The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 11


Guns were the pinnacle of humanity’s technological prowess.

A staff that breathes fire.

It granted even ordinary soldiers the power of a hundred men.

Of course, compared to the knights wielding Mana Blades, this might seem insignificant. The Mana Blade, cleaving through iron and wreaking havoc on the battlefield, was still revered as the ultimate weapon.

However, training an ‘Expert’ to handle a Mana Blade required immense time and resources, a critical drawback. Since this power was granted only to a select few gifted individuals, even the Valtarian Empire faced constant challenges in its large-scale deployment.

So what about guns?

Marksmanship is far easier to learn than archery.

Once one got used to aiming and the recoil of firing, achieving the prowess of a hundred men was possible.



With a thunderous gunshot, a child’s scream echoed.

I sighed and lowered the smoke-emitting muzzle from my gun.

“I said stay in the guest room.”

“But I’m Edan’s mascot…! How can I be separate from him!”

“Alright, but stop tugging at my collar.”

“What do I do about being scared?!”

In a hunting ground owned by the Valtarian Imperial Family.

Nearby was a shooting range for practicing marksmanship.

I wanted to stretch my body a bit.

When I asked Ludmilla, she gladly provided me with the shooting range.

I lifted the musket stationed at the range and shot at the target set 300 yards away. A bullet hole appeared right in the center of the target, marking my success. Rue, observing through a small telescope, let out her usual voice in awe.

“Center again!”

“300 yards is just child’s play.”

It’s quite funny that I, someone who had never even been to the army in my past life, was now shooting guns in a romance fantasy world.

Isn’t that some cosmic irony?

The relationship between Koreans and guns is inseparable, after all.

As I lost myself in trivial musings, I lowered the musket. Since it couldn’t fire rapidly, it required the laborious task of inserting the lead bullet and gunpowder, poking it down with a skewer for reloading.

“Since Edan shoots well, he obviously enjoys hunting.”

“Not really. I quit because it’s boring.”

“Huh? If you catch animals well, wouldn’t it be fun?”

“I get bored quickly since I hit every time I shoot.”

It was like the discomfort of having cheat codes in a survival-type RPG.

Every hit was guaranteed.

Thus, I quickly lost interest and gave up.

If someone who was bad at marksmanship heard me, they’d certainly be offended. For nobles, hunting was as common a hobby as dancing or horseback riding. Any lack of knowledge in any of these activities labeled them as incompetent, so nobles always put effort into their hobbies.

“I want to shoot too!”

“You can’t, shorty. You’re too small compared to the musket’s barrel.”

“I’m not a kid!”

“Just stay in the corner and eat jelly candy.”

Please! Let me!

I want to do it too—!

Like a kid throwing a tantrum in front of an arcade, the jelly candy fairy protested.


I want to hit her.

Just a light smack on the forehead would clear my mind.

With the musket gripped in both hands, I fell into thought.

“The gunfire that had been continuous suddenly stopped, and I wondered what was going on… turns out you were playing with Rue.”

“Your Highness the Princess.”

A woman with stunning blonde hair approached with a bright smile.

It was Ludmilla.

However, she looked different than usual.

A red field coat and white riding pants.

A belt cinched around her slim waist, and black long boots accentuated the curves of her legs.

An outfit perfect for immersing oneself in a hobby.

She also appeared to have come to practice marksmanship.

“I wanted to see your skills in knocking down ruffians with your outstanding marksmanship. If it doesn’t bother you, may I watch from the side?”

“Of course.”


I finished loading the musket.

Then, bracing the stock against my shoulder, I aimed at the target.

Rue and Ludmilla quietly observed.

Soon, the sound of striking flint and a sharp gunshot echoed.


I hit the target.

I pierced right through the center.

After confirming the result, I lowered the muzzle of the musket.

Ludmilla reacted by clapping her hands in admiration.

“Your marksmanship is almost like magic! I thought the musket’s effective range was limited to 200 yards…”

“You flatter me.”

A perfect shot was merely a mediocre skill.

Compared to her eye that could fathom even the trajectory of the fired bullet.

It was almost unbelievable.

How was that even possible?

Her physical prowess felt so extraordinary that the term “superhuman” seemed insufficient. I had thought only Maximilian possessed such abilities… Could she be one of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States?

As I secretly marveled at her perception, which followed the bullet’s trajectory, I felt amazed by Ludmilla’s eyes.

“If you wouldn’t mind, could you teach me? No matter how much practice I do, I can’t seem to get comfortable with shooting.”

“Umm, that’s fine, but…”

Is there really a need for you to learn?

You’re the type who could catch bullets with your bare hands.

Guns are merely weapons for the common folk.

Such weapons could never belong to a superhuman among the Seven Heroes.

With Ludmilla showing interest in marksmanship, it was natural to be curious. For her, a musket would be less valuable than a stone on the road.

“Hey, that’s unfair! You won’t let me!”

Ignoring the child’s protest.

I handed the reloaded musket to Ludmilla.

She must have known the basics as she immediately raised the musket as soon as she grabbed it with both hands.

“You need to straighten your back. Keep your gaze and posture steady… When you pull the trigger, hold your breath for a moment.”

I stepped closer to Ludmilla, who was aiming at the target.

I grasped her slender waist.

Then lifted her delicate white wrist supporting the barrel.

As her lovely blonde ponytail swayed, a sweet fragrance wafted through the air. The alluring nape of her neck boldly invited temptation.

Feeling my head spin, I turned my gaze to the target, focusing.

“All set.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, the gun fired.

Soon, the bullet fired from the muzzle hit the target. Unfortunately, she failed to hit the center, but it was an excellent result for a beginner.

“Phew… I’m skilled with other weapons but can never get accustomed to firearms.”

“It’s a completely different type of weapon.”

Was it due to the unfamiliar success of hitting the target?

Or was it for another reason?

A deeper blush spread across Ludmilla’s beautiful face.

“His Majesty enjoys hunting. I’d like to join, but I worry that my slow skill will be a hindrance. I’m concerned about being mocked by the royals and nobles for my clumsy abilities.”

“Is that so?”

Even children knew His Majesty Barbarossa enjoyed hunting. He’d go hunting even amidst wars, so one could say his passion was almost fanatical.

It was no surprise that shotguns were trending.

Trends naturally flow from the top down.

This was precisely what made Ludmilla feel troubled.

“If you practice, it will improve gradually. Didn’t you just hit a target at 100 yards?”

“That was thanks to your help. On my own, I can hardly manage 50 yards.”

Ludmilla, caught in a conundrum, glanced at me with eyes that seemed to say, “Would you accompany me on a hunt?”

I deliberately pretended not to notice.

The emperor was hostile toward the Hohenberc Family. Known for being a doting father, there was no way he’d let a family that had committed atrocious acts go unpunished. He’d likely aim for my head before hunting a beast.

“You’ve helped me train, so I’d like to treat you to a meal. What do you think?”

“…Ah, yes. Of course.”

“Then I’ll have to reserve a table at a famous restaurant.”


To think I’d have a dinner appointment with the princess.

If the nobles found out, rumors would undoubtedly spread.

The relationship between Ludmilla and me was complex and difficult to explain in an instant. If the engagement had continued as it was, we might even have become in-laws.

Should I decline?

But I couldn’t bring myself to refuse at the sight of Ludmilla’s happy expression.


Ludmilla Dreg Valtaria values near-perfection and thoroughness above all.

She must not show any flaws.

She always displayed a stringent commitment to self-management.

In other words—

Her standards for men are exceedingly strict and demanding.

1) He must be of noble blood.

2) He must have a strong and benevolent character.

3) He must be a distinguished individual recognized for his abilities and contributions by many nobles and citizens.

4) He must have a thorough loyalty to the imperial family, having served the empire for a long time.

5) He must be younger than her (This is important).

Nobles and citizens believed that Ludmilla maintained her virginity as a guardian of the Valtarian Empire, seeking fairness and integrity. However, that was merely an illusion. Her strict and demanding standards for men led her to reject marriage prospects to this day.


That wasn’t a small age.

Considering the ideal age for a woman to marry is seventeen, it’s quite overdue.

Would this year finally be the year Princess Ludmilla gets married?

Many nobles of the Valtarian Empire placed their bets.

Naturally, the odds were on “impossible this year.” Moreover, the odds went beyond thirtyfold.

For such a notorious spinster—

Rumors of a man began circulating in the Imperial City.

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