The pet master

Chapter 08 change in the simulator.

[Simulation ended, entering cooldown].

[cooldown duration one month].

[Host, please pick a reward.]

1- Complete memories. { if the host doesn't choose this option, then the pet cannot remember the simulation process. It will only have some vague memories, something similar to a dream.}

2- complete body stats.

3-An ability, skill or a talent. { can only pick one}

4- an item or equipment. { the item must be in contact with the pet, at the end of the simulation}.

Max was extremely annoyed.

He did not know about this 100 years limit, nor about the one month cooldown.

The cooldown isn't that much of a problem, the real problem is the 100 years limit.

This has the potential to completely ruin his plans.

He had a good understanding about his pet. Without a very long time of development, she can't grow much.

It's not that max didn't check the rules before, but he couldn't. Whenever he asks the simulator about the rules and limits, he gets the same answer. Host please get a pet.

Sigh. No matter, let's pick a reward first..

clicking on skills, and with little thinking, he picked the [Mountain ruler] innate ability.

Max considered picking memories, to make Lucy a bit smarter, however that's just a waste, since he can just teach her himself in the real world.

Suddenly, Lucy's dazed eyes focused. She seems to have a dream just now. Looking around and feeling the sudden change in her body, Lucy felt confused.

She looked at max, seemingly wanting an explanation.

Don't worry, little Lucy, it's something like a game to grow stronger.

Lucy seem to understand a little, and flew around happily.

Max smiled, alright, time to eat.

from his space ring a small bottle of dark blue water, and 3 brown seeds appeared.

Lucy jumped on the seeds, literally drooling.

She only ate this type of food once, back in the tower. The old man gave her one. On a certain day, he seemed especially happy, although she didn't know why.

Holding the seed, she flew around max, with an anxious look, as if asking can I really have it.

Ha. Ha, go ahead and eat.

Excitedly, she slammed the seed on Max's head.

Ouch. What the.....?

Max was speechless. He wanted to question Lucy, but the little thing was already feasting happily.

Sigh. What ever?

Looking at the simulator's screen in front of him, Max fell into deep thought.

Simulator why is there is a limit on the simulation duration, and how can I increase it?

[ ding, host please be aware, the self charging function, can't keep up with the trainees expenditure, so each trainee will have a set limit, based on the set in protocol..

I see, Max fell into deep thought. He didn't rush to argue with the simulator. After all, it's just a machine, no matter how advanced.

Max started thinking from the point of view of the one who made this simulator.

One of the pillars of any civilization is military strength.

And any wise civilization will definitely do its best to take care of its military class, either wealth or status or equipment.

Max judged the civilization behind the simulator as an extremely wise one.

Although it didn't require any judgment, even if you don't use your brain, you will be able to tell as much.

Anyone able to make something like the simulator, have the word wise as his family name.

Such a civilization, Max didn't believe they would leave their soldiers with a stiff war equipment, there is definitely some back doors left here, and there for special situations.


Just like that, max spent 4 hours in a dazed.

Lucy already fell asleep long ago, her little belly bloated.

Suddenly max spoke.

Simulator, I wish to loosen the limits.

[ can not preach the protocols..

I understand, however, I am in a special situation. Max went silent after speaking, wait for the simulator's response to his words.

[ Host, please report your situation..

Max smiled, as I thought, there is hope.

I am currently the only trainee in the area, thus I am titled to more resources, but more importantly I am currently weak, and living in a hostel territory filled with danger. If I cannot grow faster my life will be compromised.

After his speech, Max stopped breathing, waiting for the simulator's judgment.

[ judging report].

[ confirmation in progress].

[ launching scanner].

Furrrrrr... Max clenched his fists, looking at the thin blue beam launched from his body to the sky. Somehow max could tell it penetrated the roof without issue.

Max just waited in this state for 20 minutes.

he was slightly scared someone would notice the beam, however on second thought the simulator shouldn't put him in danger, this beam is most probably visible only to himself.

Soon the beam retracted.

[ it is detected that the host is currently inside the Universal phenomena. [ void battlefield]. judged as extremely dangerous for the current host].

Max had a question mark on his face. Void? I am where, and why didn't I know?

However, the simulator didn't wait for max.

[ calling for reinforcements, connecting to the mother network].

Max could feel his heartbeat stopping. He always believed that the civilization behind the simulator was dead.

However, it's nothing but a guess, and strictly speaking,

It's a guess max uses to calm his heart, to ignore the idea that someday an alien cop will jump on him.

Now that the simulator is attempting to contact its people.

Max smiled weakly. Did I shoot myself in the legs?

Nope, it's a fking head shot. Fk.

The simulator is taking a long time, and with every passing minute Max's anxiety increased, he could literally hear his heart about to explode.

[ attempt failed, can not detect the mother network ].

Sigh.... Fk. Sht. Almost died. Thankfully, that civilization seems to be really done for. Max's thoughts were completely chaotic.

At this moment, max heard a sentence that calmed him down.

[ recalibrating, according to safety protocols ].

[ cooldown changed to one week, the upper limit on simulation lifted to 1000 years.]

[ condition for augmentations lowered by half].

At this moment Max just fell asleep. He was happy, and all, but this small conversation with the simulator really exhausted him. He needed to rest now. Everything else can wait till the morning.


Ring.. Ring!, ring ring. The alarm max set for school before woke him up. He forgot to turn it off.

Opening his eyes, max was speechless.

Because in front of him, Lucy was holding a pencil in her right hand, aiming it at the phone like a spear of some sort! .

She was obviously tense, as if facing a fierce enemy.

This cute little thing is, really....!!

Max reached for the phone, but at this moment looking at his actions, Lucy was frightened, and regardless of life and death, she rushed to the phone, held it, then flew to the window, throwing it outside before max could react.

Silent. Max just looked blankly at Lucy, flying around him happily, seemingly wanting to claim credit for saving his life.

Slam!!... She even hit his head a few times.

Max just went back to sleep. The current scene should be a dream.


Sometime later.

Waking up and not finding his phone, Max confirmed that his phone was thrown out from the third floor.

Man, did I get a cat or what, hell even cats aren't this mischievous.

Where did she go, anyway?

Walking around, max could hear some weird wrestling voices in the living room.

Inside, Max stood still, looking at Lucy fighting with a pigeon.

over one of the seeds max gave her.

What's even more absurd is the fact that the pigeon is winning.

What the.... He couldn't help but start laughing. Is this my one million credit pet, an S rank potential.?

Kicking the pigeon out of the window, Max looked at the disheveled Lucy helplessly.

Come, let's have breakfast. Hearing that it's time to eat, Lucy jumped happily.


While eating, max called for the simulator.

Simulator, what's this void battlefield?

[ Host, please read the article below. .

Looking at the huge amount of text, Max started reading slowly.

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