The Protagonists of the Novel Escaped

Chapter 162


They mobilized all means to capture the Saintess Party, who had fallen into the ranks of death. However, it was merely a temporary measure to buy time.


Kdududuk…! Kdudududuk…!

The chains of the Fallen Angel screamed.

Countless cracks appeared.

The undead, breaking the chains with gleaming blue eyes, displayed a savagery befitting a nightmare.

How long could they hold out?

Not long at all.

The undead might pop out at any moment.

The Saintess Party was legendary heroes who had defeated the Demon King and represented the continent’s supreme strength. They even possessed power and authority surpassing their prime by accepting the disaster of death.

There was no way to keep them trapped.

Daring to discuss chances against the strongest was nothing but foolish arrogance.

“Wh-what kind of power is this…! What kind of power is it!!”

I’m gonna die!

You’re all gonna die!

A girl with fluttering silver hair let out a sharp scream.

The power of the Mercenary King and the Sage trying to break the chains was beyond imagination. The captured Sword Saint was also breaking the chains one by one, emanating a spine-chilling aura.


Chaaring. Chaaring—.

They had to buy time somehow.

Until Edanant returned with Beatrice.

Every time the undead broke a chain, they used new ones to bind their limbs. How long they could hold out was uncertain, but there was no other way for now.

“Second Saintess! Are you alright?”

“Of course I’m not, you old maid! So hurry up and take your turn!”

More chains were breaking than were being created.

The scattered remnants of chains lying around attested to that.

The divine status was revealed at the bottom.

Yet, Zebeline strained her divine status to hold back the pressure.

Unchain them at once! I will burn these puppets of death in purgatory right now!

Such ignorant audacity. You’ve struggled against the undead, haven’t you?

Shut up! You fallen wretch from the heavens! The fight starts now!

You’re like a lizard devoid of learning ability.

The Red Dragon and the White Dragon, proof of their long-standing animosity, argued fiercely over the fulcrum of tyranny and famine.

This was merely adding fuel to the already worsening situation.

They must not let it come to this.

Ludmilla and Zebeline mirrored each other, watching the childish argument of disasters.

“We’ll do our best to cooperate. For the sake of our foolish son…”

Querisa approached.

She was in tatters, the purple robe symbolizing the Master of the Magic Tower reduced to rags after a fierce battle against the Acheron.

Other Grand Magicians were in the same pitiful state.

They were depleting their magical power while maneuvering through the battlefield as supporters.

“No other magic is needed. Everyone focus on weak spells.”

The binding magic would only hinder the chains of the Fallen Angels.

Thus, Querisa joined the other Grand Magicians to cast weakening spells.

They drained power and sealed actions.

As the weakening spells were widely cast, the undead’s resistance gradually diminished.

Thanks to the support of the Grand Magicians, they managed to buy time. Zebeline wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and restrained the undead with new chains.

“Hero. Are you alright?”

“Sort of… I’m holding on, Second Imperial Princess.”

Maximilian came over, supported by Sirelle, his disciple.

Then Ilkeron and the priests from the Holy Kingdom joined in.

Ludmilla and Zebeline frowned at the Holy Knights and priests. The Three-Headed Dragon and Fallen Angels exuded violent currents, further tightening the tension among the Holy Kingdom’s forces.

You’re nothing but pawns worshipping a filthy harlot! I won’t grant you a clean death!

The stench of the hypocrite fills the air. Zebeline, can I kill them right now?

The three-headed dragon bared its sharp teeth, exhaling murderous aura. The grotesquely decayed wings of the Fallen Angel spread wide, showing a spine-chilling grin as it reached out its claws.

It was a natural hatred.

And a natural killing intent.

After all, hadn’t they played the role of puppets for centuries?

Had the disaster of war not resurfaced in the mortal realm, they would have been forever subjugated. The Three-Headed Dragon and the Fallen Angels exposed their malice against those who worshipped the Creator Deity as they sought revenge.

“The disaster of innocence…!”

“I can’t believe such horrible beings existed…!”

They encountered the hideous creatures of disgrace.

The Holy Knights gripped their sword hilts.

The priests drew holy symbols or clutched rosaries while sighing.

“The problem is how the conclusion will unfold… For now, we must hope that Lord Edanant wins. If we don’t reach a conclusion soon, Madbay and the heroes will all break free.”

At this moment, time continued to flow limitedly.

In thirty minutes.

If a conclusion isn’t reached within that time, the worst catastrophe would occur.

Could they seal the undead again?

Ludmilla and Zebeline hesitated to answer that question.

They had managed to suppress the undead that guarded the Demon King’s Castle with individual assaults. If the undead united to launch a general offensive, the chances of struggling were high.


As everyone’s gaze turned towards the Demon King’s Castle,

A pure white stream of light appeared.


The torrents of pure white light descended like a fierce waterfall, piercing the Demon King’s Castle precisely.

A miracle of the gods unfolded.

The Holy Knights and priests gathered at the scene bowed their heads while tracing holy symbols.

In contrast, Ludmilla and Zebeline, who were sharing thoughts with disasters, felt a nauseating churn, an exhilarating emotion that could paralyze their reason.


The vampire flapping its membranous wings screamed.

A brilliant glare struck their vision.

Light was the eternal nemesis of vampires.

Ariel, engulfed in pain as if her eyes were melting away, performed a fantastical airshow, swirling in the air.


The Seraph, clad in platinum full armor, watched the gathering of light with wide, bulging eyes.

Without a doubt.

The supreme Creator Deity had descended.

The stream of light connecting to the heavenly realm was aimed directly at the Demon King’s Castle. Overwhelmed, Belashiel screamed and pushed aside the suffering vampire before heading toward the Demon King’s Castle.


Her once white hair that turned gray began to revert back to pink.

Not only that.

Her eyes, which had turned pitch black, gleamed with a beautiful sky blue.

Beatrice opened her eyes.

With her heart more anxious than ever, Edanant wished for Beatrice to wake up safely. Yet, despite the fervent wish coming true, he felt no joy.

The reason was—

The Earth Mother Gael was currently possessing Beatrice’s body.

“Get back.”


She brushed Edanant aside, rising to her feet.

The emotion in her sky-blue eyes was as cold as ice.

Through her, Edanant felt the presence of the Creator Deity who had possessed Beatrice once more.

“Beatrice is safe. She just fainted for a moment. She should wake up shortly.”


With the Creator Deity possessing her, the numerous wounds engraved on the Saintess rapidly healed. Energy returned to her pale face.

Residues of the disaster remained within her body.

With that, Gael emitted divine energy, completely purifying the traces left by death.

“Edanant von Hohenberc. Your next objective is to usurp the throne of the Creator Deity.”

“…You’re quick to catch on.”

The monster that had borne the sins exited the stage, creating a vacuum. The momentary respite that the world had chosen would soon begin to engulf the world again.

They had to shift the tilted scales.

The arrival of a complete evil presence required the departure of a complete good presence.

The Creator Deity.

The apex of arrogance that had excluded all divine statuses while forcing its own sanctity.

The ultimate goal that Edanant and the divine status of war sought to achieve was, as Gael stated, to usurp the throne of the Creator Deity. Only when the being of absolute goodness, the Creator Deity, disappeared would they truly be free from the end of the world.

“The same goes for the Saintess Party. You drew me into the mortal realm using the Seraph Belashiel. Unfortunately, you couldn’t defeat me….”

“Are you… planning to knock me off the Creator Deity’s throne?”

“The Creator Deity should never have existed in this world. For a being that monopolizes faith in a realm filled with more gods than stars in the night sky to exist… The end of the world began the moment it desired to be loved by all the people of this realm.”


Returning to a world where the Creator Deity had not existed.

At Edanant’s bold words, Gael contorted her beautiful face, unleashing her emotions.

Her existence was being denied.

It felt akin to negating all her efforts thus far.

She merely wished to protect all the believers.

She simply desired to be loved by all her believers.

Becoming the Creator Deity,

Erasing the disaster of innocence that threatened humanity,

Yet such actions birthed a ‘gray’ entity that would consume the world. As the appearance of absolute goodness had disrupted the scales of good and evil.

“It’s time to exit the stage, Creator Deity.”

The declaration of war threatened the Creator Deity’s throne.

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