The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 038 – Plea

[289 AC]

Calming down a few minutes later, the demure Queen was somewhat panicked about her current situation and her momentary loss of control.

Gently pushing against the divine being's chest, she felt his arms around her loosen, which she took advantage off to create some distance between them. Her gaze turned downwards and her cheeks burning slightly, as she reined in her emotions and regained her bearings.

Wiping the tearstains from her cheeks, Rhaella raised her head again, her violet eyes having a tender strength to them, as she addressed the being in front of her with resolution in her soft tone.

You brought me back to life, Myl-”, she started, but was cut off by the man mid-sentence.

Phenex. You can call me Phenex. It's the name my mother gave me.”, he stated with a peaceful smile, though the former Queen saw the shadow of loss in his eyes clearly.

Nodding minutely, Rhaella began anew: “You brought me back to life, P-Phenex … And I will be eternally grateful for that. And while my heart yearns to see Daenerys, I need to know … If you could bring me back, what about my other children? Could y-”

I could.”, the flesh-made god before her answered calmly, causing hope to bloom in her heart. His next words though crushed that budding hope, as he stated calmly, “But I will not.”

W-why?”, she stammered quietly, almost in despair, as she pleaded, “I-I will give my life, if you require a sacrifice. I will give you e-everything I have.”

Softly shaking his head, the enchanting being in front of her replied: “Their lives are not something you could pay for, Rhaella. I brought you back, because I saw that you would not bring chaos to this land. You want to be with your children, care for them, love them and see them grow up … Your sons are different.”

Rhaeger willingly caused war and death to spread throughout the realm. His heart plagued by sorrow and thoughts of doom, as he believed in a prophecy, he simply couldn't be sure would come to pass. And Viserys … There was so much more of his father inside of him than you, that I fear you would not have been able to differentiate between them in the future.”

Bringing them back … I cannot do that, no matter how much you plead with me, Rhaella. I will not add to the suffering of the living in exchange for bringing back those that had already passed away.”, the man ended with finality in his voice.

The former Queen wished she could refute him, maybe even hate the god before her for his decision, but deep inside her heart she knew him to be right. No matter how much she loved her sons, she wasn't blind to their faults and she certainly could not overlook them when they had been laid out so clearly before her.

There is one other thing you should know, Rhaella.”, the man voiced out, taking her mind back to the present, as he continued, “Eight years have passed since you passed away on Dragonstone.”

E-eight years?”, she whispered with wide eyes, before she called out urgently, “Then Daenerys, she ...”

Yes. She has already grown into a sensitive little girl and is of course aware of death. The subject of your return to the living will have to be introduced to her with care.”, he explained calmly.

Suddenly the longing to see her daughter became nearly unbearable for the former Queen, as she voiced out almost desperately: “I-I need to see her, I beg of you, Phenex. Please, let me see my daughter.”

You will. But it's best if you wait in the quarters that have been prepared for you, while I tell Daenerys of your return and bring her to you. This has to be done correctly, for both of your sakes.”, he answered sternly, making Rhaella realize that this strange deity truly cared for her daughter's well-being.

I-I understand. Thank you.”, the former Queen readily agreed and thanked him, after taking a few deep breaths, a hint of impatience still colouring her tone.

Mhm.”, he nodded in understanding, as he gestured towards the door which opened by itself.

A young stern-looking woman with silvery-white hair and fair skin could be seen standing in the entrance, wearing a tight fitting chainmail, as well as other protective gear and daggers sheathed at her waist, chest, shoulder and thighs.

The woman also had a feather-shaped mark on her cheek, pulsing with a dim light.

This is Ruyu, one of my personal guards.”, the godly man introduced, “There is no warrior alive, that can lay a hand on you with her around. She will be your personal guard and guide for the time being.”

Rhaella could see the beautiful guard straighten her back at his words, and the former Queen realized that they were probably true.

To be able to become the guard of a real god, she could only imagine how deadly the fair-skinned woman was with her blades.

After leaving Rhaella in the care of Ruyu, the only one of his personal guards of Valyrian descent, Phenex vanished from the Chamber in a fiery shower and reappeared on the rooftop.

Looking ahead, he could see Daenerys sitting on the grassy ground and leaning against a tall tree near the two lazy teenage dragons, while both of them were napping in the shade of a tree.

The whole rooftop was practically covered in greenery, something easily achieved with a few seeds, soil and a bit of life-giving magic.

Deaerys was focused on the book in her hand, which Phenex could only assume was given to her to read through by her teacher, and she didn't even notice his approach.

Daenerys did this often, spending time with Sapphire and Jade, even if that meant sitting quietly by their side and reading a book.

The young Targaryen instinctively felt comfortable around them, as if they were part of her family, something she had only ever experienced with Phenex before, and she relished that sensation.

Even at her young age, Phenex could sense the deep loneliness in her heart, which only made him more sure that his decision to bring back Rhaella had been the correct one.

Approaching her quietly, he sat right next to her, his back leaning against the same trunk that hers did.

Startled, Daenerys looked up. Her eyes brightening, as she recognized the being front of her, her blood singing with warmth and comfort at his mere presence.

Phenex! Did you come to spend some time with me?”, she called out expectantly, her book all but forgotten.

Smiling gently at the silver-haired girl, he replied: “Actually, I came to talk to you about something important, little dragon.”

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