The Pokemon System

Chapter 15

Chapter 15


Adrian then reverse summoned the Clefairy after asking if it ate something or not. He was very mindful towards this cute companion.

He then quickly ate some hard bread from his stash and gulped it down his throat with a lot of water.

After concluding his breakfast, Adrian dressed up quickly and came out of the building.

Drone & Ella were already waiting for him there. The two were acting shyly around each other, but Ella was holding Drone's sleeve as if trying to assert her presence, while Drone was looking away with his face flushed red.

Looking at the two acting lovey-dovey like this so quickly, Adrian's mind went haywire.

(...oh.. how I wish there were a pair of cute twins awaiting my arrival like this...)

Adrian then cheered himself & declared his intentions of moving towards the City. There was just one more village ahead of them & Drone had informed him that a Church existed at the next village.

He had long wanted to sample the holy water, the last remnant of magic for humans.

After the demon king's curse, although the power of Clerics was not wiped out, but it had weakened tremendously. It could only be used for small tricks, since humans had lost the capacity of holding mana within their bodies.

But before they could continue, Drone brought out a mask from within the supplies bag and presented it to Adrian.

[Young Master, it was an order from the Guild Master. You must wear this mask from now on for your protection & must not remove it under any circumstances.]

Adrian took the mask and looked over it carefully. It wasn't bad looking, but he wondered why his mother sent something like this.

Thinking it to be some guild affair, Adrian relented & put on the mask. He had to get used to it somehow. He could see & breathe well, but it was awkward nevertheless.


As soon as they left the village, Adrian demanded to train himself against the monsters.

Drone quickly agreed, since the reason for coming out was Adrian's training to become stronger.

The strong monsters were found back in the forest. Here in the countryside, only weak monsters roamed.

He had borrowed defense equipment and a short dagger for himself after coercing the Village Chief a lot.

Their party had encountered monsters before too, but they avoided them for several reasons.

There was no such reason now however & Adrian knew he had to strive to become stronger.

( good woman would follow a weak man after all...)

Ella had left to gather some wild herbs in the area & Adrian asked Drone to look after her as he went a bit further away.

Adrian soon found his first opponent. A Kobold was hiding behind some trees, looking for an opportunity to launch an attack on Adrian.

Adrian smirked to himself & called out,

[Grimer, appear.]

The space surrounding Adrian distorted as the Grimer appeared. It looked towards Adrian with expectation filed eyes.

<Master. You called me?>

Adrian nodded & replied,

[You are the strongest meat shield I have. I am going to attack something. When it retaliates, defend against his attacks for me, understood?]

<Yes Master!>

The Grimer became happy at the prospect of being able to fight alongside it's master.

Adrian moved with quick steps and soon attacked the Kobold using the dagger with all his might.

The Kobold, however, dodged the attack & growled in anger.

Knowing it would attack now, Adrian signalled for the Grimer to arrive. The Kobold rushed towards Adrian and swiped it's sharp claws at his throat.

The Grimer immediately obstructed the Kobold's attack, while using DISABLE on it to prevent using the same attack again.

Adrian used this chance to his advantage & swiped his dagger at the Kobold's throat.

The Kobold, however, tried dodging it and the dagger was buried in it's chest.

Raging in fury, it tried to bite Adrian.

Adrian anticipated this move & launched his POUND move, landing his fist straight at the side of his head, twisting it 180 degrees.

The Kobold fell like that & it's body became lifeless. Adrian jumped around in happiness. He had defeated the monster by himself.

Upon checking the Kobold's condition, however, he became stunned & a gross feeling crept up inside him.

(...I killed matter if it was human or not, my hands are finally stained in blood...)

Adrian sat down at the place as he stared at it's corpse.

His mind was jolted awake when the Grimer started to approach him & it's stench started to drive him crazy.

As he stood up frantically, Adrian noticed the red exclamation mark. Upon clicking on it, a series of text appeared,

<You defeated the wild Kobold. You receive 18 exp points. Grimer receives 36 exp points.>

<Grimer has levelled up. Grimer has reached level 19. Grimer's stats have been raised accordingly.>

Near the Kobold's body lay an item. Upon inspection, the system prompted FULL HEAL.

Knowing how useful it could be, Adrian stored it and reverse summoned the Grimer, before returning towards Drone & Ella.


The next day, Adrian & his group had reached the third village Rada.

He could immediately tell the difference between this one & the ones that he left behind.

For one, the population was much larger.

He could even see a lot of peddlers lining around the road, setting up their stalls.

Their faces reflected their optimism & hope. They all wore unique looking clothes with a lot of embroidery.

Feeling impressed, Adrian said to Drone,

[Hey Drone. These villagers look too happy right?]

Drone observed the surroundings and responded,

[I think so too, Young Master, just the presence of the Daisy's Bar is enough to keep them giddy. Even the merchants from the town come here to take their wine supplies.]

Adria became surprised at his answer, which then turned into longing,

[Wine... Drone, let's go to the bar quickly! I want the wine! THE WINE!!]

Having not tasted wine yet due to his age, Adrian longed to get intoxicate.

(...I might also meet some ladies hanging around the bar...)

Adrian dragged Drone as soon as he was told of it's direction & entered the bar full of expectations.

As he looked around, he found only disappointment.

There were no super drunk hot women nor a cute bar receptionist.

The receptionist wore a plain white mask, while some of the clients wore masks too, only the designs were a bit different.

The ones without the masks were all, without a doubt, all brawny & thuggish.

Adrian felt as if he had returned to the Guild instead & tried to walk out of the bar.

Drone was already sitting along with Ella & the couple were drinking some kind of hot soup.


Just as he walked out of the bar, Adrian's coat was grabbed.

Adrian became vigilant, preparing to beat up the assailant.

He was however shocked to see a little girl, around 9 years old, holding on to him with a pitiful expression.

She had big green eyes, lengthy green hair, wore a ragged yellow dress and was not wearing anything on her feet.

Her height only reached till Adrian's waist.

She looked severely malnourished, her bones visible through her skin.

However, what shocked Adrian was the girl's appearance.

(...this girl?! So cute!! Where are her parents?! Her big sister?! Her MOTHER?!!...)

The little girl was right in his strike zone, albeit she was a bit too young for Adrian's taste.

Looking at her pitiful state, Adrian only felt sympathy & pity. He did have plans to have some tryst with her elders though..

The little girl spoke to Adrian with her eyes full of tears,

[Mister, please.. Help me. I need money for medicine. My.. my brother will die...]

Adrian became surprised first, then he thought this to be a perfect chance to meet her elders & have some heart to heart talk.

He looked back towards the girl. Anxiousness covered her sickly beautiful features. The tears seemed about to fall out of her eyes any moment now.

Adrian patted & rustled the girls hair as he tried to comfort her,

[Don't worry. I will help you for sure! You can believe in this big brother!]

The little girl's face blossomed as she smiled and hugged Adrian's waist as she tried to ensure that he was not lying.

[R-Really?! Really-Really? You will help me, big brother?!]

Adrian smiled as he hugged the little girl and replied,

[Yes. Now let's waste no time. Take me to your home, otherwise my bad teammates would take me away~]

The little girl panicked as she looked around Adrian, before she took his hand and quickly pulled him towards a direction.

Adrian, meanwhile, smiled to himself as he imagined how he would be deep in pussy soon.

(...Oh~ how I hope her sister is a hottie! Even mother would do!! It is a good thing that Drone is not around. That guy would jinx my chances for sure. Better get away as quietly as possible...)


Chapter 15 End



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