The Priest Wants to Retire

Chapter 80

〈 Chapter 80 〉 Robber


Not a cloud in sight, a sunny sky. A cool breeze. The pleasant, drowsy warmth of the sun.

It seemed like the perfect day for an outing, but despite basking in the glorious sunlight, the expressions on the faces of me and Sister were anything but bright.

”Hurry up. Come on. Hurry. Hurry.”

The Saint, who had ventured far ahead of us, kept urging us on, perhaps finding our sluggish pace frustrating.

Even with a hood obscuring recognition, I was painfully aware that acting too conspicuously would risk revealing our identities, but Sister’s anxious warning seemed ignored by the Saint’s recklessness, stirring my already troubled thoughts.

”The Saint seems particularly excited today, doesn’t she? Can you believe it?”


”I’ve never seen the Saint this thrilled. Is it because she usually stays cooped up in the Meeting Room?”


”By the way, not only did we sneak the Saint out from the Meeting Room, but we’re also wandering the main street without proper security. If we get caught, do you think a salary cut or even termination would be the end of it? What do you think?”


Sister glared at me, her face as red as a tomato, clearly bothered by my teasing tone.

But her usual fierceness had no effect in making me feel small today.

”Hey, are you mad?”

”C-Could you shut your mouth!?”

It was quite a sight to see Sister, who usually pressured me for coddling the Saint, thoroughly knocked down by the Saint’s dry charm.

Even Sister seemed embarrassed by her own reaction, unable to offer a satisfactory retort to my incessant jabs.

She clenched her fists at her stomach and fidgeted with her lips, looking pretty pitiful.

But I had no intention of letting go of this golden opportunity to pay her back for all the teasing she subjected me to.

”As long as we return before lunchtime worship, there shouldn’t be any problems. In fact, for the Saint, who hasn’t had much outdoor activity, a bit of exercise in this sunlight might actually be beneficial. Yes, this is simply a method to promote the Saint’s health…”

”You’re so cool, sister.”

”H-How many times! If you say ‘sister’ one more time! I won’t let it slide! Do you understand!?”

Finally, Sister’s patience snapped, and she grabbed me by the nape and shook me roughly.

I couldn’t breathe, but instead of feeling suffocated, I felt surprisingly refreshed as if I had just taken a deep breath.

It made sense. It was the first time I had the upper hand in this exchange with Sister.

So this is the taste of victory. Sweet.


”W-What! What’s so funny, Regis Priest!?”

I had just embarked on my humorous banter when Sister threw a question my way.

”Aren’t you going to ask me about… our relationship…?”

”Huh? What?”

”About my relationship with the Saint…”


Honestly, to say I wasn’t curious would be a lie.

After hearing the Saint’s sudden endearment of ‘sister’ and witnessing Sister’s passionate reaction, it was apparent there was some kind of meaningful connection between them.


”If I ask, will you tell me?”


”Then it’s fine. You don’t have to say anything. I might be shameless, but I do have some sense, you know?”


Everyone has their own share of secrets they can’t share with others.

I had plenty of things I hadn’t revealed to the Hero and comrades yet.

It would be impossible to confide in someone I might soon part ways with about a past that doesn’t come up easily, even with people I might be with for a lifetime.

And the thought of getting closer than this, complicating things further down the road, made me even more hesitant.

So, shutting my eyes and covering my ears seemed wise.

”Look! I want to eat that! Buy it for me. Buy it!”


Just then, the Saint came trotting towards me, tugging at my clothes and pointing somewhere.

Her delicate white finger pointed to a shop overflowing with people in line.

With the upcoming Blessing Ceremony, the streets were a festival of sights and foods, attracting artisans from across the nation gathering to make a profit. Even unique delicacies usually found only in remote areas could be easily tasted now.

Among them, the item that caught the Saint’s attention was Moosun-myeon, a traditional Elven dish commonly referred to as rag bread.

Thin squares of pancake spread with honey and rolled up—a sight reminiscent of an old scroll, yet the gooey texture soaked in honey was indescribably delightful.

”Wait… Surely you don’t want to go outside just to eat that?”

”Huh? No? I just want to eat it. Just buy it for me. Quickly. Buy it!”

”Sigh… But you just had breakfast, didn’t you? And with such a long line, it’ll take forever to get it. Can you wait?”

”I’ll eat. I want to eat. I will eat. I can eat. Buy it! Buy it!”

”Alright, fine! If it’ll make you happy, I’ll buy it!”

”Wait! Wait a minute! Regis Priest!”

Just when I reluctantly reached for my wallet, Sister’s hand shot out from the side, grabbing my arm.

”N-No! You can’t! Street food that hasn’t even passed nutritional or hygiene checks! I-I absolutely cannot allow this for her!”

Sister managed to restrain herself from calling the Saint by her title in consideration of our surroundings and blocked our way once more with a loud command.

”Sister! Welna wants to eat that! Buy it for me!”


Right after the Saint’s earnest plea to buy it echoed, Sister dashed toward the long line with the agility of a cheetah spotting its prey.


”She’s completely obsessed…”


I chose a quiet corner away from prying eyes, waiting for Sister, who bravely jumped into the busy shop brimming with customers.

Even if hiding someone in plain sight was easier than hiding a tree in the forest, leaving the Saint, who was only wearing a hood, alone on the bustling street would surely be more than my heart could bear.

”I’m tired. Carry me.”

”Um, okay…”

How times had changed! Just a moment ago, she was dashing around, and now she stood there with arms wide open, demanding to be carried.

Honestly, lifting someone as light as a feather was no trouble at all, but with every instance of our bodies unintentionally pressing together, I found myself grappling with an awkwardness I was only slowly getting used to.



After lifting Sister, I was suddenly struck by a moment of silence.

At that instant, Sister’s image of flinging herself into action when the Saint called her ‘sister’ flew back into my mind, and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

The naivety of it was reminiscent of a fanatic I’d seen once.

Just the right amount of encouragement could get her to trust me.

As for the history between the Saint and Sister, I had no means of knowing or any real desire to find out, but I was sure I’d recall the amusing sight of a normally composed Sister flustered by just a word from the Saint for years to come.


Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice rang out from behind, and the sharp sensation prodding my back made my senses tingle.

”Make a sound and I’ll kill you! Turn around and I’ll kill you! Act suspicious and I’ll kill you! I-I suggest you throw down everything valuable and get out of here right now!”

Though I didn’t look back, I could infer the identity and capabilities of the person threatening me from the stench invading my nostrils and the fine tremor conveyed through the sharp object on my back.

A robber targeting tourists, huh?

Honestly, brushing off this barely threatening intimidation wouldn’t have been difficult at all.

But not being versed in combat, my only option for subduing someone was to bash them against a wall, which certainly wasn’t an option while holding the Saint.

For now, it seemed best to comply quietly with the man’s demands.

Well, whether I lost every penny I had or not, it was small change that would vanish in just one market visit anyway.

Might as well consider it a few coins dropped on the road.

”Alright. I’ll take out all the money I have. Just please don’t hurt me.”

”O-Okay! Just do that! Rest easy! If you peacefully hand over the money, both you and your daughter will be safe!”

As I tried to appease him, I rummaged through my pockets.

Thank goodness he wasn’t looking at my face right now.

If he had, he’d have seen the typical look of someone who was suppressing laughter while biting their lip.


”Here. This is all I have. Just take it.”

”Oh, oh!”

Just then, as I was dropping my wallet and belongings to the ground at the man’s request…


Suddenly, the Saint’s pristine white hand dashed out and gripped my wrist tightly.

My gaze quietly slid toward the source of this unexpected turn of events.

The red glint in her eyes reminded me of the eyes of a nocturnal beast, locked fiercely onto my wallet and the expensive goods next to it.


What had captured the Saint’s attention was an object I had unwittingly taken earlier during my exchange with the Hero—something I had yet to deal with, having momentarily drifted out of my consciousness.

Yes, it was the ring box.


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