The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 027 – Acknowledgement

[289 AC]

Waking up a few hours later in the middle of the night and inhaling Ellaria's sweet scent, Phenex expanded his senses.

Oberyn and Sola had seemingly fallen asleep on the pile of pillows, some sheets wrapped around them, while the rest of the ship's crew were mostly the same, though a few were up and on night watch, the First Mate included.

He could also sense two weaker lifeforces similar to Oberyn's in a cabin a bit down the corridor. Recognizing them easily by their features and life signatures, Phenex knew that they were Obara and Nymeria Sand, the two oldest of the Prince's children.

Deciding to get a bit of fresh air, Phenex injected a bit of magic into Ellaria's body with a kiss to her neck to keep her warm, so that she wouldn't be cold in his absence, before carefully leaving the bed.

Willing the fabric of his linen pants to reform around his lower body, as a transparent flame danced over his form and removed any evidence of Ellaria's and his little bout, he habitually grabbed his swords and moved out of the room.

Strapping his blades around his waist, while he neared the deck, he likewise materialised his inner fire into a long-sleeved shirt that was opened in the front.

Stepping onto the deck, Phenex moved unhindered to the bow of the ship, the crewmembers he encountered, bowing deeply and moving out of his way.

Phenex stopped at the railing, as he enjoyed the cool night breeze and the soft crashing sounds of the waves for several long minutes, before he felt Oberyn approach from behind and step next to him.

It was only few minutes later that the Prince interrupted the comfortable silence around them, as he addressed Phenex lightly: “I have rarely seen Ellaria this exhausted after a bout of passion, you must certainly be a talented lover, my Lord.”

Don't worry, Prince. I haven't used my magic, or I would have certainly ruined other men for her.”, Phenex voiced out with a light smirk, before he continued sincerely. “Though you have my congratulations for finding such an enchanting paramour.”

And I am thankful for that, or I would have to challenge you to a duel to protect my honor. And I do not plan to die so soon.”, Obery remarked easily, before he continued, “And yes, Ellaria certainly is an incredible woman, I would not have fallen for her otherwise.”

Nodding in agreement, a short pause set in, before Oberyn once again spoke up and asked quietly: “What do you think about the current Seven Kingdoms and its King?”

Seeing Phenex turn towards him, Oberyn expected an answer, though the next moment his whole being was frozen in place, as an invisible aura erupted from the higher being in front of him that was of such vibrancy and might, that it caused endless heat to surge around the Prince.

It was this moment that Oberyn truly realized and started to see that Phenex was really a god. He may have known of this before, but feeling his immeasurable power in such proximity had the Dornish Prince acknowledge such in his heart.

The Stag's indifference, has caused the Lion to become insatiable. And when the Lion bites the Hand, the Wolf will enter the fray. The ensuing battle between the Wolf and the Lion will be the spark that will cause chaos to erupt in the realm.”, an etheral voice sounded in Oberyn's mind, captivating and enchanting his senses.

It was as if he was no longer on a boat and the man in front of him had vanished. Being replaced by a mountainous creature of fire. A long neck shifting its blazing head in front of the Prince, as a purple eye fixed its gaze on him, looking into the depths of his very soul.

If it is vengence you seek, you will have your chance, Prince.”, the etheral voice ended.

And as if all of this had been nothing more than an illusion, Oberyn found himself back on the ship, as Phenex turned his gaze back to the darkness in front of them, his aura once again mortal.

Taking a few deep breaths, Oberyn tried to calm his heart, as he recalled the words spoken to him by the immortal being next to him. Knowing that his whole being had been easily seen through by Phenex with nothing but a look, he couldn't help but quietly utter a question: “W-will I succeed?”

That, Oberyn, you will have to discover on your own.”, Phenex answered lightly, his eyes closed as he took in the gentle rocking motions of the ship and the soft breeze passing over his skin.

Sighing in a subdued fashion, the Dornish Prince kept equally quiet, knowing he couldn't force an answer. And so he watched the dark waters, while his heart slowly settled down, his emotions once again under control, as the experienced warrior regained his peace.

It was some time later that Oberyn quietly left and went back under the deck, leaving Phenex by himself.

Slowly waking up in the morning, Ellaria felt incredibly content and relaxed, a pleasant warmth coursing through her veins.

Thinking back to yesterday's events, made her hum quietly in desire. The mere memory of the godly shaft filling her throat and buried in her behind, sent a tingle down her spine.

Her butt clenched, making her feel disappointed at the empty sensation in her behind, after having been stretched out so deliciously by Phenex. The Dornish beauty firmly resolved herself to experience him impaling her butt with his shaft again in the course of this journey.

And maybe for some time afterwards, as she wasn't too picky when it concerned the length of their little affair.

With hardened nipples and slightly wet folds, Ellaria sat up, the silk sheats rubbing over her sensitive berries, as it flowed down her upper body.

Seeing the room empty, she called for a servant to prepare her a basin of water and some breakfast. Washing off the evidence of her coupling with Phenex, mainly his dried seed that had leaked from her bum, she got dressed and had a light meal, before she left to find Oberyn and Phenex.

Walking through the corridors, she approached the staircase leading onto the deck, as she heard loud clanking noises in addition to the crashing waves.

Familiar with the sound of weapons clashing, Ellaria hurried up the steps, a bit nervous and curious what this meant. Though hearing no battlecries and shouts, adding in the knowledge that they had a god with them on this journey, her heart was somewhat at ease.

Stepping through the door and onto the deck, the bright morning sunlight blinding her momentarily, Ellaria saw the reason for the noises.

Wearing nothing but his leather pants, a bare-footed Oberyn twirled around his spear with incredible finesse, slashing and stabbing from lethal angles. Droplets of sweat making his olive skin glisten in the sunlight, while he showed off his toned physique.

This sight alone caused Ellaria's sensitive chest to tighten and their peaks to harden, but that wasn't all.

No matter how Oberyn attacked or how unexpected his actions were, the blade of his spear was deflected by another spear all the same. As Phenex, in equal state of undress, stood opposite to the Dornish Prince.

Tensing his left leg and pushing against the wooden boards of the deck, Oberyn channelled the force from his leg along his waist, twisting it in the process to add more power, and directing it to his upper body.

His shoulders and arms moving with delicate precison, as he thrust his razor-sharp spear at Phenex's throat in a burst of incredible speed, only for him to miss his opponent.

Phenex had deflected the blow with his own weapon, holding the spear diagonally. The blade pointing downwards, as he deflected the Oberyn's weapon from its course by hitting the shaft of his spear with the butt of his own directly under the blade.

Before he spun low, the spear in his hands, as if flowing, following his motions. Advancing on the Prince while doing so, as Phenex used the momentum from his movements to try and split Oberyn in half.

The Dornish warrior proved himself incredibly athletic, as he pushed off the wooden boards and flicked over the deadly blow in a sideways fashion, simultaneously swinging his spear from below at Phenex, aiming at his inner tigh.

Imitating Oberyn, Phenex flexed his back and waist, using his toes to exert force, as he flipped backwards gracefully and avoided the spear, before their fight continued with equal intensity.

Dancing around each other on the small space of the deck, their fight incredibly fast-paced and intense. Though no matter what he tried, Oberyn couldn't get an edge over his adversary, while Phenex calmly enjoyed their battle, showcasing his flowing technique and incredible precision.

Indeed, he could have defeated Oberyn within the first few moves. His weapon mastery, senses and physical attributes simply unmatched, but the Prince was one of the rare few people he had ever met to put up such a great fight, being an incredible combatant in his own right.

And so he had held himself back for both of their enjoyment, while making sure to not break the fragile wooden spear in his hands, by accidently using too much strength.

It was only some time later, when he felt the Prince's performance weaken due to his limited physical attributes, that Phenex decided to end the battle decisively.

Once again deflecting Oberyn's blow, he changed his style seemlessly from a flowing movement into an unerringly sharp advance. In a feat of pure technique and bodily control, he utilized the force of the Prince's blow to aid in his movements.

His speed only minutely faster than before, thanks to borrowing his opponents force, and yet Phenex incredible control over his body and senses allowed him to make use of such a negligible difference, as he spun around, bypassing Oberyn while doing so.

The butt of his spear whipping out and hitting the Prince behind his knee, causing him to falter in his steps. Directly rolling forward to create some distance and regain his balance, Oberyn was a second too slow as he tried to rise up again.

Phenex's spear already resting against his neck from behind, as he voiced out plainly: “You lose, Prince.”

Feeling the sharp edge grazing his throat, the Dornish Prince replied smilingly, while panting heavily: “N-natur-ally.”

Retracting the spear and Phenex lightly threw the weapon to a waiting servant, as he praised sincerely: “For a mortal, you are an incredible warrior, Oberyn.”

Leaning on his spear, the Dornish Prince replied raggedly, a satisfied smile on his face: “I have never seen a man wield a spear like that, Phenex. If you are as good with the sword as you are with the blade, than even your predecessor Arthur Dayne would be a far cry from being your equal.”

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