The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 36

“ Enough all of you” As soon as the Issei and Koneko heard that voice they instinctively shivered and stopped in their tracks like statues.

Like a robot, they both mechanically turned around to see a very angry Rias who is emitting a very scary aura.

As for Sanji well, as soon he heard Rias’s voice he turned in a random direction and tried to escape. Well, he was caught in the ear by a very scary Sona who is also emitting a dangerous aura.

At this moment both Sanji and Issei had the same thought,

‘ I’m fu*#$d’







~ After a torturous lecture ~

“So tell me why did you come here and most importantly why were you with those exorcists. If you come clean I might lessen your punishment “ said Rias to the kneeling duo.

“ well the thing is …” as Issei nervously explained their situation both Rias and Sona who heard everything had a headache.

Especially for Rias since her knight seemed so hell-bent on destroying those swords that he even teamed with exorcists who he hated as much as the holy swords.

“ I will discuss this matter with the higher-ups and try to solve this so from now on you two have no reason to go anywhere near those swords. I will make Kiba understand so you can let him go for now.

Now it’s time for your punishment, “

“ pp..pun.ishm..ent “ stuttered Issei as his face went pale. Koneko just looked down on the floor obediently waiting for her punishment.

“ Put your hands onto the wall and raise your but here, you shall receive 1000 spankings as your punishment. “ said Rias

“It will be the same for you Sanji so all of you get ready”

As issei was trying to find a valid excuse he heard Koneko say,

“ I’m mainly at fault for this too so I shall receive half of his punishment. “

Rias just raised her hand and then * slap*

“ Ahhh~” Koneko moaned as she was spanked.

“ hmm that’s all for your punishment since you volunteered but no more snacks for 3 days “ koneko just nodded.

As Issei and Sanji were having hopeful eyes. Why, because they can bear the pain if it was from this much, but like the devils they are their kings crushed their hopes.

“ Now then issei you would have only 999 since Koneko is generous enough to take some of your punishment so you should be glad, and don’t worry I will finish this faster.

And since you guys are boys and we can’t spend much time here we will hasten the punishment “

Saying so Rias casted a magic circle that would be used to torture the poor Issei‘s butt.

“ yes you could count as five spanking earlier to one spanking form this “ said Sona as she also deployed the same magic circle.

“ we are sorry “ that was all the boys could say when they were spanked so thoroughly that they almost awaken the legendary fetish.

But luckily they didn’t or they would surely be on a specific priestess’s radar.






“ow ow ow “ Issei groaned on the sofa in his house.

Beside him, there was Asia who looked worriedly at him, and Rias who still had an angry expression.

Asia turned to Rias and asked,

“ Is it really okay not to let me heal him, he looked in so much pain “

“Hmph he should have thought about it when he went and did that stu..”

Rias couldn’t continue her words as the atmosphere suddenly changed. The sky turned red and normal people who were doing their own business disappeared.

When they were panicking and looking around they felt it. A presence who is much stronger than them all combined.

All of them quickly went outside to see an injured Irina at their doorstep.

“ Irina “Issei shouted as he dashed towards her, Asia followed and started to heal her immediately.

“ do you like my gift red dragon Emperor “ said a voice that for some reason made Issei very angry.

They all looked up and saw a man who had the appearance of a tall, pale man with long black hair and narrow, blood-red eyes. He has five pairs of Fallen Angel wings that are proudly shown, he has pointy, elf-like ears.

He wears a black robe with detailed accessories and purple shoulder pads with gold streaks on the side.

He has a savage grin that almost splits his face.

“ Greetings heir to the Gremory, I took the liberty to deliver this fly who came near my place, so do take care of this pest “

“Why are you here Kokobiel one of the cadres of Gregory, do you know this the territory of the Gremory and Sitri, Are you not afraid of war,” asked Rias angrily for finding another fallen roaming in her territory without her knowing.

“ war huh isn’t wonderful, I can show those bastards that we the fallen are superior, we couldn’t show in the great war because of that stupid Azazel’s orders but now I will show our superiority

From here on out, I will start a war! I will take your heads as a gift! Even if it’s only me, I will continue from where we left off! I’m going to show Sirzechs and Michael that we, the Fallen Angels, are the ultimate beings! Hahahahaha “ kokobiel laughed madly.

“ you are a madman” exclaimed Rias as she finally found the reason he came to her territory. He just wanted a catalyst to start the war.

“ Prepare yourself self Gremory try to entertain me at least hahaha” saying so he teleported himself away.

“Kaichou, “Issei asked Worriedly looking at Rias.

“We must contact Sona, Issei tells the others to come to the school building, we are barricading it as our base. “ Rias said as she teleported away.

Issei nodded and carried Irina to his house and then ran towards the school with Asia.

As they both disappeared into the distance a white fox appeared from a nearby wall hiding under a box. She then made some hand signs which are quite cute for the creature and then in a puff of smoke girl appeared in the same place as her.

“ So he is finally moving, gotta inform the others” muttered Luna as she took a talisman and chanted a few words and it burned.

Then from the ashes, a projection of Luciana appeared,

“ so I presume that fallen is making his move “

“ yes, you guys can set the plan into motion now oh, and tell Roxanne that I will take care of the girl named Irina so she doesn’t have to worry about her, “ said Luna.

“ I shall deliver your words to the mistress, and be careful Luna from what I remember Kokobiel is not in the right mind these days so he may do something stupid. “ warned Luciana as her projection disappeared.

“Oh, and that would be a welcome gift if you ask me, “ Luna said as her eyes glowed with a predatory light.







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