The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 011 – Volantis

[287 AC]

Volantis wasn't the only place, that Phenex had kept his attention on, even though it had undergone probably the most significant developments.

He had also spent a lot of time sneaking into the Citadel in Oldtown, reading about the things that interested him and searching through the whole place.

He had managed to not only locate the two dragon eggs, but also several kilograms of Valyrian steel in the form of chain links and masks. Though he hadn't taken aything away yet, as he had waited for his uncle to knight him first.

The reason being that his mother had told him that she would allow him to travel around, as long as he wanted and wherever he wanted, after he had learnt everything a knight should know and his uncle had knighted him.

And so he had spent a large part of the last five years not only studying etiquette and history, but also trained very hard with all kinds of weapons, until his mother finally agreed to let him be knighted.

He needed the freedom of movement to bring along some of his plans, though he also had enjoyed these past few years of training with his mother. Her gentle presence and love, setting his heart at ease.

Still, now it was time to make some more changes – a time for chaos.

The next moment, Phenex disappeared from the cliff in a swirl of flames.

A while later he reappeared in the Heart-chamber in Volantis, with a much heavier bag.

Kinvara was already waiting for him, as she kneeled and bowed as soon as she saw him.

Phenex could feel two other presences right outside the chamber, both being fairly powerful sorcerers.

Welcome, my Lord.“, Kinvara greeted in quiet devotion.

Hmm. Rise.“, Phenex nodded in greeting, as he answered lightly.

Thank you, Lord. There are-“, she started, wanting to introduce him to the two priests waiting outside the chamber, though Phenex cut her off mid-way.

Thoros of Myr and Melisandre of Asshai, I know of them. But why are they here?“, he asked calmly.

Phenex, of course, recognized the two, but he was honestly more than a bit confused about the reason they were here. His face on the other hand showed only calmness, while his eyes had their original fiery colour.

Kinvara hestitated for a moment, intimidated by the thought of having done something wrong, but eventually focused herself and answered.

Both of them made big contributions in the battle against the Slaver's Fleet and in helping the development of the city afterwards. They had proved themselves not only powerful, but also very capable and loyal. They expressed their wish to meet the champion of the Lord of Light, Mylord. If you do not wish to meet them, I will send them away immediately.“, she explained carefully.

I will meet them”, Phenex agreed, “But later.“

As you wish, my Lord.“, Kinvara rested the matter.

You have done a great job with the city, Kinvara. I am very satisfied with your progress after these five years. You may have asked for my help when it came to defending the city, but it was the smart thing to do. You have proven yourself more than capable. Tell me, what do think should be done next?“, he asked curiously.

Phenex had no problem in giving credit were credit was due, as he himself couldn't have ruled the city better. He only had provided some guidance in the form of magic and by setting down the laws he wanted to have established in the city, but actually implementing all that was a whole different thing.

I am honored by your praise, Lord.“, Kinvara said with a small smile of pride forming on her beautiful face.

Volantis is completely stable and secured, thanks to your guidance and power, Lord. No other Free City dares to send troops or intercept our merchant ships, even most pirates don't dare to attack. All because they fear your might, my Lord. Though there are some of our temples in other cities that are struggling to survive, especially in Myr, Lys and Tyrosh.

While the priests are still safe as they are under your protection, many believers are prosecuted or incarcerated, even killed in some cases. The rulers of these cities try to undermine the influence of the temples in their domains. With your consent, I suggest we bring these cities under our control, my Lord, and free the slaves of these cities.“, Kinvara suggested calmly.

Conquering three cities and freeing the slaves, huh?“, he mused.

Phenex initially didn't plan to conquer more territory or end slavery on a large scale, as he didn't particularly care for the lives of these mortal men and women. He had just ordered Kinvara to free the people of Volantis, as he didn't want to rule over a city filled with slaves.

Additionally it wasn't good for the development of the city, if most of its people were enslaved. As slaves may provide cheap labour, but they also wouldn't be very enthusiastic to work for the betterment of their environment.

They would just continue to struggle for survival without unearthing any potential they may have, which wasn't something he wanted to see in the city he ruled.

So conquering another three Free Cities didn't exactly coincide with his very loose plan for the future, but he also wasn't really opposed to it either. Thinking about it for a few minutes, as Kinvara thoughtfully stayed silent, he came to a conclusion.

You have ruled Volantis in my stead and made it prosper as a true 'Free City', comparable to even Braavos. It is all the evidence you need to prove that your method of ruling the people works, if combined with the power I gave you to be uncontested in your rule.”, Phenex voiced out calmly, before he continued.

You want to conquer Myr, Lys and Tyrosh, and rule them in the same way? I'll allow it. Maybe it's time to remind these Free Cities, that it was Volantis, which once ruled over them.“

As you command, Mylord. I will bring these cities under your rule as soon as possible.“, Kinvara responded confidently.

Kinvara thought it only right that her Lord should rule over every mortal, as his power made him an uncontested superior being. On that same thought it was also only natural that slavery had to abolished in his territory, as no one but him should be allowed to reign over the people.

Personally she didn't care very much for the lives others, but that didn't mean that she didn't enjoy focusing her efforts for the betterment of the people that lived under Phenex's rule and enjoyed his protection.

She was of course happy that she didn't have to sacrifice innocent people to maintain her powers, because while she may have done horrible things to survive. Kinvara wasn't a sadist, so she didn't like seeing people suffer. She had simply done what was necessary before.

Now, I trust that you know how to take care of the conquering and ruling part, so enough about that. I have other things I need you to do for me.“, Phenex announced.

Of course, my Lord. For what else do you require my assistance?“, Kinvara inquired gently.

How much Valyrian steel have you managed to gather these last few years?“, Phenex asked.

After thinking for a moment, Kinvara answered: “Nearly a dozen swords of different forms and nearly twice as many daggers. A few pieces of jewelry were also found in the noble's treasuries that were made out of Valyrian steel.“

Excellent. Now tell me, is there anyone capable of reforging Valyrian steel in Volantis?“, Phenex questioned with a slight smile.

Kinvara's reply came only a moment later, proving her knowledge of the city and its inhabitants once again: “There is, Mylord. Not only one, but two. Both are very skilled master blacksmiths originating from Qohor.“

Good, I want you to hire both. I need them to forge me some blades as fast as possible.”, Phenex stated, “Here is a sketch for specific sizes and forms. Along with some Valyrian steel chain links and masks, I took from the Citadel, that they may melt down to forge these weapons.”

Pay them well and tell them that they have two weeks to finish their work, but do remind them that should the quality of the product be subpar, that they will not get paid at all and expelled from the city. Should they still accept and do a good job, pay them double.“, he instructed.

I will do as told, Lord.“

Kinvara bowed her head in understanding, hiding her knowing smirk, while she answered. Her Lord truly knew how to force a craftsman to give his all for a task, while making sure that there wouldn't be any grudges left behind.

Now that we are finished, let's meet the priest and priestess. Lead them in.“

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