The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 020 – Connection

[288 AC]

The next few hours Phenex passed in silent observation, having cloaked himself and his two dragonlings in magic, as he watched the servants sorrowfully prepare a funeral pyre, as the whole castle mourned the death of the Lord's younger sister.

His mother was incredibly well-liked in Starfall, as the youngest of the four Dayne siblings. Having always been pampered and coddled by the people in the castle and especially the older servants and residents were grieving over her demise loudly.

When the pyre had been lit at dawn at the great plaza, as was custom for House Dayne, nearly the whole castle had come to pay their respects.

Wanting her to be remembered, Phenex had taken control of the fire, as he had turned the whole pyre into ashes in mere moments, before manipulating the fire into a fiery copy of his mother. Letting her laughter magically resound one last time through Starfall, before dispersing the figurine into a shower of delicate butterflies, that slowly ascended into the sky.

Exclamations of surprise and astonishment echoed through the city at sight of such a beautiful spectacle, though the one responsible stayed hidden.

Subconciously or not, Phenex's form had transformed during the funeral, as he had shed his child-like physique and his body took on the form of an older version of himself, around twenty years of age. With his mother's death, his childhood had ended all too abruptly.

In the place of a cute-looking child with flawless facial features, now stood a devilishly handsome young men, with corded muscles tightly wound around his form, telling of his great prowess in combat.

Giving his surroundings one last look and sending his uncle a message that told him that he wouldn't come back here for some time. Though the Lord of Starfall could always call out his name, if his help was required.

After that Phenex took Sapphire and Jade with him as he vanished from Westeros again.

Reappearing in the garden of his courtyard in Volantis, Phenex mentally ordered his Feathers to take care of Sapphire and Jade, the dragonlings already being very familiar with them and knowing not to be aggressive around them.

He himself didn't stay in the mansion. With his mind still clouded by grief, it felt as he was losing his sense of belonging to this world.

So Phenex sought out the only person that he still felt connected to in this world.

Kinvara was in a meeting with members of the Bright Sun, discussing recent developments in the three cities and the progess on the different projects, the biggest being the seweage system in Volantis that they had started to build years ago.

Suddenly though she felt her Lord's presence at her side, as she saw his blazing figure appearing in the council room.

Silence descended on the room, as the gathered priests and officials stared in awe at the divine avatar of their god, having never had the chance to see him until then or being so close to him, as Kinvara was usually the only one Phenex showed himself to.

Leave.”, a soft voice echoed in their minds, as a soothing warmth passed through their bodies.

Feeling relieved of any exhaustion or tension, the devout believers bowed as low as they could, before retreating quietly from the room, not daring to look or turn their backs in his direction for fear of upsetting the higher being.

Kinvara though looked at ther Lord openly, knowing that Phenex was of mild character to those he deemed loyal. And when it was just the two of them, flames finally turned into flesh, causing her eyes to widen in wonder and suprise.

Once a child, her Lord had suddenly turned into young men with an almost forbidden, masculine beauty to him.

Flaming eyes stared at her with great intensity, as his messy dark locks framed his impossibly handsome face, the tight-fitting black wool pants and a shirt of the same material, which was opened in the front, doing nothing to hide his perfectly muscled frame.

Kinvara's cheeks couldn't help but gain a rosy tint, as she looked at Phenex, having never seen a being more beautiful than him. Her body couldn't help but react to his presence, as she felt the nubs on her breasts harden, while the first tints of wetness spread over her lower lips.

She knew that it wasn't appropiate to feel lust for her Lord, but regardless of the strength of her devotion, Kinvara's breath quickened and her chest tightened, when she saw him approach even closer.

And when one of his hands gently brushed over her cheek, before burying itself in her long ebony hair, his other hand settling on her right hip with his thumb gently rubbing over the thin silk fabric, Kinvara stopped breathing alltogether, eyes wide in anticipation of what was going to happen next.

Phenex slowly lowered his head, his lips aiming for hers, his hand in her hair gently drawing her close, as Kinvara was all to willing to be the object of her Lord's affection and carnal desires.

Finally their lips met and before long Kinvara felt her Lord's tongue prodding her to open her mouth, which she did eagerly, welcoming her Lord's tongue in between her lips.

The magical bond she shared with Phenex, telling her of his wants, Kinvara's tongue entered a sensual dance with her Lord's, as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her soft curves against his hard frame.

One of her own hands softly brushing over the sculpted muscles of his back, while her other settled on his shoulder, using it to draw closer to her Lord while tip-toeing.

Kinvara could feel the incredible heat Phenex's body gave off through her hands and her silk-clad chest, which was pressed against his. The hot shaft pushing against her lower body, was also telling of her Lord's desires, which caused the devout priestess' slit to practically drip with arousal and expectation.

Kinvara wasn't sure what had happened that caused her Lord to made such direct and welcome advances on her, but it hardly mattered to her, as she was simply unable to reject him, her own desire for his touch and warmth overwhelming her in their intensity.

A low moan escaped her lips, as Phenex broke of their kiss and his lips wandered to her neck teasing her delicious and sensitive flesh with licks, light bites and short sucking motions.

Lord … “, she whispered in between her moans, unsure of her words, as her body just craved for more.

Backing away from teasing the pale flesh of her neck and shoulders, her Lord lightly pressed his forhead against hers, his flaming gaze filled with endless desire and passion, as he voiced out softly, his lips touching hers: “Phenex, Kinvara … To you, I am just Phenex.”

His words, not quite a declaration of love, but spoken with the desire to be infinitely closer to her, Kinvara's breath was caught in her throat, as her heart throbbed painfully in its desire to be with him as woman and man were supposed to.

Slightly embodened by his words, Kinvara pushed forward as she wrapped her arms around his neck and captured his lips and started them on a long and deep kiss that left her panting and moaning in desire, as Phenex had meanwhile placed his hands on her perky behind and lifted her up.

Kinvara instinctively wrapping her legs around his waist, soon found her herself at his mercy, as Phenex grinded his wool-clad shaft into her covered sex, sending short and delicious spark of bliss through her lithe form, their lips still connected in a hungry kiss.

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