The Pokemon System

Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


When Adrian woke up, it was already midnight. They had no other means of telling time in this world except a version of a Sundial.

Ages ago enchanted items were used to do various stuff, but they became useless since they couldn't be charged with magic anymore.

Only the royals and some nobles had other species as slaves, who were used for powering up the devices.

Adrian thought what he experienced to be a weird dream, so he laid down for some more time to rethink about all of that.

The room opened quietly & a lithe figure entered the room. The figure stood above Adrian and put a palm on his forehead, slowly caressing it.

The figure quietly spoke,

[My child, I am sorry for neglecting you like this. But I can't help it. Hah...]

The hand started to slowly rub his hair,

[I have the duty to keep this guild going on. And that cannot happen if I only stay here. I know you have to bear this loneliness alone. But the outside world is very dangerous for you. Please be obedient & continue to stay inside from now on as well.]

A faint kiss landed on Adrian's forehead. Then the figure retreated and left the room.

As soon as the door was shut, Adrian opened his eyes and blushed heavily. His fingers traced the spot where his mother kissed him & got lost in his delusions.

Needless to say, Adrian masturbated 5 times that night.



Next day, Adrian was stirred awake by Drone.

Yes, the man named himself that for unknown reasons, citing it sounded cool when Adrian once explained the concept of a Drone to him.

The man was the most ugliest out of all the men in the guild & unfortunately, this guy was too attached to Adrian and his unique knowledge. The other thugs often cited him to be one of the strongest members of the younger generation.

Though this was no excuse to bear his ugliness the first thing in the morning.

[Hey there, Drone. What time is it?]

[It's already afternoon 5th sector, Young Master.]

Sectors were the concept of time for the people of this world. Using Sundial, the day in general was divided into 7 segments.

In the previous world terminology, 5-7 AM = 1st sector ... 5-7 PM - 7th sector.

The night hours were unaccounted for as they were unmeasurable by any means except hourglasses, but the technology to make glass was lost with the dwarves.

Of course, Adrian was not interested in teaching them about these things. How could he care about the world when he couldn't even defend himself or his wealth. He couldn't even get out of the guild by himself.

[Young Master, you stink! Quickly take a bath!]

Also, Drone was too honest with his feelings, i.e. he had no lid on his mouth. He much preferred Dana, the shy brute than this guy.

[Alright, I get it. Ask Dana to prepare the bath. I will have my lunch afterwards.]


Drone walked away with fast pace and disappeared from his view.

Adrian decided to take a nap for the meantime, but as soon as he laid down on the bed, the ugly face of Drone peeked out from behind the door,

[No sleeping Young Master. Or I shall carry you to the bath myself..]

[OK! I am coming! Go now!]

Adrian then went to the bathroom and then later ate lunch under the watchful eyes of Drone.


After lunch, Adrian decided to meet his mother once, but was disappointed to find her absent.

However he overheard two of her subordinates talking,

[Guild Master used to be so strong, but after her injuries at the hand of the Night Bandits two years ago, her abilities have reduced drastically.]

[Yes, Master has been trying to do her best, but we are constantly losing territories. Even third rate bandits try to bully us now.]

[Only if Guild Master was as healthy as before, hah..]

This sudden news struck Adrian heavily.

His mother was injured & could possibly die someday in battle.

The safe haven he had been kept in may be taken away at any point.

Even the guild members were feeling anxious, not to mention his mother.


Adrian came out to the backyard. He decided it was enough. Now was the time when he needed to improve & strengthen his body, so that he could one day relieve the burdens from his mother's shoulders.

Adrian did some light stretching followed by some power exercises, but due to his weak physique, he quickly exhausted himself.

His eyes caught the sight of few pebbles on the ground, when he remembered last night's dream.

He had his suspicions about whether that was real or just a dream, but he decided to practice nevertheless.

He marked a spot on a nearby plant & started to use the pebbles for target practice, imagining it to be a pokeball.

He continued to do it till Drone found him again & pestered him to tell something new.

Adrian randomly informed him of some technology, which left Drone starry eyed.

Leaving Drone alone, Adrian approached Dana who was standing nearby,

[Dana, I have something to speak about with mother. When she arrives, please ask her if I can meet her.]

[Y-Yes! BOUNg MaSTER!!]

Dana mumbled as she ran away shyly.

Adrian felt like puking.


After Dinner, Dana came to his room to inform him that his mother came back & he could meet her immediately.

Adrian walked to his mother's study room as he passed by her bedroom. Since he was not allowed inside her bedroom, Adrian held various fantasies about his mother & what she did inside the room.

Upon reaching his mother's study & after entering, Adrian found his mother taking off her overcoat. Adrian stood still at the doorway, stunned by her beauty.

Her sweat glistened forehead, hot sighs escaping her lustrous lips, her dress tightly hugging her sexy figure, her abundant breasts.. He just stood there, taking in this rare sight completely & recording it in his memory for obvious reasons.

Oblivious to his thoughts, his mother smiled sweetly & gestured for him to come inside.

Adrian entered the room carefully & stood before his mother. As soon as he remembered about today's revelation, his lust disappeared & worry took over.

[Mom, I have a request. Please allow me to go out.]

Surprised, his mother's eyes flew completely open as she stared at him wide eyed,

[EH?!! BUT..why...]

Stabilizing himself, Adrian proceeded to explain,

[Mom, I will be 18 years old tomorrow. I have to become strong enough to survive. I cannot really expect others to protect me forever. I know you love me a lot, but I also want to be able to protect mother from anything that stands in your way.]

Adrian blushed heavily as he somehow uttered the last few lines.

His mother's face also took a shade of red. She never expected her son felt this way.

But she became both happy & worried. She knew of the dangers outside & hence didn't want her inexperienced son to suffer too much.

He was also not aware of the common sense of the world or it's etiquettes, but throwing cold water on his intentions would cripple him instead.

Hence with a heavy heart, she thought about it a little & came to a solution.

[Alright. Three days from now, you can go out. But on some conditions.]

[Yes! Mom, anything is okay! Just tell me!!]

[Hmm. Firstly, Drone will accompany you all the time as a bodyguard.]

Adrian expected this at least. His mother would certainly send someone strong after him.

[Secondly, as soon as any danger arises, come back to the guild at the first notice.]

Adrian knew he wouldn't be able to keep the second condition, but he also knew he had to agree for now.

[Okay mom, I accept. Thank you very much!]

Using this chance as an opportunity, Adrian hugged his mother tightly.

His mother oblivious of his intentions hugged him back.

A heartwarming scene, if not for Adrian enjoying this moment a bit too much.


Chapter 3 End

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