The Pokemon System

Chapter 10

Chapter 10


The reason Adrian did all of this was simple.

He had to remove all the potential disturbances and unknown elements from affecting his plans.

He was so close to his goal of achieving pussy that he could even smell it.

He knew that he couldn't thug around a ghost, it had to be nullified. But this place was far away from the church in the city.

Also he only asked her to keep quiet for one day. What she does from tomorrow onwards is her own decision.

Adrian had a very vile plan in his mind, which would remove all problems at once. Of course, the plan was not flawless nor complete, but he didn't have the time nor patience to draw up a new one.

It was evening already. He had to act fast. He told Drone about his role and told him to contact the Doctor again.

Adrian then proceeded to go towards the hunter's camp as sneakily as possible.


It was already dusk as the villagers headed to the center of the Village's eastern side. The western side had long been abandoned by them.

This area was much closer to the hunter's camp location and was frequently attended to by the villagers, albeit reluctantly, as they all carried food and some valuables as offerings.

They dreaded going empty handed and being punished by these ruthless men. They were normal civilians & did not have the courage to stand against these hunters.

Drone too headed there, as he wrapped himself under a huge cloak. He was accompanied by the Doctor and his family.

The Doctor's daughter was shifting restlessly as her fate was to be decided in a few moments. Her father had informed her that this great man would rescue her from these hunters.

She dazedly looked at the figure of Drone, as she was charmed endlessly.

He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. His tough facial features, strong body, huge build seemed to provide her a sense of comfort.

She wondered how great her future would be to be embraced within his strong arms for life.

Their group finally reached the meeting area, where a man, whose facial features were hidden by a helmet, was sitting on a higher stage while being surrounded by three other armed hunters.

Many other hunters stood behind these men as they looked at these villagers vigilantly.

The leader of the hunters, Marega looked at the Doctor's family with a pleasant smile. He was glad that the Doctor did not foolishly hide his daughter & obediently came as he was told.

He looked at his daughter & smiled lecherously,

[Welcome Doctor Aaj Hie. You did well in coming on time. The attendance would be done later. But first, I must enjoy your daughter right here.]


The surrounding hunters started to laugh loudly. Ever since their group took over this village, life has been good to them.

Wine, Women, Food. All for them to take.

The Doctor stood forward and interrupted their vile laughs,

[Hold on. Before you do that, you must defeat my son-in-law first.]

[WHAT! Son-in-law!! That bitch has already fucked?!]

Marega spat out in disgust.

(...He wants me, a virgin killer to take used goods?!. I don't want any sloppy seconds!!...)

Having his mood completely spoilt, Marega ordered his henchman,

[Hey! Hear out you guys! I want this guy dead! Whoever kills him can have that woman as his slave.]

The surrounding hunters became excited. They often had to share women, so having a personal slave was an amazing thing for them.

A lusty guy moved forward and took out his sword as he challenged Drone,

[Fight me, you coward! I will rip you to pieces!!]

Drone silently brought out his broadsword and parried the over enthusiastic hunter.

He had been ordered to buy as much time as possible.

(...Young Master Adrian's scheme has worked flawlessly so far. I only had to take care of the rest...)


Meanwhile, Adrian & his beloved Pokemon, Grimer were having too much fun disabling the hunters.

Their strategy was simple.

Adrian would throw stones to distract the patrols, while Grimer would jump at their heads, suffocating them with it's horrible stench.

Grimer also used DISABLE when required, as the hunters would sometimes notice Adrian, while using POUND to finish off any who gained consciousness.

Adrian was busy tying up the collapsed hunters and collecting exp points.

This was the first time he ever battled anyone. As long as he participated just a little bit each time along with cooperating with Grimer to finish off these hunters, he would receive exp points.

However, on the instances when Grimer defeated them alone, then only Grimer received exp points.

After battling for so long, Adrian sat down a distance away from the GRIMER and checked his system notifications.

<You defeated the hunter Angad. You receive 36 exp points. Grimer receives 72 exp points.>

<You have levelled up. You have reached level 5. User stats have been raised accordingly.>

Adrian brought back a small bag with himself for this battle and was glad since he had obtained 4 item drops so far.

He didn't have any inventory or system storage, so he had to personally collect themselves.

He already had 2 POTION, 1 ANTIDOTE & 1 NUGGET.

Admittedly, Adrian cherished the NUGGET a lot. It was a huge piece of gold. He knew that he would not face any money shortage issues in the city.

His bag had become too full though.

He was also glad for the Grimer's battle ability. Although it didn't know a lot of moves, but it was diligent & obedient.

Most importantly, it was a free labor available for him to use anytime. If not for it's bad smell, Adrian would have thanked the stars for such a Pokemon.

It had already reached level 18 & was fearless in battle. It told him that they can't die in battle, but would retire for a period of time instead for recovery.

Adrian happily welcomed this meat shield with open arms.

As for himself, with the successive level raises, he could move a bit faster, while he became exhausted a lot less.

He also learnt the move POUND for himself, since it had an added effect on his attacks and improved his survival chances.

However, he was too scared to challenge others unarmed. Hence, he let the Grimer do the dirty stuff, while handling some basic tactics himself.

(...I am a Commander. I won't act at the front lines, but move behind everyone's backs...)

Feeling too happy with himself, Adrian moved to the location of another hunter, preparing for another onslaught.


As the battle between the hunters and Drone reached it's peak, many villagers were surprised at his ability in combat.

Even after 7 consecutive battles, Drone was standing strong.

In reality, Drone was using only 20% of his capabilities & saving the rest for the actual confrontation to come.

Marega, the hunter's leader, was already very shocked. He never thought that the Doctor would be able to marry off his daughter to such a fighter.

However, no matter how hard he fought, it was of no use. He had numbers advantage & he knew that man was bound to get exhausted sooner than later.

Hence Marega enjoyed the thing as long as he could, since it would be over soon anyways.


Adrian piled up the last patrolling hunter that he could find. All of them had been tied up and thrown inside a large barn nearby.

He and Grimer had battled endlessly & he had become exhausted in the end.

The Grimer, however, was not even tired a little bit. He didn't know if it acted that way on the surface or was actually tired.

Leaving it alone for now, Adrian's level was stuck at 5 & he was desperate to increase it.

He didn't want to be just a pretty face any longer.

Since Adrian could not find any patrols anymore, he went towards a different direction than the meeting place.

Adrian had no plans to battle the hunters in a frontal assault. He had his own means to achieve his goal.


Chapter 10 End




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