The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 23

〈 Chapter 23 〉 Unexpected



Roar! No, that booming voice could be considered a roar, and it was impossible not to attract attention in the solemn atmosphere of the monastery.

The strange visitor, who was boasting about his thunderous voice to the flustered receptionist hidden behind an oversized, clunky helmet, was someone that even the strong Guardian Priests in the monastery were too intimidated to approach. The reasons were as follows:

First, he possessed an extraordinary vigor that even a layperson could easily recognize as unusual.

Second, some fearless priests who had previously tried to drag him out were now defeated, sprawled uselessly on the ground like tumbleweeds from a Western movie.

Third, the document he presented as his ID was a royal seal proving his connection to the royal family.

The combination of these elements, far beyond what an ordinary staff could handle, naturally left the poor receptionist in a state of panic.

”I-I’m sorry, Sir Knight. Even if you claim to be a royal acquaintance, the list of priests is a confidential matter of our order and cannot be shown without the Vatican’s permission.”

”I see! But that decision! I ask you to reconsider! I must verify a crucial matter through that list!”


”You will pay for this rudeness and lack of compensation later! I beg you!”



Help me.

Even if the receptionist glanced around with pleading eyes soaked in sorrow, it became instinctively clear that there was no way to pierce through that overwhelming vigor and volume. It was at that moment when the calm voice of a Sister cut through the tension.

”What seems to be the matter?”


Her soothing voice quelled the uproar like the gentle rain above the flames, and the receptionist’s sullen expression brightened as if they had found light in darkness.

”I am the head here. If you have inquiries about our order or suggestions, why not speak with me, unknown Knight?”

”Ah! So you are the one in charge here! My apologies! Nice to meet you!”


The fragrant aroma of black tea and the elegant décor could not shake off the palpable tension filling the reception room.

”Let’s set aside the pleasantries and get straight to the point! I would like you to hand over the list of priests at this monastery!”

What a bold and audacious request it was.

Even if he was a knight with direct ties to the royal family, to waltz into a monastery unannounced and demand confidential information was simply out of the question.

It was unreasonable. Unthinkable. Rude.

Such actions could hardly be summed up in words, as they were so reckless that one could have rationally assumed he was a rogue sent to undermine the relationship between the Vatican and the royal family.

”May I ask why?”

Yet, despite the knight’s audacity, the Sister maintained a composed demeanor, flawless and orderly.

The mask hiding her expression barely seemed more than a decoration, as she spoke with poise, embodying an unyielding calm reminiscent of a doll devoid of emotion.

”In fact, I am searching for an old comrade who we parted ways with due to unavoidable circumstances! Given that I’ve obtained multiple pieces of information and testimonies indicating they were sighted near this monastery, I took the liberty of coming here under the reasonable assumption they might still be employed here!”

”Oh, it seems that comrade is quite precious to you.”

”Yes! Indeed!”

The silence between the two did not last long.

At most, the Sister lifted her teacup once as if to savor the aroma.

A moment unsuitable for gathering emotions or regulating breath.

It was the Sister who unexpectedly shattered the heavy silence.

”But that seems a bit unusual. If that person has gone missing due to unavoidable circumstances, then perhaps that’s one thing. However, if they’re engaged in new work elsewhere, that could indicate they might not wish to encounter you or your party again, right?”


”Kindness is relative. While your heartfelt concern for your comrade is indeed beautiful and noble, a kindness that disregards the other’s intentions can sometimes cast a gloomy shadow worse than malice itself. If you truly hold that comrade dear, shouldn’t it be more proper to consider the reasons they had to leave your side and respecting their wishes?”



Was the knight unable to come up with an adequate rebuttal to the Sister’s sermon? As his gaze gradually fell to the floor, the only sound was the clumsy noise of his helmet shifting as he turned.

Slowly, the Sister spoke in a soothing tone, as if comforting a child.

”I can show you the list at my discretion. But even if you reunite with that comrade in this manner, it won’t change their original intentions. After all, human will is…”

It was then that…


The sound of metal bending and wood shattering blended into a horrific roar that tore through the peaceful atmosphere of the reception room in an instant.


The table between the Sister and the knight split in half.

Realizing that the knight had slammed his head down onto the table, the Sister’s face was painted with shock, emotions she couldn’t even hide beneath her mask.

Amidst the splintering wood and shattered helmet fragments, a powerful voice surged upward like a sword strike.


With an unusual ferocity, the knight’s head, having broken through the table, was now firmly pressed against the ground.

It was a vulgar and reckless display, appearing like someone begging for alms.

This pathetic demeanor was so far removed from the dignified stance seen until now that it was the first time the calm demeanor of the Sister cracked.

”Please! If you seek compensation, I can offer you whatever I can! Anything within my power! So please! Hand me the list!”

I-I never expected this!

The only way to describe the Sister’s flustered movements would be like this.

Having already deduced the knight’s identity the previous evening, she understood all too well how absurd it was for him to bow his head before her.

”This, this isn’t good! Please raise your head!”

”No! Until you grant my request, this head won’t budge an inch from the floor!”

In an argument, she had confidence she wouldn’t lose to anyone.

She even considered using this situation to her advantage.

But, she never expected the revered hero, whose every action was praised as legendary, would adopt such a humiliating posture.

Consequently, it was inevitable that her mind couldn’t keep up with the shocking reality before her.

However, regrettably, this unexpected variable was not the only one.

”Hey! Hero! Didn’t I tell you not to just shove your head anywhere!?”

”Apis! I repeatedly warned you not to move so recklessly! Look, the transparent spell I carefully cast just got canceled again!”


As if peeling off an old tree bark, the translucent fragments that fell from the air revealed renowned figures known to the citizens within this system. Great heroes.

The Hero Party.

‘S-No way…!’

A terrifying thought crossed the Sister’s mind.

She had already been informed through reliable sources that the Hero Party was tracking the whereabouts of priests in their own unique manner.

However, she had anticipated that this would only involve one hero or perhaps one or two party members.

‘They’ve arrived!?’

At that moment, the size of the Sister’s internal scream rivaled that of a dragon’s roar.


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