The Pokemon System

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Mariana paced among the woods restlessly. She had decided to follow the man around on a whim, but didn't knew how to approach him.

(...together forever...)

She mused on her own, since nobody could see her, unless she desired as such.

She was completely consumed with rage and vengeance in the past. So much that she felt awkward when looking back at it now.

She knew she was different from the others since the moment she was born. She just had a feeling.

This feeling was confirmed one day, when she sneaked out from her room & explored the village.

None of the other villagers had furry ears on their head, neither did they have a tail as glamourous as her.

When she grew up & confronted her parents about it, they told her that she had inherited the blood of their ancestors, while her other siblings were just normal humans.

After the racial war, her ancestors chose to stay here & bred with other humans, thinning their bloodline.

Due to this, she had to hide her ears and tail in public.

She often heard from the villagers that she looked revolting and marriage was impossible for her. But she was satisfied, since she had a loving family.

All until the son of the Village Chief laid his eyes on her. They said he was a freak who lusted after ugly women & had slept with a few.

When he approached her with such intentions, she immediately rejected.

The man, however, was obstinate & wanted to obtain her by any means.

His father, the Village Chief, then came to her family & proposed marriage with himself.

Her family, of course rejected him. But that spelled the beginning of the end for them.

Each day, one of her family members disappeared. Only at nights would their pained screams be heard.

Her father asked her to run away, but she refused to abandon her family, but soon they all had disappeared.

The Village Chief acted triumphant & thought he had her for sure.

But he never expected the girl to take her own life.

When she realized that she had died, she could feel something within herself being awakened.

While other spirits around her consumed themselves until passing on, she could stay around as long as she wanted.

She could even consume the fallen spirits, who had lost their reasoning & become stronger.

When the Village Chief ran away with the rest of his family, she desperately wanted to haunt him, but her spirit was bound to the village.

With nowhere to vent her frustrations, she tormented the villagers instead.

Even when the hunters appeared, she didn't care much & continued to haunt her area.

That was, until her Darling came across.

She trailed him & listened around, since he was an outsider & seemed interesting to her.

Even when he heard her tale, he didn't avoid her like others, but actively moved to find her.

She went around with him until he buried her previous body some distance away from the village.

She could even feel the spirits of her family surrounding her as they all listened to him speak.

After he went away, her family members were overcome with peace & happiness. They asked her to let go of the hate & to pass on as well.

After they attained peace at last, she decided to help the man once before passing on too.

After the battle ended, she wanted to leave, but her Darling went on and on about how he wanted her to stay.

He even went ahead and made a soul promise.

That was the moment she was freed from her fate & was not bound to the village anymore.

She followed after him all this while, but she was afraid that he would become scared or might hate her instead.

She was not a human after all.

She suffered in self torment as she devised a way to become closer to her Darling.

Her tail shook in anticipation of her actions.


When the Session menu appeared in front of Adrian that night, he was fuming in anger.

(...I was a fool for trusting the words of the salesman & buying without checking! Where is the Consumer Cell?!.. Next time onwards, I must check the goods first hand! I will skin those people alive if they dare to this to me again?!....)

(...also that Drone..Why did he lie to me? He said that the girl was good looking! But that face must belong to a monster! Not a human!...)

In his furious state, Adrian chose to start the session, hoping to beat the crap out of any Pokemon he found today.

He reappeared in the forest again, and the countdown timer started to rundown as well.

In his anger, Adrian was a lot more careless and fumingly held a Pokeball, hoping to severely injure some Pokemon with it before capturing it with the next Pokeball.

He found a lone Spearow pecking & tormenting a Metapod.

Adrian's eyes shone with a weird light as he aimed it at the Metapod, knowing it's resistance would be low.

His aim however betrayed him, as the ball flew with great momentum and crashed upon the neck of the Spearow.

Agitated, the Spearow cried heavily, upon which a lot more cries replied and a flock of Fearow flew closer.

Adrian knew staying here would spell trouble, hence he ran away at the first opportunity, as he tried to hide using the surroundings.

The cries of the flock seemed to come closer and closer to Adrian. He knew he must act fast.

At that moment, Adrian spotted a small cave that could hardly accommodate a person. He reached towards it and hid inside as soon as possible.

Luckily, the Fearows lost their target and continued to search around.

Adrian glanced at the timer which read <0:10> and knew the danger of going out was extremely high.

Then Adrian realized that he could hear someone snoring behind himself.

The cave was not very big and not a lot of space was vacant back inside, so Adrian stiffly turned around, hoping he would not get into some new trouble.

Then Adrian found a Clefairy sleeping peacefully. There were not others around as it seemed alone.

Adrian quickly grabbed the chance & took out his next Pokeball. He aimed it at the Clefairy, & threw the Pokeball. The Clefairy, however, got trapped inside it without much trouble.

The Pokeball did not struggle much, as it settled down quickly.

The system notification rang,

<Pokemon Successfully Caught.>

A few seconds later, another notification rang,

<Session time is over. Logging out user.>

Adrian's vision turned white once again as he started to feel sleepy.

He felt very accomplished, since this was the first time he caught a Pokemon of his own choice.

Laughing to himself, Adrian fell asleep, hoping to talk with the Clefairy soon.


The Clefairy waited anxiously inside the summoning hall.

When not summoned, or reverse summoned, the Pokemon were kept here.

Clefairy tried to look around, but the hall was isolated & dark. It appeared very creepy to her.

She sat down in a corner as her dark past started to haunt her.

She used to belong to a tribe of Clefairy, which used to reside in the mountains.

However, unlike others, she was more lazy & cowardly.

One day, when a swarm of Beedrill approached their territory, she panicked and ran away to hide, instead of closing the entrance or warning the others.

Afterwards, she was banished from the mountains & had to wander in the forest.

Her life had become extremely tough.

Out of hunger & exhaustion, she chose to hide inside a cave, so that she could die in peace.

However, the last thing she remembered was that.

Soon she got an information that she now has a Master & from now on unlimited amount of food would be available to her at all times.

She glanced at the food mountain that she had stuffed herself from and became depressed.

She just hoped her new Master wouldn't hate her.


When Drone woke up in the morning, he felt his head hurting badly, along with fatigue, as he inspected his surroundings.

He found a girl curled up beside him, naked. He noticed that he too was naked.

Upon closer inspection, Drone recognized her to be the new maid Ella.

He could clearly see his sperm remains around her nether regions & a bright red spot on the beddings.

Drone clutched his head as he felt his impending doom.

(...what kind of loyal servant sleeps with his Master's woman?! AHH!! What am I supposed to do now?!...)

Drone continued his musings as the sun climbed up the horizon.


Chapter 13 End



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