The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 034 – Black Pearl

[289 AC]

Bring her in, Belio.”, Phenex instructed calmly, having of course sensed the Black Pearl waiting outside the room.

The Feather nodded in silent acknowledgement, as he walked to the doors of the private prayer chamber of the High Priestess and opened the thick wooden door.

Standing before that door was a young and lovely beauty, Bellegere Otherys also known as the Black Pearl of Braavos, and probably one of the most beautiful women in all of Essos.

Smooth caramel skin, silken hair, full breasts, small waist and a perfectly shaped rear. It was her aura though that was the most striking thing about her, as the courtesan just exuded sensuality from every fiber of her being without striking one as whorish in the least.

The Black Pearl was simply temptation personified, as even the seductive paramour of the Dornish Prince was a far cry from her in this aspect.

And while Belio was momentarily stunned, he, like everyone of the Feathers, wasn't some weak-willed fool that would lose his bearings in front of a woman. Having endured the pain of greyscale while being able to stay mentally sane for months and years, the toughness of his character was hard to estimate.

Along with the incredible discipline that Atas and Mera had practically forced and beat into all the Feathers, including themselves, it brought the personal guards of Phenex to an unmatched standard amongst warriors.

Belio, not being one for many words, like most of his brothers and sisters amongst the Feathers, simply stepped to the side quietly and gestured for the Black Pearl to enter the chamber.

Bellegere being surprised by the warrior's appearance and collected response to her beauty, gave him an intrigued look, before she spotted the feather-shaped mark under his left eye, that was faintly pulsing with a fiery color.

Recognizing the mark of the legendary personal guard of the Lord of Light, the Black Pearl faltered in her steps.

It was common knowledge among believers and the more knowledgeable folk, that these men and women were unbeatable warriors only following the command of one being, which meant that the man had been sent by 'him'.

Somewhat nervous and fearful, the normally confident courtesan stepped into the prayer chamber, her eyes turning away from the Feather and looking ahead.

The next moment though her breath was caught in her throat and she froze in her movements, as she saw a flaming figure standing next to the High Priestess of Braavos.

Belio having closed the chamber doors behind Bellegere, silently stepped around her and walked back to his place at Phenex' side.

You don't have to be afraid, Bellegere Otherys, descendent of Aegon IV, 'The Unworthy'. Or are you worried that I might judge you for your use of bloodmagic, when you lay with a man?”, the fiery figure stated calmly, his ethereal voice echoing in her mind.

All color suddenly left Bellegere's face at his words, as the courtesan paled rapidly.

She knew clearly that the being in front of her was not an all-forgiving deity, but in fact a god that ruled over his people with overwhelming power. And while he took great care of his subjects, anyone who broke his laws was severely punished.

Using her bloodmagic to slowly drain those that bedded her of their life, was definitely against the laws of the Blessed Cities. Any bloodmagic that drained other human beings of their life was in fact forbidden, with the only exception being his priests, which were allowed to use their magic on murderers, rapist and slavers.

Bellegere, on the other hand, used her magic on merchants, nobles and common men alike, chosing those with great vitality to drain and add their vitality to her magical power, physical beauty and charm through the use of rituals.

It was this reason that she didn't join the temple as a priestess, even though she yearned for the power that came with such a position, knowing that the Red God had given several of his high-level priests and priestesses, as well as some other officials their youth back.

She feared that the Lord would know of her crimes and punish her. But when her magic had granted her a vision of Viserys' sister, Daenerys, and the gift that lay dormant in her blood, Bellegere had seen her chance to earn the Lord's forgiveness.

And while she had received her magical visions too late to save the rash boy-King, the Black Pearl had wasted no time in finding the Targaryen girl and bringing her to the temple.

Pale-faced and nervously balling her fists, Bellegere was about to beg for forgiveness and explain herself, as the flaming figure before her eyes turned into a man of flesh and blood, Phenex's voice once again echoed in her ears only moments later.

I will not punish you, courtesan. You did good in bringing the Targaryen heiress here.”, he stated, setting her heart at ease, as she breathed out a sigh of relief.

Though at the same time the Black Pearl was in a daze, having never seen a being more enchanting than her Lord.

Soft black locks, deep purple eyes and fair skin, while his perfect warrior physique simply couldn't be hidden beneath his thin black linen clothing.

You have an unmistakeable gift when it comes to seduction, Bellegere. I have a need for someone with such a talent, and in exchange for your service I will grant you what you wish for – youth and power.”, Phenex voiced out enticingly.

And it was true, that Phenex could see great value in her skills as a seductress. Someone like her would be an ideal candidate to lead the Blazing Pleasure branch, while also secretly training spies and agents of the temple skilled in seduction techniques.

The temple of course had its intelligence network managed by a hidden branch, called the Hidden Flame, which had spread all over Essos and even Westeros, but they lacked high-profile spies like courtesans that would be able to extract intel from nobles and rich merchants alike.

Of course, Phenex had no problem finding answers to his questions, but he couldn't make the Blessed Cities reliant on his abilities. They needed strength of their own and part of that strength was intelligence, as knowledge was an important part of power.

Regaining her wits, joy bloomed in the courtesan's heart, as she smiled radiantly and answered Phenex: “I- … T-thank you, my Lord. I am naturally willing to serve you.”

Good. Belio will join your guard and protect you from now on, until you can travel to Volantis, which you will do as soon as possible. Though I imagine you may still have some things to take care of here in Braavos.”, Phenex voiced out, surprising Bellegere and his Feather at the same time.

The rest of your duties, we will discuss when you reach Volantis. Now it's time to meet the girl.”, he continued.

Of course, my Lord. Thank you, my Lord.”, the courtesan replied, her voice gaining a silky touch that made one imagine all kinds of sensual pleasures.

She knew full well, that it wasn't safe to travel the seas with her beauty, as she may be protected by her fame and reputation in Braavos, but her beauty would inevitably invite disaster once she left the city, be that by pirates or others enticed by her appearance.

Though with the personal guard of a deity at her side, Bellegere could only pity the fool that would try to harm her during her journey now.

Turning around, she guided the Lord, her new guardian and the High Priestess through the temple, her Lord having once again turned into a flaming figure.

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