The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 160

Cold Spear and Great Sword,
Death collided with Death.
As the identical Divine Status clashed, a chilling atmosphere resonated.

The sight of the monster swinging its spear and great sword evoked images of noble ladies attending a ball. It displayed a grace too beautiful to define purely as a melee battle that merely robbed the adversary of life.

The bastard sword bounced off.
In the clash accompanied by power, Disaster was defeated.

It was a natural consequence.
The physical abilities of the possessed Elizaveta were below average, to the point of being weaker than a young boy.

Continuing a brutal fistfight with such a frail body was an act of suicide. Surely, soon enough, excruciating pain would strike her whole body with a backlash.

“I’ll chop you up from head to toe!”
– How arrogant, nameless monster. Do you think I would fight without any chance of winning?

Kicking off the ground, Disaster extended a hand.
It grasped the outstretched hand.

Then, pulling the clenched fist, something was drawn out.
Whew! Ne, you btch…!!*

The movements of the monster, charging with the Cold Spear in both hands, halted for a moment. A sharp pain and nausea surged as if a narrow hand was rummaging through its own belly.
A jet-black current colored like the night sky poured out from the monster’s body, lingering in the air. Eventually, the black mass split into several strands and was absorbed by Disaster.

Divine Status of Death.
The power that the monster had stolen alongside the Miracle of the Saintess.

It was almost extraction.
Just from a brief clash wielding its weapons, a portion of the Divine Status of Death was taken. The monster gnashed its teeth while touching its abdomen from which the black current flowed out.
– Indeed, you and Elizaveta boast of a perfect match. I was skeptical, but I can’t believe it really succeeded!

The biggest factor that determines the outcome in tug-of-war is the strength of the participants.
The physicality of pulling the rope takes precedence above all else.

However, physicality alone doesn’t completely decide the victory in tug-of-war. Skills and mastery, including physicality, also contribute significantly to the odds.
– You, nameless monster, the strength of death you consumed is my body and soul. Naturally, my call must take priority above all else.

Skill and mastery.
In that regard, no one could match Disaster.

As the main body and the fragment, the stolen item rightfully belongs to the original owner.
As Disaster gestured, the Divine Status of Death, which had been unreasonably suppressed by the monster, attempted to escape. Originally, Beatrice, who inherently possessed the Miracle of the Saintess, was far from being a compatible vessel, leading the Divine Status of Death to show even more hostility toward the monster.

“Are you trying to reclaim the power from me…? Don’t make me laugh, you’re the one who created me.”
The black current stood still in the air.

Disaster’s eyes widened.
The Divine Status of Death, which was smoothly trying to revert to its original owner, decided to remain neutral. It now seemed unwilling to firmly side with either party.
– I see. Understood… Greedy creature, my main body.

The Divine Status reclaimed from the monster was merely a quarter.
The rest of the power still belonged to the monster.
I won’t allow any more.
I will only completely hand over the authority of the Divine Status to the victor of this fight.

The Divine Status of Death, momentarily awoken from eternal slumber, exhibited absurd caprice. Perceiving this, Disaster twisted its beautiful face into a bitter smile.
– Next is your turn, War. I will keep the Divine Status of Death bound.

– Sure.
If Disaster continues to take the frontline, much of the burden will fall on Elizaveta. For that reason, Edanant willingly stepped forward, accepting Disaster’s proposal.

Edanant took the field.
The monster also grasped the Cold Spear, preparing for battle.


The exploratory battle to gauge each other’s strength and limits was now meaningless.
I know.
How to face them.
And with which attack to bring them down.

Edanant and the monster clenched their fists, vividly imagining the vaguely recalled images to wield their maximum power.
“Open up, Divine Death.”

Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh. Whoosh.

With the activation of the command, a total of four magic circles unfolded in the air.
Divine Magic stained in pitch black.
A bizarre Divine Magic encompassing the Miracle of the Saintess and the Disaster of Death.

Originally, Divine Magic was so intricate and complex that only the priests and nuns of the Holy Kingdom could barely step into the realm of novices by giving their youth. However, the monster birthed high-level Divine Magic solely with the power of the command.

From the pure white womb, flowers of burning red began to bloom.
The blooming red flowers transformed into plasma emitting fierce energy, concentrating on Edanant.

– This is crazy…! How much stronger are you going to get?
Edanant crossed his gloved hands and summoned cannons boasting huge barrels.

Lightning focused from countless cannon mouths.
Collecting the plasma shooting straight toward him, Edanant unleashed a barrage with metallic cartridges focused by lightning. As the electronic cannon that dropped the Seraph exploded, overwhelming heat energy poured forth, as if to melt down the metal.


They unleashed their strongest strikes against each other.
The clash of plasma and electronic cannon signaled destruction to the precariously maintained shape of the Demon King’s Castle.
The explosive force that spread forward concentrated mostly below.

Proving this, a thunderous roar echoed as the lower floors of the Demon King’s Castle began to collapse.
A massive collapse unfolded like a high-rise building that had begun an excavation. But Edanant and the monster only focused on their opponent as they continued their frontal battle.

Wings sprouted from the back of the monster.
A pure white feathered wing extended on the left.
A pitch-black wing extended on the right.

Showing that it was a chaotic mutant born from the Creator Deity and Disaster God, the wings were also heterogeneous. The monster flapped both wings broadly, gaining superiority in height.
– Kuuh!
Bang! Bang! Bang!!

Edanant soared from below.
No wings,
No flight magic.
So he employed the foolish method of using explosive force to rise.

A maddening acrobatics unfolded as he triggered explosions in quick succession while rushing forward. Seeing the reckless display of narrowing the distance amidst explosions and blasts, a hot thrill overflowed from the monster’s beautiful face.
“Edanant! Edanant, Edanant!!”

Like this,
So you want to kill me?
Even risking your body like a comet in the night sky?
I’m happy.
A burning exaltation flowed through my chest.

I fully understand that it is a desperate act to save that foolish girl.
But for some reason, the fervent killing intent felt as pure as innocent love. The Edanant filled with killing intent and madness was only gazing at himself.
– Come kill me! I’m right here!!

I have no choice but to repay that heart.
Taking in everything I have.
Running away?
That kind of choice never existed from the start.

While relying solely on explosive power and waiting for Edanant to tire himself out, I could achieve victory. That was the most efficient method available now.
But I dismissed that option.
The nameless monster merely clutched the resolve to smash Edanant head-on.

A spark ignited.
The flames bursting from both hands transformed into blazing fire, representing emotions more intense than ever.
Sacred Flame of Creation. Black Flame of Disaster.
In the final moments, the monster drew its Divine Status to its limits.

The blazing fire ignited from its hands twisted like a snake, engulfing its shoulders. Having concentrated its power to the maximum, the monster spread its wings to face Edanant.
– Let’s end this.

As Disaster’s armor splintered into multiple pieces, the plate parts fell away.
Shoulder. Arm. Chest. Abdomen. Legs.
From the gaps, numerous launchers loaded with cartridges and missiles were ejected.
No other weapons were needed.
The armor that had shared life and death together thus far was the ultimate weapon and final bastion.

As the breastplate split apart, particles of Disaster began to rise. Once the trigger was activated, all the cartridges and missiles embedded in the armor would simultaneously fly toward the target.
– Sleep now, monster.

The achromatic flames tinted in black and white sublimated into a beam of light.
And over seventy projectiles and missiles began their barrage at once, triggered all together.
Cross counter.
The determined strike aimed at each other collided.
It was a strike that could not lack anything to decorate the final moment deciding the outcome of the battle.

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