The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 25

“ you still sell yourself too short Invild even when we both were playing you were the most highlighted due to your amazing singing talent,” said Roxanne while shaking her head.

“ But your singing talent is almost as equal to mine “ Invild mumbled to herself even though Roxanne and Luciana both heard it.

Roxanne sighed and looked at Invild and asked “Do you remember when we first decided to play a band”

“ Of course, I remember that’s when you saved me from …”

~~~ flashback ~~~~~~

Roxanne can be seen meditating inside her room. The walls of the room have many runes embedded on every corner. They sometimes glow in a very dark purple shade. But that glow is nothing compared to what Roxanne is emitting with her aura alone.

She has her wings on full display. But unlike what she displays to the world they are a bit different.

They have the same dark blue shade in the end but the difference is that there are no feathers but sharp knives like blades. They have pure miasma seeping out of them.

This is Roxanne’s wings' original form after she unlocked her devil and fallen angel bloodlines.

The clan of Lucifer is very special due to their descendants having different kinds of clan traits due to them originating from the progenitor. Rizeviem has his scared gear cancelour which is similar to Belial clan’s worthless. Roxanne’s clan trait is weapon creation which she inherited from her grandfather who was a Master Craftman. This also further evolved from her gift from Amyliya. To put it in simpler terms she went from a common sword's birth to a legendary blade’s blacksmith.

Roxanne is now meditating to unlock one of her inheritance [ The ruler of the underworld] which she speculates was from her father after he saw no willingness in Rizeviem.

Roxanne by normal means wouldn’t need to do anything but sit on her father’s throne, The famous throne of Lucifer which to this day has no owner.

The throne on which Lucifer sat was a special throne made by the will of the underworld itself. Until this day only Lucifer had been able to sit in it. Why you ask, well it’s simple. They are not qualified. The throne is a part of the will of the underworld so it denies every person who does not qualify.

This includes the present mou Lucifer as even he in his true form was rejected. But unlike others who could only stand 30 meters away from the throne. He actually manages to come about 5 meters close which was then later turned into a record.

Well, it’s actually that if Roxanne didn’t exist the will of the underworld would have to begrudgingly accept Sirzechs as it’s new ruler. After all, one who has a few qualifications is better than one with nothing.

But due to the throne being guarded by devils 24/7 Roxanne had to do things the abnormal way. The throne was meant to be a catalyst for the ruler to channel the underworld’s power. But what Roxanne is trying to do is create her catalyst which means doing things manually.

If this was any other being this would basically be suicide. To do things manually means having to channel the underworld’s power and its will through your self which requires tremendous physical and mental strength.

But Roxanne already has this covered. She was basically born with the power of an ultimate class devil and till this day after she was freed, she had no limits she couldn’t break. She can proudly say she can kill a Satan class being with her physical strength alone.

As for mental strength, she has Ciel who is the ultimate evolution of a skill which proves how much mental strength she has since using 10% of Ciel’s powers can be very draining.

But Roxanne didn’t have that much mental power when she was freed. That’s why Amyliya had to seal some of Ciel’s and Azathoth ‘s power. That was a problem until now.

[ Master releasing restrictions placed by goddess Amyliya ……… complete. Now master can freely use my skills and void God Azathoth without any drawbacks. ]

‘ so does that mean I can use my skills unlimitedly '

[ Yes as master has released Void God Azathoth and Manas ciel, you can use their skills with full power, and with the energy that was collected in imaginary space you can use them unlimitedly ]

‘ yessss’ Roxanne mentally did a gut pose.

[ Master shall l release your inheritance]

‘ oh right almost forgot about that, so what do I need to release it '

[ Master doesn’t need to do anything. Just keep meditating and carefully try to adapt to the power, I shall handle the excess energy, the sooner master adapts to its power, the better, if master can gain the will of the underworld’s recognition by adapting very fast it may be very cooperative with master in the future]

‘ ok then let’s show them how we work Ciel '

[Preparing to release inheritance…. closing off the surrounding space …. Releasing inheritance 25% ….. 45%......56%.......87%....99%... Connecting to underworld….. connection failed…. Retrying……error …. Retrying….error …. Detecting resistance from the will of the underworld ….Initiating protocol brute force ….. success .. commencing trial in 3…2…1…0]

Roxanne who was in deep meditation suddenly felt her conscience being pulled towards somewhere. Recognizing it was time for her trial she let her conscience get dragged towards the trial area. Her vision began to turn black.

When her vision was returned she was standing in a sea of flames, but strangely she didn’t feel any heat. Curious she touched the flames and felt her hand touching nothing but air.

Figuring out this is a mind illusion she used some of her power in the form of her will to change her scenery.

The sea of flames began to die down, rain began to drop from the sky, and the land began to change and become very greenery. Various rare trees began to grow from the ground. The rain stopped and the clear blue sky was revealed. A rainbow appeared in the sky.

Satisfied with her work Roxanne began to search for the being who summoned her. So she used her will to search for her.

Usually, you cannot use your will to make any drastic changes in your mindscape due to a lack of resources and techniques. But Roxanne who was an otaku has more than enough techniques to train her will from the light novels and comics she read. For instance, she can use the three types of haki which are armament, observation, and conquers till the advanced stage.

If she were to go to the world of one piece she would be a one in a billion genus there. Although those techniques lack the necessary attack power to harm most supernatural beings they could be very deadly if combined with more techniques. All in all training haki manly requires tempering your will so Roxanne could proudly say that she has the most tempered will among all beings except a select few like dragon Gods or the thremurthi who were known to meditate all the time.

As Roxanne was looking around she saw something peculiar in the distance. Using her will she zoomed on her target.

What she saw was a strange sight,







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