The Paranoid Protagonist is Addicted To My Stickers

Chapter 91

Chapter 90 – Hard

The young man pulled the thin black ribbon around his neck, his almond eyes drooped slightly, his ears turned red, and he tried to untie the choker without looking at his extraordinarily glamorous self in the mirror.

Yan Ci saw that he didn’t have the slightest thought of taking it with him, so he pursed his lips, showing a little regret, “Really don’t take it?”

“I want to take you.” Xia Zhinian said casually.

Yan Ci thought for two seconds, “That’s fine, then I’ll take it, don’t take off your bracelet.”

Xia Zhinian: “?!”


The slender fingers were wrapped around the back of the neck, untied, and the fingertips rubbed against the skin slightly. After removing them, they wrapped around the back of the boy’s neck and tightened them slightly.

Yan Ci slowly put on the short necklace, a thin black leather strap, even with a little warmth from rice cake dumplings.

His complexion is cold, coupled with this pure black, his Adam’s apple is passing by from time to time, and the color contrast is sharp, it looks particularly… eye-catching.

Xia Zhinian looked at it with good eyes, blinked and blinked, and couldn’t take his eyes off for no reason.

Yan Ci took his hand, took the boy back, and picked up the phone to show him.

“Hey, this necklace also has a location in it, and it’s connected to your mobile phone, so you won’t be able to find me.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian looked at the location display on his mobile phone, which was also accurate to six decimal places, and felt in his heart: “…”


It was not a surprise.

Xia Zhinian glanced at Yan Ci’s neck again, black and white, the extreme coldness and astringency hit his eyes, his heart skipped a beat, he pursed his dry lips, and looked away.

However, when he went to the classroom the next day, Xia Zhinian regretted it.

There is no other reason, there are too many people coming and going to see Yan Ci.

Whether it was in the corridor or in the classroom, they turned their heads 100% of the time, staring at Yan Ci’s neck in unison, and screaming with excitement.

Another day when the forum was bombarded wildly, and the popularity remained high for a long time.

[Main building: On the beauty of the school grass in the prosperous age, the fitness of the exquisite young master every year]


[Frozen to death]: Yan Shen wears a necklace, and Xia Zhinian wears two bracelets, what do you mean, matching?

[Land So]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Can I still give it a try? ! Ahhhhh!

[Are you here]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I want every year! I want every year!

[Surrounding Cocktails]: Huh, no, no, blindness is real, and blindness will never be removed!

[Purple Potato Mud]: Yan Shen is really good-looking, that neck couplet is simply his temptation!

[Mobile phone is ugly]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhāhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, School grass I love you ah ah ah ah ah!

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Xia Zhinian looked at the phone, pursed her rosy lips and pressed them into a line, her long eyelashes drooped slightly, looking unhappy.

Good-looking is good-looking, he knew Yan Ci was good-looking.

But no matter how good-looking it is, it’s still his, and it’s useless for other people to shout love over and over again.


The phone rang again.

The post pops up with the latest replies.

[Yanci]: @[Mobile phone is ugly]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh School grass I love you ah ah ah ah ah!

[Yan Ci]: Don’t love, you are already unhappy if you have a master.

Xia Zhinian: “…?”

Xia Zhinian stared at the phone, dazed for two seconds.

The forum was also suddenly silent, like the calm before a storm.

After a while, the wind and waves rose suddenly.

[We are in class]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

[Fifth Upper]: Ahhhhhhhhh!

[Zi what]: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

[Mobile Phone Arrangement]: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh It’s public! It’s public!

There was a scream.

Xia Zhinian’s breathing was stagnant, his fingertips curled up slightly, he turned his head slowly, and looked at the boy with straight shoulders beside him.

Yan Ci put down his phone, with a smile on his face, gentle and gentle, but the necklace on his neck revealed a strange and cold beauty, the whole person was contradictory and inexplicably harmonious, which caught people’s attention.

The boy said with a gentle voice and a good-tempered smile: “Will this make you happy?”

“…” Xia Zhinian’s ears felt slightly hot, his heart pounded twice, he pursed his lips, clasped the corners of his clothes with his fingertips, and nodded slightly.


Of course happy.

The black sesame glutinous rice **** certainly made him happy.

Xia Zhinian pursed her lips tightly with red ears, trying to calm herself down.

After a while, he still couldn’t hold back, he laughed, his eyes bent into crescents, and he nodded heavily.


Yan Ci stroked the young man’s soft hair.

Xia Zhinian held the mobile phone, and suddenly thought of something, “The teacher of the campus network will see it, you just send it so carelessly, what should the teacher do if he wants to talk to you.”


Yan Ci was gentle and gentle, and said slowly: “You have been here for a short time, so I don’t know very well. No. 3 Middle School is not strict with puppy love.”

He thought about the world that the rice cake dumpling told him before, and thought of all the differences, so he lowered his voice so that only the two of them could hear it.

“This world is not like the one over there. It’s not too strict with puppy love. What’s more, we are adults and we don’t have much control.”

He smiled, and the corners of his lips raised slightly, “What’s more, even if we fell in love, with my help, classmate Xia’s grades did not drop by half, but improved by leaps and bounds, Lao Qin would not say anything.”

Xia Zhinian squinted his eyes, “There’s no room for lower grades, okay?”

The grade is counting down, and there is no way to drop.

And his grades were not brought up by Yan Ci, it was he who pushed the reason for his grades.

Xia Zhinian’s mood was soothed, but the forum didn’t calm down just because Yan Ci had an idea.

In the eyes of most people, although Yan Ci and Xia Zhinian have not made it public, they must have been together a long time ago, so now it is publicly stated…

Not too surprised.

Zou Ziqian still wanted to make arrangements for Christmas class dinner, but he was ignored by anyone who had a partner. He persisted, and finally regressed pitifully, and moved the time forward by one day.

That is Wednesday.

Christmas Eve.

As night fell, a large group of people gathered at the hot pot restaurant, and the owner gave an apple one by one. Xia Zhinian was in the bathroom, and when he heard the news, he took it out and found that it was his elder brother who asked him if he would go back to Xia’s house at night.

He posted that he wasn’t sure, and opened the forum to take a look. After a glance, the screen was full-Yan Shenxiao Cao Yanci is so handsome, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

He clicked on one at random.

[School grass look at me! 】: Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooery

[This is you]: Hahaha, sister, do you want to get to know each other or to be superior, hahaha.

[School grass look at me! 】: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,that must be because I want to be superior, and besides, I’m a male.

[Looking at Kaka]: Fuck, the school grass eats both men and women.

[Nobody]: That necklace is so attractive, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah, that necklace is so attractive!

【Sister Zi】: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

[Shushi]: That’s right, the school grass is so gentle and good-tempered, and with that choker, he looks like a ghost in painted skin, hahahahahahaha.

[Control is]: I am a scholar, please come and tease me.

【What’s the hard work】: Really take a good look!

Xia Zhinian: “…”



It’s so pretty.

Xia Zhinian’s lips curled up.

Yan Ci sat in his seat and saw that the rice cake dumpling had gone to the bathroom for a long time and did not return. Looking at the time, ten minutes had passed.

Get up and go out according to the location to find it.

he along the hand

Walking forward, passing the corner, a slender body suddenly bumped into his arms, grabbed his arm, and dragged his head to the empty private room next to him.


what happened?

Yan Ci raised his eyebrows slightly, and let the young man pull him in in a leisurely manner.

The box was not turned on, and as soon as the door was closed, there was only a faint gleam of light in the room.

The figures were indistinct.

Xia Zhinian pushed the gentle and jade-like boy to the wall, grabbed the clothes around his waist, and tiptoed to kiss the corner of his lips indiscriminately.

An indistinct hum came out of his throat, soft and sticky, a little unhappy.

“Good boy…”

The light was dim, and the rice cake dumpling could not be seen clearly. Sometimes he kissed the corners of his lips and sometimes his chin, and his breathing made him itchy.

Rare enthusiasm.

Yan Ci chuckled, wrapped his arms around the young man’s waist, and held the back of the young man’s neck with the other hand, pressing his lips together, and quickly turned back, occupying all the young man’s breath.


Xia Zhinian was a little dizzy from being kissed, panted slightly, and unconsciously grabbed Yan Ci’s clothes.


Yan Ci smiled, gave him some free air, rubbed his fingertips against the back of his neck, and asked warmly, “What’s wrong?”

Who messed with his rice cake dumplings.

The young man’s lips were rosy, his mouth was pursed, he snorted, and squeezed into Yan Ci’s arms, unhappy.

“A lot of people say… that they like you, that they want to be your backup, and when I break up with you in the future, they will take advantage of the situation and kiss you.”

…with a sour tone.

The corners of Yan Ci’s lips curled up, satisfied with the boy’s sourness, his fingertips penetrated into the boy’s hair, rubbing gently, his voice soft and smiling.

“Oh, so the boy will break up with me in the future?”

Xia Zhinian pursed his mouth, gnawed on his neck, and his hot lips touched his Adam’s apple.

The piece of cartilage suddenly slid up and down for a moment.

The boy’s body tensed up a bit.

The hands clasped behind the neck tightened, the palms were hot, and Xia Zhinian’s voice was soft, muttering.

“If I break up with you, you really won’t kill me with such a **** sesame glutinous rice ball.”

Then his meow is not called breaking up, but widowed.

Yan Ci laughed lightly, his black eyes filled with joy, he leaned over, and kissed the young man’s lips tenderly.

“Baby.” He called softly.

The temperature in the dark box rose, the air was a little sticky, the boy’s mouth was blocked, his breathing was out of his control, and his chest heaved violently.

During the occasional gaps for breathing, he heard soft voices in his ears.

“that’s right.”

“If we want to break up, one of us must die.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”


After all, black sesame glutinous rice **** have always been crazy.

The young man stretched out his hand, touched Yan Ci’s neck, and grabbed the necklace on it, his breathing was rapid, his almond eyes were wet, intermittent and soft.

“Yan Ci, don’t, don’t take it with you, don’t let them see it.”

Going back to the private room where the first class was, there was a lot of noise inside, Zou Ziqian saw the two of them coming in one after the other, hey hey.

“You guys go to the bathroom, why have you been there for so long, the first wave of meat has been snatched up, luckily I left it for you—”

His voice stopped abruptly, and he stared at a pair of pure and curious eyes.

“My former deskmate, why is your mouth so red?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Not only red, but also numb.

Xia Zhinian’s eyes were round and round, and he glanced at the boy next to him, his ears felt slightly warm.


Zou Ziqian continued to ask in confusion, “How did the Yanshen necklace get on your neck?”

A thin black belt around the boy’s neck clasped the base of his neck and tightened vaguely.

Yuen Long poked Zou Ziqian frantically at the side, and grinned.

“Old Zou, you single dog knows nothing, don’t say hello to a couple, otherwise you will be the one who eats dog food, hahaha.”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

Yan Ci nodded amiably, and gave a thought-provoking affirmative answer.



It will indeed sprinkle dog food.

Yuen Long laughed, Xia Zhinian’s ears were a little hot, he rubbed his thumb against the knuckles of his index finger, turned his head as if he couldn’t see or listen, and put the meat into the pot to cook.

Spicy pot, soup noodles with red oily flowers, Chaotian peppers floating on top, the color is □□□, the fragrance is overflowing, the thin slices of meat are put into the pot, and it boils in a short time.


Xia Zhinian’s eyes brightened slightly, and he instantly forgot about the people around him.

The chopsticks pick up the meat slices, roll them around in the spicy dish dipping sauce, and send them into your mouth.

It’s fragrant and spicy, and… oh, it hurts so much!

The lips were red, and they were a little swollen from being kissed just now. The pepper was suddenly stimulated, and the sharp pain and numbness swept up in an instant.

The boy gasped on the spot.

Covering her mouth, the ends of her eyes were caught off guard, and a layer of crimson color spread out, and dots of water color rippled away.

“Good boy?”

Yan Ci turned his head, raised his eyebrows slightly when he saw this, and smiled slightly in his dark eyes, moved closer, and lowered his voice.

“What’s wrong, your mouth hurts?”

Xia Zhinian: “…”

The young man wrinkled his face, hummed bitterly, and nodded, “…it hurts.”

Yan Ci laughed out loud, in a low voice, a little provocative, and patted his head.

“Hey, bear with it, it’s all your fault, you kissed me too hard.”



Xia Zhinian’s face flushed red, his almond eyes were round, and he wanted to refute, but it was indeed he who pulled people into the dark box and kissed them back and forth.

He thought for a while, then bit the bullet and whispered, “I don’t blame me. I kissed lightly, but you kissed hard.”

He just kissed the corner of his mouth, unlike Yan Ci…

Makes people breathless.

The young man’s ears were red and his eyes were wandering. Yan Ci smiled politely and pulled down the young man’s wrist.

His eyes fell on the young man’s bright red lips, the color of his eyes darkened a little, and his voice was soft.

“Otherwise, I’ll let you kiss me back again, okay?”

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