The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 48

There was silence for a few minutes and then Luciana sighed and asked,

“ mistress should I inform others to find about Indra’s recent activities “

“ Hmm you don’t have to try that hard Luciana, While Indra is a arrogant fool he is still one of the strongest beings alive. And with his clairvoyance he should be able notice if we spied one him .

So you should instead just increase the watch on The hero’s faction since I’m sure indra would intervene when he realizes that his best toy is in danger “ said Roxanne evilly confirming why she is a devil.

“ Putting that nuisance away , why are here in Kouh master “ asked Roxanne again.

Scáthach with a big smile said,

“ well I’m here for your open house “

Roxanne froze at her words. She totally forgot about it. And she knew that she screwed up big time.

During the time she was away in Kouh she bonded with people. And these people have a tendency to overact when it comes to her. And if her teacher who she definitely didn’t inform about Open house is coming then they would be too.

And these guys are too famous for their own good. While she doesn’t mind her identity being revealed she definitely don’t want it without gaining any benefit. Thinking for a bit she did the only thing she could do, she asked for help from the ever reliable Ciel,

‘ Ciel help me ‘

[ Requested accepted…. Searching for possible solutions…. 2 found… calculating error magin… complete…

Would you like to show results now ]

‘ yes please ‘

[ showing results,

1. Created a spell that is strong enough to hide their identity.

2. Convince the other parties not to come to Open house.]

‘ hmm , oh right I could make some accessories with enchanted effect of ‘ making them look normal ‘ and give it to them as presents.

 Yes this is the best idea ever. Thanks Ciel ‘

[ it’s a pleasure master ]

Coming out of her thoughts Roxanne asked ,

“ ehh master do you know who else will come to Open house. “

Scáthach grinned and said,

“ Everyone, “

Roxanne stood up and then said,

“ well then excuse me for a moment master I just remembered that I had a project to finish today.

 If you want any assistance please just ask Luciana they help you the best of their abilities.

Oh and Luciana I will have to skip breakfast so don’t mind me when eating “

Saying so she dashed inside in flash disappearing form everyone’s sight.

Luciana who was silent the whole time sighed. While she had no idea what is on her mistresses’ mind and why she was in a hurry she could think of a few guesses. But ,

“ I wonder what would my disciples face would be if she remembers that Open house still has two weeks to go “ said Scáthach with a smile.

Looking at her smiling face Luciana thought,

‘ sigh my mistress tends to forget it due it being us but every supernatural she is acquainted have a quark or two. ‘

“ Breakfast will be ready in 5 minutes Madam Scáthach would you like to go to the dining room to eat right now . “

Nodding Scáthach stood up and followed Luciana to the dining area .

~ Roxanne pov ~

‘Arrrrgh I forget Open house is in two weeks. ‘

When I rushed towards my workshop I happened to find a calendar and remembered another important detail. Open house is still far away and my guests won’t be coming this early probably.

So I was never actually in a hurry as making an enchanted item is not that hard. Especially if it doesn’t need to be durable. But,

‘ arrhhgg let’s just get this done , I may as well go overboard with this . ‘

My pride as a creator would not allow me to be satisfied with a half baked product.

With this thought I opened the door to my workshop by pouring some of my demonic energy to a unsuspecting wall.

Yes in this mansion we have everything , when I mean everything I literally mean it.

Training rooms , Weapon room , dungeon room, Shadow Garden secret base, workshops, Studio are all but a portion of what is here.

Having control over void is pretty useful if you want to hide things and dimensional gap just happened to have enough space for everything.

So with the help of ciel I molded part of space created pocket dimensions that are connected to every unique door. Some doors maybe out in the open , while some would be hidden like the workshop. In those hidden ones one had to know exactly what they wanted to expect or they would all see a different room that is meant as a distraction.

So if anyone other than me tried to brake in without any knowledge of what to expect all they would see a completely white room.

“ well then let’s get this started “

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“ The Governor General of fallen angels is Kouh town, my territory uninvited and illegally and is trying to get my cute servants , he deserves to die a thousand deaths” said Rias angrily.

Like in the anime Azazel still called on Issei for their weekly appointment. He then began to reveal his identity like the anime and so on.

And now Iseei like faithful servant he is , told this to his master who almost spit her tea after hearing the news.

So quickly contacted her brother to ask how to proceed and what did she get as a answer ‘ I’ll handle it back off ‘.

She couldn’t believe her brother wouldn’t allow her to handle her own territory problem. Oh she knows that if they try to do something to Azazel it will reflect poorly on them in the summit meeting that the Three factions will be holding. But she couldn’t help it.

Her pride was stepped on. At the very least she should get an apology, she deserves that much right.

“ so um Kaichou, can I stand up now, my knees are hurting as hell “ said Issei as he kneeling in middle off ORC room.

How is he kneeling like that. Well he was caught up in a very interesting situation with Xenovia that the jealous Rias didn’t even want to listen. {A/N: yeah it is pool incident }

As Rias was punishing Issei she got Sirzechs massage and her mood turned from bad to worse so poor issei had to take it like a man.

“ will you tone down your perversion , seriously I still can’t understand you issei “ said Rias exasperated

“ it’s not perversion ,making a baby is a wonderful….” Said Xenovia who after the Excalibur incident was banished by the church.

And like in the story she was invited to Rias’s peerage and blah blah blah.

“ hey you tried force it on me “ shouted Issei.

“ well this looked like an interesting topic” said Another voice as the teleportation magic circle lit up and man and woman appeared from it.

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