The Phoenix – A GOT Fan-Fiction

Chapter 159 – Onos, the Light

[303 AC – Volantis – One Year After the War of Dawn]

"Arhghh!!", a pained cry echoed through the bedchamber in the Great Temple of Volantis, as Missandei was giving birth to Phenex' and her child only weeks after Daenerys had given birth to Phenex' second daughter Eleana.

"It's done, my Lady, my Lord! It's done!", the High Priestess from the healing branch voiced out joyfully as she took hold of the infant and pinched its feet gently to elicit a reaction.

Exhausted beyond measure, Missandei breathed out a sigh of relief as she heard her child cry out the next moment while at the same time her instincts to care for and protect her child awakened, causing her to try and muster her remaining energy to reach for her child.

A warm palm gently pressing her back onto the bedding though made that impossible, as Phenex whispered reassuringly: “Rest, my love. I will look after our child.”

Turning to face her husband, Missandei felt his lips leave a tender kiss on her temple as soothing warmth flowed into her drained body, rejuvenating and healing her, before he rose from his position beside her and approached the priestess.

Having carried the child to a small basin of warm water to wash off the blood and mucus, the Red Priestess' actions were filled with gentle care and veneration as she was well aware of the fact that the infant in her hands was the child of her god.

My Lord, it's a boy.”, she voiced out quietly as she saw Phenex approaching, respect and devotion shining in her eyes.

"I know.", her Lord responded with a nod and a slight smile, as he took hold of his son who had stopped crying as if sensing his father's presence.

"You can leave now, Nerva.", he continued and dismissed the priestess with soft-spoken words filled with gratitude.

Immeasurable pride and joy in his blazing eyes, Phenex gently swaddled his son in a soft blanket and took him in his embrace before carrying him to Missandei's side, his magic flowing out and removing all the blood and sweat from the bedding and her form as he did so.

My love, our son.”, Phenex introduced as he present the small bundle to the golden-eyed beauty before him, his fiery eyes burning with endless affection, “Marselen Firestar.”

With trembling hands, Missandei took their son in her arms.

"You are finally here.", she whispered exhaustedly, tears of joy falling from her eyes.

[303 AC – Starfall]

"Are you sure, Phenex?", Anton Dayne asked with a hesitant frown on his face, his gaze resting on the sheathed blade that lay on the rough stone table between them.

"I am.", Phenex replied with a small nod, as he pushed the blade further across the table, "My father gifted his feather to the Ancestor of House Dayne, who had then forged Dawn from it which has been the heirloom blade of House Dayne for generations."

"Dawn has been with me for more than fifteen years and I now know that I cannot part with it anymore, it simply belongs with me."

"As such, I have forged this blade out of another feather to gift to House Dayne in exchange for Dawn.", he explained.

"Its name is Brightstar, and it likewise chooses its wielders through careful scrutiny. And while there may not be another Sword of the Morning in the future, one day a Sword of the Sun will be born from House Dayne."

"I have also brought a set of armor made from Valyrian steel.", Phenex added, "I hope this will be enough to pay my debt to House Dayne, and you."

"It is.", Anton answered with a wry smile, "It is more than enough. House Dayne has welcomed an era of prosperity since your birth. The Red Temple has gone above and beyond to ensure that the lands of House Dayne flourish. Your mother would be proud of you. I am proud of you, Phenex."

I imagine she would be.”, Phenex replied with a mild smile.

"How is your family, Phenex? Your children?", Anton asked with a curious and benevolent smile, his slowly greying hair and the wrinkles around his eyes giving him a grandfatherly look, despite the fact that he was only in his early forties. It seemed that age had overtaken him after the passing of Allyria.

It was somewhat saddening for Phenex to witness this as his uncle was the only connection he had left to House Dayne and his mother, even though Anton had children and heirs. Phenex though had never gone out of his way to meet them, and while they certainly did know of his existence, they were not aware of his true identity.

His uncle had seen him growing up and he was one of the few people that treated him like a being with flaws and shortcomings, his divine power inconsequential to the love and respect that Anton had for him.

"Missandei and Daenerys have recently given birth to a son and a daughter, Merselen and Eleana.", Phenex replied with a soft smile, "And while Allyria she carries my mother's name, it's Eleana who takes after her in looks with her dark hair and violet eyes. Allyria on the other hand has silver hair like her mother Rhaella and is just as beautiful."

"Her temperament though is almost the opposite, as she still raises all kinds of mayhem with Sapphire in the castle.", he told with a small laugh.

"Well, you might not have known this, but your mother was the same.", Anton answered with a hearty smile, his eyes staring into the distance as if remembering events long passed.

"Allyria and Ashara were always out and about causing trouble in the castle while Arthur and I covered for them and took it upon ourselves to appease Father's anger. Mother though didn't believe us for a second, when we said our apologies and excuses, though she pretended to because she spoiled Allyria and Ashara just as much as we did.", the old Lord of Starfall recounted softly.

A few long moments of silence passed, as the both of them relived their memories of the past, the whispers in the wind echoing like long forgotten laughter in their ears.

"There is something else, Uncle.", Phenex finally broke the silence, remembering one of the main reasons he had come to Starfall as he continued.

"I plan to rebuild the Arm of Dorne, leaving only a single channel that connects the Narrow Sea with the Summer Sea. On the southernmost point the waterway, which will be named the Blue Vein, will be controlled by a city that the Red Temple will build in Tribus Terris, the former Disputed Lands, specifically on a peninsula roughly halfway between Tyrosh and Lys."

"The city will be named Onos – the light. And it will be the seat of House Firestar for the foreseeable future. On the other end of the Blue Vein, Tyrosh will be the waypoint that will help regulate the trade between Southern Essos and Westeros, and Northern Essos respectively."

On the Dornish side of the Blue Vein, there will also be two cities that will be built as sister cities to Tyrosh and Onos. Onos' sister city will be controlled by House Nymeros Martell, Arianne's family, but the governance of the other city can be placed under House Dayne's control.”

It is what I came here to offer you, Uncle.”, he stated with a calm smile.

It took Lord of Starfall a few minutes to comprehend the magnitude of what his nephew, the Red God was offering him, as they sat in the small and silent courtyard that Phenex had lived in with his mother growing up.

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