The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 86

~ Time skip 2 months later ~

Issei opened his eyes abruptly. His breathing was a bit ragged and he was sweating a little bit. After looking at his surroundings in a hurry he calmed down. He breathed a sigh of relief as he muttered, “ Thank goddess it is just a nightmare”

He then froze as he looked at his surroundings again. His room seems to have grown bigger. And just as he was about to get up he found out he couldn't move a inch.

Looking to his side he saw both Rias and Asia hugging him like a Koala in their sleep. And what's more, when he peeked under the blanket he saw Akeno sleeping on top of him. And all three of them are sleeping naked.

Issei had to calm himself down quickly or he would either flood this whole room with his blood .

And just as Issei managed to calm himself down he felt a movement under the blanket. Looking down he saw Akeno had woken up and was looking at him with her usual smile.

“ Ara good morning Issei kun , I hope you had a goodnight sleep. Akeno said seductively.

"G-Good m-morning to y-you too, A-Akeno." Issei stuttered as tried his very best to give a response. One must know that Akeno’s current pose is very deadly to men. If it was not for his strong will Issei may have already been dead after losing too much blood.

“ Ara ara it seems my junior is still very stiff. Do you want me to give you a morning massage? I promise it will make you feel good, “ Akeno said as she slowly crawled towards Issei’s face. On her way she didn’t forget to lift Issei’s shirt and press her boobs on his stomach.

Feeling the soft sensation, Issei had his lecherous smile on his lips. His mind was beginning to drift somewhere. But unfortunately he forgot he was not alone.

He suddenly came back to reality as he felt pain in his arm. Looking to his side he saw it was Rias who pinched him. She had a pouting expression as she looked at Issei.

Issei swallowed a mouthful of saliva as he awkwardly said, “ Good morning President. “.

“ Good Morning Issei I hope I’m not interrupting anything “ Rias said as she glared at her vice president.

Akeno chuckled as she replied instead of Issei, “ Ara Ara don’t worry Rias, we are just about to get started . “ she said as she leaned more on Issei. This once again made him go into his perverted world.

“ Akeno you are taking it too far “ Rias glared at her queen as she threw a pillow at her.

Akeno said nothing as she chuckled even more. The look Rias had was one of pure jealousy. This made Akeno want to tease her even more. So she seductively, “ Really but Issei seemed to not minding it though “

“ Akeno “ Rias roared as she threw another pillow at Akeno. But this time she imbued her magic into it.

Facing the attack Akeno had to use her own magic to block it. Rias still doesn't have enough control over her magic so she unconsciously infuses the power of destruction into her attack. And as much as Akeno liked pain she didn’t want to get hit with that.

But that didn’t mean she would stop her teasing. So she said without changing her expression, “ Ara Ara Rias is someone jealous. You know the saying sharing is caring “

Rias, who was on the verge of snapping, finally snapped at Akeno’s words. Her jealousy went through of the roof as she shouted while attacking, “ Akeno we only remodelled this place and you are not getting your way “

Akeno blocked her attack with her own magic and said with a sadistic smile, “ My my Rias quite feisty this morning. “

“ Come one you two calm down, we don't want this place… Wait remodelled “ issei was going to calm these two down but he suddenly exclaimed when he realised Rias’s previous words.

While all this drama was going Asia was sleeping peacefully while snuggling issei with a happy smile. She even muttered in her sleep, “ hehe Issei you are best pillow “

~ After a round of magic attacks shouting ~

“ You know, imagine my surprise when I found out the house was renovated during the few hours I was asleep. And if it was not for the text your father sent me I would have seriously thought I'm still dreaming” Issei's father with a tone of disbelief as he addressed Rias.

“ Well I hope the new changes are not uncomfortable for the both of you “ Rias said with a smile.

“ No, this is the best we could ask for. I mean who would say no to a six story building with three basement levels. “ Issei’s dad shook his head vigorously and said seriously.

“ Yes you don’t worry about it Rias dear. While we are shocked we aren’t against it. And with our kitchen this big I could finally expand my repertoire. “ Issei's mother also joined in as she pushed a cart with tea cups.

“Aw you’re cooking is the best no matter honey “ Issei’s father complimented his wife.

“ Oh you smooth talker , you . Save it for the bedroom “ issei’s mother said bashfully.

Like that the old couple began to flirt with each other completely ignoring the other kids near them.

Issei seeing his parents like this just sighed. He is already used to this as they do this all the time. His parents completely forget about everything when they decide to flirt with each other. Roxanne even gave them the title ‘ the couple who are always on their honeymoon ‘.

Speaking of Roxanne, after the party at her house she was seen more with her mother touring the town. Sometimes her mother even goes to drop her at school. According to her , Azrael hasn’t been around for a few centuries so she wanted to enjoy the new things in this town with her daughter.

Issei still couldn't believe his childhood friend is a royalty. Even after he found out about the truth he couldn’t picture her as one. Roxanne is too excenterict to be one after all.

“ hmm Issei is something the matter you have been spacing out for a while “

Rias asked Issei worriedly. ‘ Did he not like the changes we made to his house? Maybe it was a bad idea to surprise him. ‘ She thought misunderstanding his thoughts.

Issei shook his head and answered , “ No, I was just wondering whether to worry about parents accepting everything supernatural as normal. “

“ Oh “ Rias just nodded at his answer. Truthfully she too is kinda shocked at issei’s parents behaviour. Since unlike the time she came here they really did not use magic to manipulate their thoughts on this matter.

“ Oh right kids you guys better finish eating breakfast quickly or you will be late “ Issei’s mother as she suddenly realised this.

“ hai hai “ the kids said as she quickened eating their meal. They didn’t like to come late to school as they would hear an earful from Sona . And not even Serafall wanted to do that.

While Issei and his friends were having their breakfast , Roxanne too was eating with her friends. But unlike the quiet atmosphere there's could be called nobel.

Since most of Roxanne’s friends come from nobel backgrounds their eating habits no matter how bizarre they are carry a sense of elegance. For example Artoria who can be considered the sin of gluttony manifestation is eating at a fast face. But despite that she didn’t lose her elegance.

Same could be said for Luna and Kurumi despite having a stomach capacity similar to Artoria they still ate while maintaining their image. The Sun and Moon foxes could be considered nobles of the yokai after all.

But the most interesting here is Roxanne herself. Currently she is being spoon feeded by Azrael. And unlike what is expected of a grown up she is very much enjoying herself.

After Azreal finished feeding her daughter she asked, “ Sweety do you have any plans for the summer vacation “












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