The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 152 – The Breach

[302 AC]

Having sent his men away to contemplate quietly about the situation at hand, Mance Rayder found himself staring into the bonfire in the middle of his tent while sighing deeply, age and exhaustion carving deep, weary furrows in his normally sharp features.

He understood that there wasn't really a choice to be made when facing the Red Temple and the Northern Kingdom. This was especially true when remembering the actions of the young dragonrider just hours ago.

That boy had moved like a shadow while having the strength to rip a man apart with his bare hands. Even without his dragon, the boy could probably kill him even if he was surrounded by his men.

Still, if it only was about his own life, Mance wouldn't hesitate to fight, as this alliance was only an alliance in name.

As the weaker party, his agreement would undoubtedly lead to his men being forced to fight under the lead of that Stark King, or whoever the temple had sent to lead its troops, even if only indirectly. The disparity in strength would most likely lead to him having to take orders from either or even both of them, which meant his men wouldn't follow him, but them.

Mance knew that even though he may not have to kneel before the King in the North and the leader of the Red Temple, agreeing to the alliance would still mean submitting to them in a way.

In the end though, it wasn't his life that he worried about but the lives of the women, children, and elderly that made up the majority of the wildling forces. There were over a hundred thousand wildlings under his command and less than a quarter of them were warriors and spearwives.

His people would undoubtedly die if they had to face the White Walkers alone, not to mention that they couldn't win against the Northern army which had the support of the Red Temple.

Mance knew though that it had never been about winning, but about survival. And this alliance was without a doubt the only way to survive for his people.

Walking through the snow and ice by herself, away from the encampment, Kinvara let herself be guided by the bond she shared with her love, and it was only a few minutes later that she saw him.

Standing in the biting cold, the moonlight illuminating his dark-red figure, Phenex' gaze was directed at the seven-hundred-foot tall wall of ice, as she approached him from behind with a soft smile on her lips and a tender look in her eyes.

Opening the clasp of her wide and heavy cloak, she pulled it off and placed it around his shoulders, before hurriedly pressing her back against Phenex' chest and pulling the cloak shut around them, his arms wrapping themselves around her waist in the process.

Lowering his head, Phenex' lips connected with Kinvara's neck as he placed a kiss on her warm skin right below her left ear, sharing his inner fire with her through the short contact.

Did you miss me, my love?”, he asked with a whisper, as her hand rose up to brush over his cheek.

Always.”, she replied with a soft voice, her eyes closed as she snuggled deeper into his embrace.

Tightening his hold around her waist, Phenex enjoyed this quiet moment with her, his gaze still focused on the icy monument before him, as he extended his senses towards it and carefully studied the bound magic within.

It was a few minutes later that Kinvara broke the comfortable silence between them, her heart, mind, and body at ease due to Phenex' mere presence.

Are you still planning on opening up a breach in the Wall, my love?", she voiced out softly.

"Hmm.", he nodded, "Even with the addition of the wildings, the Wall is too long to defend effectively with less than eighty thousand men. And even if it were possible, the losses would be too great without my interference and the war could drag on for months, maybe longer."

"Creating a breach is the easiest method to ensure that our side will not occupy a passive position in this coming conflict, even though we have a defensive position. Destroying part of the Wall, but keeping the magical restrictions on the rest of the Wall intact, will allow us to control the place of attack, as the Walkers will try and use the breach as a breakthrough point by using their numbers to overwhelm us.", Phenex explained.

Not to mention that it would allow the Fiery Hand to meet the wights in the open field and display their full combat power to suppress the undead army.”, Kinvara added sharply, as she turned to face him, her crystal eyes shining thoughtfully.

She knew that the elite warriors of the Red Temple would be restricted in a defense battle from atop the Wall, as such a battle was more of a strategic nature than a direct comparison of battle strength. In such a case numbers were more important than individual combat prowess, which was naturally disadvantageous for the Fiery Hand warriors that excelled in combat due to the power Phenex had infused in them and the rigorous training they went through daily.

"Exactly.", Phenex smiled with obvious pride and adoration in his eyes as he looked at his lovely priestess, which caused Kinvara's lips to quirk into a smile of her own while a slightly red tint coloured her cheeks.

"Though this might prove troublesome for the Young Wolf's army and the wildlings.", she added with a slight frown, after thinking things through for a moment.

"The Fiery Hand and the warrior priests and priestesses will face the wights directly. The wildlings, Northmen, and Riverlanders can occupy the Wall and build some defense structures around the breach.", Phenex stated.

"It might still be disadvantageous, but this is the tactic that promises the most success. Against the White Walkers, wildlings and Westerosi alike will be unable to stop them, should they pick a spot along the Wall to break through that isn't tightly guarded by temple warriors and priests."

"Especially if they attack together. In that case, only you and Mera would be able to stop them, as even Jaehaerys and Thoros cannot match up against a dozen White Walker and the Night King.", he ended.

And what if they don't attack the breach? What if they won't let themselves be lured to attack where we want them to?”, Kinvara questioned in concern.

Shaking his head lightly, Phenex answered: “The White Walkers are existences born out of grudges and vengeful spirits, they are not smart in a human sense, my love. At best they can be considered cunning. Strategy needs wisdom, and a tainted mind cannot give birth to wisdom.”

"The breach is too tempting an opportunity, considering that the Wall's magic heavily affects the strength of the wights. They will focus their attack on the breach, I am certain of it."

"Though to make sure that nothing goes wrong, it will be for the best if you send the warrior priests and priestesses from the Fire Sword branch to stand guard atop the Wall, along with a few thousand of the Young Wolf's men. With their magic, they should be able to sense if the Others approach, and hold them off long enough until reinforcements arrive."

"I will do as you say.", Kinvara nodded in agreement, as she slowly turned in his embrace, her hands laying themselves flat against his muscular chest. Closing her eyes, Kinvara yawned adorably while she placed her head under his chin and practically melted in his embrace.

Let's get you to bed, my love.”, Phenex whispered gently, seeing and feeling her exhaustion, as she had not used her magic to revitalize herself.

"Only if you stay with me.", she demanded quietly and stole herself a soft kiss from his willing lips, as he took her in his arms, her own slender arms wrapping themselves around his neck while she did so.

"I will.", Phenex replied with a tender smile, before taking them to her tent in the encampment in a shower of embers.

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