xia Zhinian lay on the bed looking at him, blinking, and asked softly.

“Yan Ci, what are you thinking?”

Yan Ci patted his head, his voice was low, “I’m thinking about you.”

Xia Zhinian smiled, her almond eyes curled up, and her tone was soft, “I miss you too.”

He got up with his arms propped up, looked at Yan Ci Qingjun’s face, moved closer, leaned into his arms, felt two dull heartbeats, and rubbed his head against his neck.

“Yan Ci.”

The familiar body warmly wrapped her up, Xia Zhinian pursed her lips, and said softly, “Thank you.”

Drag him out of the mire.

Yan Ci didn’t speak, and the meaning in his black eyes was unclear, and there was a faint storm brewing.


Xia Zhinian was caught off guard by Yan Ci who dug him out of his arms, his almond eyes were round and he was a little dazed.

The chin was lifted suddenly, and a lot of force restrained him.

Yan Ci stared at the young man firmly, his voice was deep and cold.

“Baby, who am I to you?”

Xia Zhinian: “???”

Xia Zhinian’s chin was pinched, he was stunned for a moment, and said slowly: “My… who is pulling me, who is pulling me?”

Rescue him from the mire, far from the swamp.

Or it could be called redemption.

Yan Ci had a strange expression on his face, his eyes were dark, and his hands tightened.


The figure in front of him pressed down, his lips were suddenly blocked, Xia Zhinian was startled, he was held by the back of his neck and fixed, his jaw fell apart, his lips and teeth were finely plundered, his intertwined breathing was hot and humid, and the atmosphere was thick.

Xia Zhinian’s heart was pounding, his breathing was slightly disordered, his body was a little hot, his almond eyes looked round, his tongue and lips were numb, and his color was bright red and attractive.

“…Yan, Yan Ci?”

Yan Ci’s eyes were dark and intense, he clasped his chin, leaned slightly, and smiled with the corners of his mouth pulled.

“Baby, that’s not right.”

He smiled, leaned over and kissed the corner of the boy’s lips affectionately, his breath was hot.

The words were gentle and tinged with coolness, with a frightening paranoid madness, and said softly—

“Remember, I am not your redeemer, I am your possessor.”

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