The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 29

In one of the many forests in the biblical hell, magic appeared. This is a teleportation circle. From it, three people appeared while one was carrying another.

They looked at their surroundings to check for witnesses and found none so they dashed toward a certain direction while using magic to reinforce their legs.

They kept moving for 10 minutes going in circles and taking abrupt turns as they were trying to lose someone who was stalking them.

After that, they reached a clearing and stopped. One of them started to prepare a barrier to ward off unnecessary trouble. After it was set the one who was not carrying anything took out a crystal from his pocket and crushed it.

After that, a magic circle appeared in front of them. The circle glowed for a minutes, then another 3 people began to appear from it.

One was dressed like a shady businessman with his pirate hat and huge mustache while on his side there were two muscular bodyguards.

Both parties faced each other and the shady guy said,

“ so did you come with the package “

The others nodded and showed him the sack that one of them was carrying, he then dropped the bag and showed him that it had a person in it.

The shady guy liked his lips lewdly and said “It’s a pleasure doing business with you, and you don’t need to contact me again since the payment has been sent to your boss.” While signaling one of his men to bring that sack.

Everything was going smoothly until they all were engulfed in a magic circle that appeared instantly under their feet.

In an instant, they all were frozen in place without having the ability to resist. After a while the sack began to move and a girl appeared from it.

This girl was Roxanne. She looked at her handiwork and nodded to herself.

“ hmm let’s see who we caught now. “ mumbled as she got up.

[Master I’m curious, why did let yourself self captured in that bag ]

“ Ciel did you know that high-level immortal beings have a common thing that they all share,.. and that is boredom, even though I have not lived that long compared to others even I have this bored feeling, so like anyone sensible, I decided to do something interesting, which why I decided to get the experience of being carried in a sack . “ said Roxanne

[So master is bored ] asked Ciel summarizing what Roxanne wants.

Roxanne nodded her head.

[ Then the master is it not good for you to join a career, you are blessed with many talents after all] suggested Ciel.

“ Hmm ” Roxanne started to think about it. ‘ well it’s not like having some work experience hurt, so why not ‘ she thought.

“ Well I’ll think about it later for now do you want to extract information from them, Ciel, “ asked Roxanne.

[ Yes if you wouldn’t mind master ]

As soon as Ciel said that Roxanne’s purple eyes began to glow red indicating that Ciel had taken control of her body.

This is something Roxanne found out by chance after struggling to do some delicate work and failing miserably. She remembered how Rimuru would leave all the complicated stuff to Ciel by giving control over his body so Roxanne suggested the same. But unlike Rimuru she didn’t rely on this as she doesn’t exactly like to do this every time even though she knows that Ciel has much more work to do than do her chores.

But this time it is different as Roxanne still has no idea of how torturing goes due to her life as a peaceful human. So that is why she tends to learn from Ciel who used her analytical abilities to find the most optimal way to make her victims speak.

Ciel waved her hand and all of them with her included were absorbed in a black mist that appeared beneath them.

One of the prisoner‘s POV

I am one of the low-class nobility in the devil world, although these days we all came to be as one title as a high class that was only for the commoners for us not all are in the same rank. Take the House of Bael and the House of Agares which still retained their ranks as archdukes. Even the Houses of Gremory and Sitri are considered high rank due to their wealth, military power, and backing. Only the houses of Astaroth and Phoenix and Glasya-Labolas are able to be content with them.

Well, we the lower nobles have little freedom apart from them who can go to the human world freely and make contracts and businesses.

That’s why we all were delighted when we could gain more rights as nobles if we sell that disgusting Leviathan half-breed to our buyer. Ironically, the only descendant that has the original blood of Leviathan is this half-breed. Such a shame. Well, that’s why we decided to make some easy money and that half-breed should be grateful that her existence is actually worth something.

Well, all things went according to plan. We sneaked inside the Sitri hospital, made a blackout and disabled the security, and kidnapped that half-breed without any problem. We even went as far to run around circles to chase any stalkers that followed our trail. Hell, we even went and got the deal done without any problem so why am I in this freaking situation ?????

All around me is darkness, a terrifying darkness that I a devil with my super-enhanced night vision cannot see. No, it is right to say that this is a miasma with how my gut tells me. We devils are creatures of sin so we tend to have more sharp instincts than others and are only second to werewolves.

And just now my instincts screamed for me to run away and hide but that is easier said than done. Why you ask because all of us have our legs frozen in place and I mean it literally. I even so some of my teammates were still living ice statues. How did I know they were living, they were moving their eyes frantically and were still in the same way we all were before we blacked out.

Suddenly we all heard footsteps echoing. The ones who had their upper bodies unfrozen tried to find the source. Some even tried to use magic to teleport or make a fireball to attack but that was all useless. As soon as the magic spells appear they fade. This is simply torture.

Soon we saw our worst fear coming. a little girl about 10-12 years old was walking towards us. But if it is a normal girl we wouldn’t be so scared. No the girl has red eyes that have the shade of rubies. Her wavy black hair floated while defying gravity and most of all the terrifying aura of a monster. We even sometimes see a picture of a dragon behind her, well that may be our imagination but I’m not sure.

The girl came near us and stopped. She looked around each one of us. Then she spoke in a voice that sent chills down my spine.

“ Speak, who wanted Invild leviathan or suffer”

Sweats started pouring from our backs and faces. We had a hunch but now it was proven. We royally screwed.

One of the people who came to buy the girl shouted,

“ Who are you, do you think you can get away while laying a hand on me.” Although he asked this the shaking of his head and legs isn’t exactly convincing.

But as soon as he said that there was a white flash and there was a sword imbedded in his stomach.

“ aaarrrggggggghhhhhhhh”

The guy screeched. Clearly in pain. Well can’t blame him since that sword is clearly a holy sword and a very strong one with the aura it is releasing.

Well, I’m kind of curious I have never seen that sword or heard about anyone in the church who can wield such a sword. So who the hell is this girl?

The girl turned to us while showing that the display was nothing and said

“Since you wouldn’t talk if asked nicely let's go with the hard way”

She then snapped her fingers and made a sound that echoed in the surroundings. Then portals of various sizes began to appear behind her. From those portals, various weapons began to emerge. Swords, spears, arrows, lances every weapon that you could think of appeared. But all of them had one thing in common, they were all holy weapons.

“ do not worry you wouldn’t die probably,”

And soon the hell for us began.







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