The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 11

After the mysterious bird vanished into a cloud of feathers, everyone in the Occult Research Club building stood frozen, trying to process what had just happened. The bird hadn’t used any detectable magic, and none of them had sensed its presence until it made itself known. It was unsettling, to say the least.

Breaking the silence, Irina furrowed her brow and asked, "What kind of bird was that?"

Xenovia, still trying to piece things together, replied, "I don’t know, but it seems to have more information about our mission than we do."

Irina tilted her head, puzzled. "How do you figure?"

Xenovia's voice turned grim as she explained, "It knew who the mastermind is, it knew our background... And the way it looked at us—it was like we were just pawns, dancing in its hands, completely unaware of the bigger picture."

Irina nodded slowly, absorbing the weight of Xenovia's words. Something about that bird was off, and it left them with more questions than answers.

Xenovia straightened up, turning toward Rias and her peerage. "We’ll take our leave now, devil. Remember the deal: do not interfere with our mission," she said coldly, her eyes locked with Rias'.

Rias crossed her arms, her anger barely contained. "Hmph," she grumbled in response.

As Xenovia and Irina began to walk away, Kiba suddenly stepped forward, breaking the tense silence.

"Why don’t we have a little match?" Kiba's voice cut through the air like a blade. "Let’s see if those holy swords of yours are truly worth a cadre’s attention."

Xenovia turned back slowly, eyeing him with confusion. "And who are you?" she asked, her tone sharp.

Kiba’s lips curled into a feral smile, his eyes dark with unresolved fury. "Your senpai," he said with venom. "Or more specifically, the failed experiment of your holy sword users."

The tension between the two was palpable. Rias and the others watched cautiously, knowing this confrontation had been brewing for a long time. Kiba’s hatred for the holy swords and their users had only grown more intense over the years, and now it seemed like the dam was finally about to break.

After hearing Kiba’s words, Xenovia's eyes narrowed, and her hand instinctively moved to the hilt of her holy sword. "A failed experiment? What are you talking about?"

Kiba’s smile didn’t falter. “I was part of a project. A group of children, experimented on by the church to create artificial holy sword wielders. All of us… except me, died. So, I’ve got a bit of a grudge against Excalibur and those like you who wield holy swords so casually.”

Xenovia tightened her grip on the sword. “Is that so? Then I’ll accept your challenge. But don’t expect mercy just because you’ve suffered in the past.”

Rias, sensing the rising tension, stepped forward, her aura flaring with power. “Kiba, stand down. This isn’t the time for reckless fights.”

But Kiba, fueled by a deep-seated hatred, refused to listen. “No, President. This is something I have to do.”

Irina, looking uneasy, glanced at Xenovia. “We’re here for a mission, not a fight, Xenovia.”

Xenovia shrugged. “He challenged us. We’re not going to back down.” She drew her holy sword, the gleaming blade shining with a radiant light that contrasted against the dark room. “Let’s settle this quickly.”


n the backyard of the ORC building, Rias and her peerage stood alongside the church members, ready to settle their dispute through a duel. The tension between the two groups had reached its peak, and the upcoming battle would serve as a test of their abilities. It was decided that Kiba would face Xenovia, and Issei would fight Irina. Issei had volunteered to take on Irina, noticing her disdainful gaze toward Asia, and wanting to teach her a lesson in his own way.

Rias stepped forward to address both sides, acting as the referee. "This is only a duel, so no killing blows. The first to incapacitate the other wins." Her voice carried authority, and both sides nodded in agreement.

With a flick of her wrist, Rias released a ball of magic into the air, signaling the start of the matches.

Kiba immediately summoned his demonic sword and lunged forward with swift, precise movements, aiming directly for Xenovia. The clash of steel echoed throughout the room as their blades collided, sparks flying from the force of their strikes. Kiba moved with ferocity, his attacks relentless as his emotions fueled his every swing.

However, Xenovia was no novice. She blocked and parried each of Kiba’s strikes with the skill of a trained warrior, her expression calm and focused. “You’re fast,” she said, “but your anger clouds your judgment.”

Kiba gritted his teeth and pushed harder, his demonic sword pulsing with energy. “I don’t care! As long as I destroy every Excalibur fragment, I’ll be satisfied!”

Xenovia’s eyes flashed. “You’ll regret underestimating me.” With a sudden burst of power, she pushed Kiba back and counterattacked, her sword emitting a holy glow as it sliced through the air.

Kiba barely managed to block in time, but the force of the blow sent him skidding back across the floor. Before he could recover, Xenovia was on him again, her strikes growing faster and more precise. Kiba’s demonic sword strained under the onslaught, cracks beginning to appear in its surface.

Meanwhile, Issei and Irina’s battle was more of a chase. Issei, true to form, had the brilliant idea of using his infamous Dress Break technique to strip Irina of her clothes, hoping it would give him an easy win and a glimpse of his childhood friend in the process. However, Koneko warned Irina not to come too close to Issei, spoiling his surprise attack.

Instead of a duel, their fight turned into a game of cat and mouse, with Irina evading Issei’s attempts to catch her. As they circled each other, suddenly, both combatants stopped in their tracks, sensing a surge of holy power. They turned to see a massive crater where Kiba and Xenovia had been fighting. Xenovia stood at the center, her holy sword unraveled and radiating an overwhelming aura, while Kiba lay bruised at the edge of the crater.

Seizing the distraction, Issei made another attempt at Dress Break. Just as he was about to reach Irina, her sword transformed into a bandage-like material and wrapped around his wrist. With a swift motion, she threw Issei toward Koneko and the rest of the girls. Issei crashed into them, and his Dress Break activated upon impact, destroying their clothes.

While Issei admired the unintended results with a perverted grin, Koneko, thoroughly unimpressed, delivered a powerful punch to his face. “Die, pervert,” she said coldly, sending him flying into a wall and destroying part of it.

Despite the pain, Issei managed to stand up, thanks to the endurance he had built through his grueling training with Ddraig.

Just as he rejoined his group, they all heard Kiba screaming in agony. They turned to see him kneeling, blood pouring from his wounds, and the holy sword, Excalibur Destruction, embedded in his stomach. The sight was horrific; while the wound itself wasn’t fatal, the fact that it was caused by a holy sword designed to kill devils made the injury far worse.

“Enough!” Rias shouted, her aura flaring dangerously as she stepped between the two combatants, her power radiating with authority. “This is pointless. We have more pressing matters than settling personal grudges.”

Others rushed to Kiba’s side as Asia began healing him with her Sacred Gear. Once she confirmed that Kiba was stable, Rias turned to Xenovia with an accusing look. "Did you really have to go that far to end the duel?"

Xenovia, unfazed, replied calmly, "No, but he wouldn't back down, even after I had clearly won."

Kiba, breathing heavily, lowered his sword but kept his gaze locked on Xenovia. “This isn’t over,” he muttered.

Xenovia sheathed her sword, her expression unreadable. “I’ll be waiting.”

With that, she and Irina turned and left the ORC building, leaving behind an air of tension that lingered long after they were gone.





Issei lay back in his bed, clenching his fists as he recalled the events. The image of Kiba kneeling in agony, wounded by a holy sword, lingered in his mind. He felt weak in comparison to the power of the holy swords, powerless in the face of their divine might. “Damn it,” he muttered under his breath, frustration boiling inside him. He hated feeling helpless. At that moment, Ddraig’s deep voice echoed in his mind. "Partner, if you want to brush off a holy sword like it's nothing, you have to endure more training. Achieve Balance Breaker, and you’ll be able to stand up to those swords."






At school, everything seemed normal as students went about their daily routines—except for Issei, who was lost in thought. Earlier that morning, he had discovered that Kiba was missing. Concerned, he had called Kiba's phone and, fortunately, Kiba had answered. Kiba explained that he was on a mission to find and destroy the remaining holy swords. Rias, being the leader she was, allowed him to go, thinking that it would help him clear his mind after his confrontation with Xenovia. Still, Issei and the others couldn’t help but worry about him.

During the break, Issei sat by the window, staring outside, deep in thought. He wasn’t sure what to do next. Just as he was mulling over Kiba’s situation, Roxanne walked up to him, her usual lively energy surrounding her. She leaned in slightly and asked with a teasing grin, “Issei-kun, why are you depressed? Did someone steal your anime collection?”

Issei almost fell out of his chair, startled by her question. His heart skipped a beat. How did she know about his secret love for anime? Ever since entering high school, he had kept that side of himself hidden, especially from the girls in the Occult Research Club. Not even Rias, who lived in his house, knew about his hidden stash of anime merchandise. If someone ever stole it and tried to blackmail him, he’d likely cave in immediately—his devotion to anime was just as strong as his love for... other things.

Still recovering from his shock, Issei glanced at Roxanne, who was watching him with an innocent expression. Just as he was trying to figure out how she had discovered his secret, she interrupted his thoughts again. “So, it’s not your anime collection, huh? Then what’s bothering you? You have such a gloomy face, Issei-kun.” She gave him a determined look and puffed out her chest. “Don’t worry, I’ll help you to the best of my abilities!” she declared with confidence.

Issei couldn’t help but find her enthusiasm cute, but he was conflicted. Roxanne was a childhood friend, and as far as he knew, she was just a normal human, unaware of the supernatural world he had become so entangled in. Could he really involve her in all of this? After a moment of hesitation, he decided to keep things vague. He’d tell her a version of the story that left out the supernatural elements.

After some effort, Issei pieced together a story that explained Kiba’s disappearance without mentioning devils, holy swords, or anything otherworldly. Roxanne listened intently, nodding in understanding, though inwardly, she was less convinced. *He needs to learn how to tell a better story*, she thought to herself, suppressing a small smile.

“Well, Issei-kun,” she said after he finished, “I’m not sure I understand everything, but if you need help, you know you can count on me.” She smiled brightly at him, and for a moment, Issei felt a bit of the weight lift off his shoulders.

"Thanks, Roxanne," he replied, managing a small smile in return. Even if she didn’t know the full truth, her offer of help meant a lot.







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