The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 65

At an instant all of them turned around to see young girl wearing black gothic style dress casually sitting on one of the remaining furniture. 

“ who the hell are you bitch “ shouted the leader as he secretly started to create a magic spell. 

He is not stupid. If someone was able to come here and relax in this room without being found out by anyone  then that person may as well be a master at stealth. 

And those guys don’t become master’s without having strength to back up their tittles

“ Oh you are quite smart aren’t you .To secretly cast a paralyzing spell while you are busy distracting me. Looks like you’re IQ isn’t zero after all. “ Morgana said ignoring the man’s question while humiliating him to lose his cool. 

And like the thug he is he lost his cool too quickly. “ kill that bitch “  he shouted. 

And on command every mage in the room casted their magic at Morgana. Morgana seeing these spells just looked at them with curiosity. She even went out of her way to dodge some attacks to see their affects and weakness. 

Having had her fun enough she just snapped her fingers and all the magic circles and magic attacks broke into pieces. 

This left the mages in shock on What they just witnessed. They heard of higher ranked magicians destroying spells of  lower rank magicians. But even then they have to see the magic spell and analysis it thoroughly. 

“ impossible..” 

“ that’s just absurd..” 

They whispered amongst each other as they didn’t dare to accept it. 

“ oh my did me nullifying your magic break you all. That’s kinda too fast you know. And here I thought being a magicians is something special. “ Morgana said with a bit of sarcasm in her voice  

“ huh what you say bitch men don’t stop firing until this bitch is dead “ the leader ordered as he casted his own spell. 

Then a continuous barrage of magic attacks went towards Morgana at breakneck speed. This much attack power would normally be able to take down a ultimate class or badly injure him. 

As for Morgana she just snapped her fingers and a blue barrier materialized protecting her. And with a way of her hand magic circles began to materialize under the attacking mages shocking them. 

And with their concentration slipped she completed her spell. 

“ try this <Black lightning> “ 

Soon everyone was zapped by the purple lighting bolts that were released from the magic circles. Some died instantly due to the high voltage frying their brains. 

“ well that was disappointing “ Morgana said as walked towards the devils who are being restrained by a unique magic spell. 

“ Who are you “ Gasper asked in a scared tone. The self confidence he managed to retain with Roxanne’s help was long gone. Well he is at the end of the day a kid after all. 

Morgana who was near them didn’t even bother to look at Gasper or Koneko who is looking at her with a frightened look. As a Nekomata she instinctively felt that this person in front of her is way more wicked than the mages that are now half fried. 

“ hmm this is quite interesting, this magic is made specifically for your sacred gear how curious “ Morgana mumbled as she finished analyzing the spell. 

‘ Roxanne was right this attack is not just from one faction ‘ She thought. 

Earlier Roxanne said that this attack on the peace meeting would be done by multiple factions from the Kchaos Brigade.

And you can’t possible believe that a group of  devils who have too much ego would be able to gather this much data from a bishop that was only active for about 2 years at max. 

This spell is clearly made after analyzing the sacred gear for many years as it is made so to harness much energy from it as possible. And there is only one faction that even had time to do this research, The Vampire faction. 

Normally cooperation would be impossible because each faction has a thing against each other that they wouldn’t mind killing each other. 

But as always there are exceptions. And there is just one person who could make multiple factions cooperate with each other. And if that guy is moving nothing good would happen. 

‘ we need more hands just in case ‘ Morgana thought as she took a small wooden plate from her jacket and infused a little bit of her mana. The plate shimmered and turned into dust instantly. 

This is a special artifact that Roxanne made to pass one massage to everyone in the Shadow Garden. And that is ‘ Rizevim is making a move‘. 

With that done she turned her attention to the kids and said, “  Gasper right, I’m going to release this spell so energy will pour back into you. Do not resist it and  remember just let everything flow towards your sacred gear till the energy is completely drained. 

And don’t worry about the life force thing , I already modified it so the spell would automatically dissipate.”  With that as a warning she activated the spell making everything go dark as Gasper’s screams echoed in the room. 

She forgot to tell him that even if he didn’t resist the energy transfer, absorbing this much compressed energy will undoubtedly be painful especially for someone like Gasper who recently began to use his powers. 

‘ Hopefully Roxanne won’t blame me too much for this ‘ Morgana thought as she secretly casted a pain resistance spell. 

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“ why did you kick Asia away from the church “ Issei asked Michael. 

This has been bugging him for some time now. From what he gathered from Xenovia and Asia herself, she was banished from Heaven due to her healing a devil. 

But he always found it strange. How did a devil managed to come close the Vatican where there should be hundred if not thousands of exorcists guarding the place. And is healing a devil enough  for the church to banish one of their holy saintess. 

The answer is no. Asia’s case was actually something that made the angels extremely angry. You should know kicking a holy saint , someone the system itself recognized is not something even the pope could do.

And what’s more she was also a candidate to be a reincarnated as a angel as well as  being one of the genuine believers of God. 

Michael hearing this had a helpless smile as he replied, “ I’m very sorry  Asia agento. What happened to you is something we are not proud of. 

Due to the declining faith we were forced to implement a set of rules to preserve as much as faith as possible. And one of those rules is to hide the Existence of people or sacred gears that may lead to people’s declining faith. 

The four holy relics are one example for this. Usually we will fake the other parties death and help them move into a far away place to avoid people from finding out about them.  But..” 

“ But it doesn’t always happen. As sometimes the church will take action without receiving any orders “ said Xenovia. She as a former exorcist knew that the church orders are not always given from heaven.

“ Yes and sadly before we were even aware Asia argento was banished from the church . And although we tried go to bring her back she was already with the fallen angels so we had to retreat. “ Michael said making Asia tear up. 

She always thought that the heaven has forsaken her when she was banished so she didn’t dare to contact her guardian. But it seems she was not abandoned. 

“ Say chief Michael can you do me a favor” Issei asked after seeing Asia crying. 

Michael although is surprised asked , “  if it is something within my power I would ” 

“ Could you please make it so that Asia and Xenovia could pray again” He asked while bowing. 

Michael and Gabriel was surprised by this. They didn’t think that these girls would still have faith in god after all they went through. 

Michael turned towards them and asked, “ do you still believe in God “ 

Asia and Xenovia looked at each other and tuned back while replying, “ yes please let us pray again “ and like Issei they too bowed their heads. 

Michael looked at this with a happy smile. How couldn’t he . Even after all they went through these two pure souls till have faith in God. But he expression then turned bitter , unfortunately he doesn’t have the authority to, 

{ It’s fine uncle, I will permit their request}  came the voice of Roxanne. She seems to have read his mind. 

‘ thank you for this Lady Roxanne ‘ he bowed his head a little which others thought that he is just  standing up. 

“ I shall accept your request. As soon as I get back to heaven I tend to it “ 

At his words both Xenovia and Asia couldn’t help but burst into tears . They then hugged Issei as he was the one who was the cause for everything.  Issei just hugged them back with a smile. 

After a while they broke the hug as Issei was slowly turning back to his perverted side. Making rias pinch his ear.

As they broke the hug they all heard Azazel’s voice. 

“ Hey since we done with sighing the contract , why don’t we call it a day and head back home. Especially when Michael got to do their request “  Azazel said with a smirk. 

“ very well then let us meet each other at a another time “ Sirzechs said making everyone stand up to leave. And then suddenly they felt the world beginning to slow down. 

Soon the world turned stand still. Time was frozen. 










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