The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 031 – Welcome

[289 AC]

It took them roughly a week before they finally arrived in Volantis. Most of Phenex's days were spent sparring with Oberyn, Obera or Nymeria, or generally being around them, the girls being understandably fascinated by Phenex.

His nights on the other hand were spent indugling in lustful activities with Ellaria with Oberyn joining in at one point. Though as he was not interested in the male gender, Ellaria was the sole receiver of the Prince's amorous advances.

And while Phenex enjoyed his time with them all greatly, he was also a lover of peace and quiet. So when he finally set foot into Volantis again, relief washed over him.

Kinvara having sensed his arrival was already waiting for them at the port with half of the Feathers, a great crowd around her knowing that the Flame of Truth would only wait hours for the arrvial of a ship for one existence.

The people prayed and called out, but they didn't rush forward, members of the Fiery Hand keeping the excited crowd at bay.

That still didn't stop them from making a great impression on the girls, Ellaria and Oberyn though.

Thousands upon thousands of people calling out in worship and adoration. The atmosphere pulsed with unending joy, love and gratitude, as their Lord had returned to the First Daughter.

Smiling lightly in the face of such an incredible welcome, Phenex apporached his gorgeous priestess, his arms wrapping themselves around her waist. Pressing his lips lovingly against Kinvara's, before he gently whispered against her lips: “I am back.”

Welcome home.”, she responded softly, one of her hands brushing over her Lord's chest, feeling his strong heartbeat, which set her mind at ease.

Atas.”, Phenex greeted the male leader of his Feathers, after he turned towards him, Kinvara still pressed against his side and her fingers interwoven with his.

Lord Firestar, the Feathers are overjoyed to have you back.”, the well-muscled warrior voiced out sincerely, before saluting him with the rest of the Feathers present.

Their right knee hitting the ground, while their right fist struck their chest over their hearts. Their left fist folded behind their back, as they simultaneously drew on their inner fire, causing their bodies to erupt in a blaze, looking as if they wore a coat of flaming feathers.

Seeing the legendary personal guard of their god, saluting in such an extravagant fashion, the crowd nearly went wild with fervor.

Even Phenex didn't expect such a welcome and he couldn't help but step forward a few steps, leaving behind Kinvara, as he looked at the people that came for him.

He had only been away for a few weeks. Traveling through Essos, before he went and 'met' Euron Greyjoy. And even though he rarely left the temple for a stroll through the city, he didn't expect the people to react in such a grand fashion.

The fiercely loyal Fiery Hand members looking at him with nearly overwhelming devotion, while the crowd was formed by poor and rich alike. Officials, merchants, street vendors, soldiers, temple members of all branches, including prostitutes, craftsmen and preachers.

Spreading his arms wide, his form transforming into pure fire, as he transferred his warmth to all residents, while tender joy bloomed into the hearts of every mortal in the city.

I have returned.”, an etheral voice echoed in the mind of every Volantene, the whole city rumbling as its inhabitants called out in welcome, most of the former slaves almost tearing up.

In his life Oberyn had seen noble Lords and Ladies, even members of the royal family being welcomed by the common people. Amongst them Prince Rhaegar Targaryen was definitely the most well-received.

Some may even say that the people had loved him.

But as the Dornish Prince was nearly deafened by the cries of joy erupting from the whole city, the ground under his feet trembling slighty from the shockwaves, he wasn't so sure about that anymore.

If Volantis loved their god and protector, then in comparison the people of King's Landing barely tolerated their Silver Prince.

Oberyn realized in that moment that the Ruler of Volantis wasn't loved because of his power. No, the people loved him for who he was, a benevolent Lord, a guiding light and their greatest protector.

And while he did rule these people by conquering the city with his priests, Oberyn was sure that Volantis would never again accept another ruler like it embraced Phenex.

And as the fiery figure of the god, turned himself into mortal flesh again and just walked straight into the crowd, they welcomed him with incredible love and adoration, gently brushing with their fingers over his form, tenderly touching his ams and cheeks and back.

Man, woman or child, everyone reached out their hands for him, just wanting to be near him.

Gentle flames ignited once again around Phenex, as they flowed through the air and enveloped every single hand that reached for him, leaving behind a small candlelight-sized fire that sunk into the bodies of his people, as weakness, exhaustion, sickness or injury was banished from their bodies. The elderly even felt a spark of youth returning to them, vitality once again coursing through their form.

From early on, Oberyn had been taught the words of his House – Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken, believing in them fiercly ever since. And yet, as he watched the back of Phenex Firestar, the Dornish Prince felt himself willing to bow before him.

Not because of his might, or skill in battle, but because he had never met someone like him and certainly would not do so again in the future – a true ruler.

A few weeks had since passed, Phenex discussing the cities' devlopment with Kinvara and the other officials, especially the construction projects.

And since there were so many projects that needed oversight and planning, a new branch had already been created to oversee city planning, called the Scalding Brick.

They were responsible for coordinating the workers and implementing his and the Burning Sun's, the ruling branch's plans.

The sewage system in Volantis had nearly been completely finished, along with the opening of more than a hundred new bathhouses.

A new law had also been implemented, as everyone in Volantis had to bath at least twice a week, preferably even more often. The expenditure for such a thing may have been enormous, as he ordered one of the mandatory baths to be free of charge, but it had been well worth it.

The city was a hundred times more clean and the smell had changed significantly. If it was said that Volantis was now the cleanest of all cities in Westeros and Essos, such a statement would not by a lie.

The exact same plans were underway for Lys, Tyrosh, Myr and all the other cities in these territories, as this was simply something necessary to improve the cities' standard of living and general hygene.

Sickness and pests wouldn't be something so common after the implementation. And even though his priests could heal the people, that was ultimatively only a temporary solution, as wanted the people to be able to stop relying for magic for such basic things.

Still, it wasn't an easy project, as even in Volantis, it had taken years of effort and enormous sums of money, while the First Daughter thankfully also had workers in abundance.

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